The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 131 The stage of tacit understanding

Xu Xian felt her mouth was on fire, and her beating heart seemed to burst at any moment. Although she usually exercised, she ran so desperately for nearly three kilometers that she couldn't catch her breath.

If it wasn't for the hands in front of her that had been pulling her, Xu Xian must have been sitting on the ground now, and when she stopped again, she didn't know where she was, and she was just spitting non-existent saliva on the ground.

"This is Xu Xian, we are late." Li Menglong pulled off Xu Xian's mask roughly, and the conductor opened the small door while being stunned.

Li Menglong didn't know where the backstage was, so he could only rely on Xu Xian to brush his face and broke into the square. This time the singing venue was a stage in the square, so there were people standing in front of him.

"Have you watched my variety show? Is it good?" Li Menglong lowered his head and surrounded Xu Xian with a few security guards, and squeezed in from the side. At this time, Li Menglong was very relieved to hear Li Shungui's nonsense voice on the stage, and he didn't raise her for nothing.

However, it is impossible for Lee Soon Kyu to talk nonsense until Seo Hyun arrives. We have chatted for nearly ten minutes and have not sung a single song. The managers and organizers on the side are a little anxious, but Taeyeon can only say: " Here's the first song for you."

Hearing that the music was already playing, he looked at the crowd in front of him. Originally, they planned to retreat and go around behind the stage, but now it was too late.

Li Menglong made a decisive decision, carried the weak Xu Xian on his back, and then sincerely asked these security guards: "You have also seen Xu Xian's state, please you if you can go on stage, and wait for me in the backstage later, I will I will thank you all with Girls’ Generation.”

The dual identities of the small character and the male animal made the blood of several security guards boil. The explosion of the small universe began to push and push the crowd around, and Li Menglong was also breathing the thin air in the crowded crowd.

Xu Xian's brain is still in a semi-hypoxic state, and now she only knows that Li Menglong is carrying her back, and the sound of a violent heart beating can be heard in her whole head, and the surrounding air is getting more and more turbid, Xu Xian has to wake up more frequently. breathe.

Li Menglong could almost see the stage in front, but the last few floors were also the most densely packed, after all, everyone wanted to stand in front.

Several security guards were already exhausted, and Li Menglong yelled: "See you backstage!" Then he lowered his head, put one hand behind his back to support Xu Xian's buttocks, and at the same time fixed her.

After that, he didn't know how far he was headed, kicked, and pulled by his hands. All he could feel were people, crowded in all directions like a can.

Gritting his teeth and exerting his strength again, he finally rushed out, ignoring the fresh air, Li Menglong found the security guard who was controlling the crowd in front, and his voice could not be heard at all.

He directly pulled the other party's collar and pointed at Xu Xian behind him. The other party looked carefully with a flashlight, and let them go over in surprise. A few meters ahead, there was a stage performance.

After rushing all the way from Jeju Island, Li Menglong actually had the urge to cry, what is it all about.

Fortunately, there is still the last step, half a hundred miles away, Li Menglong does not want to fall at the last step.

Put Xu Xian down, let her half lean in his arms, and at the same time take off his hat and fan Xu Xian vigorously, the other's red face seemed to be cooked.

There was no time for Xu Xian to relax, she just opened her eyes when she saw Li Menglong's anxious eyes: "Are you awake? Who am I?"

"Dream Dragon oppa!"

"Okay, next I tell you to listen, don't ask." He fanned her non-stop: "Now we are at the bottom of the SNS stage, and we are singing oh now! I will lift you up in the middle of the song later , you go directly to Lee Soon Kyu and follow her movements and positions, do you understand?"

Xu Xian looked at Li Menglong blankly. Although she heard what the other party said, she couldn't understand what was going on for a while. Immediately afterwards, she seemed to be flying through the clouds, and she was hugged by Li Menglong and ran forward.

Li Menglong kept touching her along the way, and her mask, hat, and coat were scattered all the way.

When Xu Xian was thinking, he only heard a loud roar in his ear: "It's now, let's attack, girl!"

Then she was thrown out like a sack, the opponent's strength was well controlled, and there was no pain at all, but it would be more appropriate to say that Li Menglong had no strength.

"Go to Li Shungui, run!" Finally, Li Menglong's hoarse roar was vaguely heard, but it was almost inaudible when it reached her.

Relying on instinct, Xu Xian stroked her hair, and at the same time pulled the hem of the sweater vigorously, and staggered to run forward. Now she only has three words in her mind: Lee Soon Kyu.

Since she was almost dragged off the stage last time, Taeyeon has been keeping her eyes open in such informal occasions, so she was the first to spot Seo Hyun who was running from the side.

However, she was standing at the front of the line, and it was impossible to do anything, so she could only poke Pani's belly with her hands behind her back, and then pointed in that direction.

Pani imitated the news to the back, and Lee Soon-gyu at the back finally received the news, and with the help of the front back, he secretly waved to Xu Xian with his short body.

At this moment, Li Shungui is undoubtedly a real sun in Xu Xian's eyes, with its own light source, shining brightly, rushing directly into Li Shungui's arms, causing him to stagger.

Fortunately, Lee Soon Kyu's territory was low, and he was able to withstand Seo Hyun's impact. Then he straightened Seo Hyun, and took out the microphone that had been pinned in advance from behind. She absolutely believed in what Li Monglong said, and she did not let her down.

A microphone was stuffed in Xu Xian's hand, and at this moment his brain was finally cleared up a lot, at least he could not connect the cause and effect well enough to know that she was on the stage now.

Then, when she was listening to what song and which passage it was, the figure in front of her suddenly separated, and even Li Shungui, who was beside her, ran to her front side.

The entire formation is in the shape of an inverted V. Almost every song in my childhood had this formation. Standing neatly is very domineering.

Although Xu Xian didn't know which song it was, but as the last one, she was definitely right to walk forward. Rao Xu Xian's basic skills are solid, and her dance steps are solid in memory, so she can't remember anything in this situation.

But looking at the audience in the audience, a ray of inspiration struck, I saw Xu Xian stepping on the catwalk and deliberately took a few steps forward, then raised his hand high, and at the same time a dolphin sound directly burst into the air out.

The audience in the audience knew in advance that Xu Xian would not come today, but when they suddenly saw Xu Xian appear, the surprise was doubled, let alone such a special "stage", so everyone gave the best Big applause.

Seeing the youngster's clever performance, Li Shungui guessed that this was due to staying with Li Menglong for a long time, otherwise the former youngster would not have had so many ghostly ideas. While singing his own part, Lee Soon Kyu led the team sideways.

So on the stage there were eight girls in singing costumes singing and dancing vigorously; on the other end, Xu Xian, who was wearing jeans and a white knitted sweater without makeup, sang loudly by herself. Years of tacit understanding made the stage too harmonious!

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