The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1289 The passage of time

Yoo Jae Suk's face was definitely thick enough, so he took the initiative to leave without any embarrassment in facing Lee Meng Yong. The main reason was that on the one hand, he still had something to discuss with Lee Hyori, and on the other hand, there were more and more people outside.

The news released by Li Menglong immediately exploded in the circle of long-cherished wishes. In the past, everyone would support the girls' albums, TV series, etc. You must know that it is a support that girls can hardly see and it is based on everyone's personal love.

Now this is an event where the girls can thank them in person. If you don’t participate, you will be sorry for your long-cherished identity. But then you scolded Li Menglong. This bastard definitely did it on purpose because today is Monday!

Basically, Mondays are the busiest in any department or organization where we work. We have to deal with the accumulated work during the two days of rest and arrange the work plan for the coming week. In short, it really takes a lot of courage to ask for temporary leave on Monday. one thing.

As for the inconvenience for the students, it seems that the teachers have a special preference for Mondays. In short, the probability of roll call on Mondays is quite high, and for the student party, the transportation cost of flying to Jeju Island and back is not a small expense.

So to sum up, those who have money don’t have time, and those who have time don’t have money. The conclusion is that 99% of fans won’t be able to come, but when you multiply this number by one million, you will find that theoretically those who can come will also There are one thousand people, and even a tenth of these thousand people will be enough for the store to accommodate.

So I discovered a very interesting scene at the Jeju Island Airport that afternoon. Every time a flight from Seoul landed, there would be a small group of people as if they were secret agents on the street: "Are you here to eat?" "What a coincidence, so am I. !" "Then let's all take a taxi and go together. I heard that the queue will take a long time, and I have to take the five o'clock flight back to work the night shift!" "Me too, where do you work? I'm still single, you see. …”

Everyone is in love with the same idol, so since we are all single, why not try to solve it internally, and it is fate that we can meet and have dinner together in the huge crowd.

The girls still don't know about their role as matchmakers, but if they know, they will only be happy for them. As for themselves, they already feel numbness and resistance in their bodies, especially when the team goes out to call for new customers. The decrease is getting longer.

It’s okay for the girls to be tired. After all, they are making money and they are still filming the show. What they are most afraid of now is that fans will go to waste their trip. Although they have prepared quite a lot of ingredients in advance, it seems that they are still a little short now. .

Faced with this situation, Li Menglong had no other solution. He could only scold Liu Zaishi secretly. This loser ate several people's food by himself: "Let's receive the reception first. If it doesn't work, ask the remaining people to come when it's almost over." Let’s have a meal at a nearby restaurant!”

"It's a good idea, but you have to let Director Luo pay some of it. It's not all our fault!" Kim Taeyeon said in a very money-obsessed way.

"Well, go ahead and post a video online now, telling everyone not to come. We don't have enough time, and our food can't keep up. Remember to be friendly!" Li Menglong warned.

Kim Taeyeon waved her hand to show her understanding. They have more experience in dealing with fans than Li Menglong, so when Kim Taeyeon's video was released, many fans who planned to come over after get off work were quite frustrated.

However, there was still a small group of people who planned to come over overnight. Although Kim Taeyeon and the others were probably gone, it was good to take a photo of the shop, and they also had a trip and dinner on the way, so there would be no delay in going back early the next morning.

Li Menglong didn't know about this group of people who came over at night, or he didn't have time to worry about it. He seemed to be in a state of chaos and didn't know how time passed.

He didn't even know how to divide time. He only remembered that the first time he came out to show off was when he was about to open for business and gave sweet potatoes to fans. That should be at twelve o'clock; the second time was Liu Zaishi and his friends were leaving, and he came to see them off. It must have been after one o'clock by then.

As for when he came out for the third time, he felt like being fished out of the water to take a breath. Li Menglong almost greedily breathed in the fresh air without the smell of oil smoke, and finally he could see some different scenery in his eyes. This sunset was what happened?

Li Menglong didn’t even remember why he came out, but looking at the scenery, it seemed that it was their closing time. Seohyun on the side was in a similar state to Li Menglong, so it was Yoona who reminded them: “Oppa, shop The staple food inside has been sold out, but there are still people outside, what should I do?"

"Sold out?" Li Menglong rubbed his sore forearm. It was indeed time to sell out. He had been frying rice for almost three hours continuously. Even if it was one portion per minute, he would have cooked it for nearly three hours. Two hundred copies.

Although the fried chicken and pork chops at Xu Xian's place are not so much, they are not much less. Each of these people is very good at eating. They usually order two portions of the staple food, so Li Menglong and the two are so tired. From the looks of it, the number of people it received was actually less than 300 people.

For a small restaurant with an overall capacity of only about twenty people, so many people obviously exceed its reception range, not to mention that there are dozens of people outside now. This is what Yoona and the others said in advance, Part of the situation has gone away.

"Ah, the landlord's house has no food left. Why are you still standing here? Could it be that you are going to eat me!" Li Menglong sat directly on the ground leaning against the wall outside. He didn't even think about getting up for a while. Xu Xian She also imitated his appearance and put her head on his shoulder.

"We just stay here with the attitude of picking up the slack!" A leader said with a smile. Although he was a little regretful, there was no resentment: "Besides, we came here specially to support the girls. If we don't have food, it will be nothing. We will fly back to Seoul as soon as you get off work."

"It's so pitiful to say that we are not human beings inside and outside, ah, we have let you go a long time ago!" Li Menglong said with a smile and curse: "Come in, everyone, squeeze in if there is room, and sit on the floor if there is no seat. Don’t expect anything delicious, just share what’s left and share your interest!”

Li Menglong waved to this group of people, and the remaining thirty or so people swarmed in. It didn't matter if they couldn't eat anything, as long as they had this experience, at least they could brag about it to their other friends later, right? .

"Help me up, I can fight again!" Li Menglong roared exaggeratedly, but the girls may have disliked his state, so even Xu Xian walked in silently, she had to confirm that there was still What can I eat?

The pork chops are 100% gone, and the chicken pieces only have a few raw chicken breasts, which were used by Li Menglong when making chicken rice bowl. As for Li Menglong, there are only some raw potatoes, tomatoes, etc. left. It’s all these bits and pieces, and not much.

At least Xu Xian couldn't think of what to do after seeing this. He could only wait for Li Menglong to come in. However, Li Menglong really didn't want to move now, so he directly said to the fans: "Let us rest for a while. Do you have any opinions?"

Of course, I have no objection. I can stay with the girls for a while longer. Although the girls' physical strength is exhausted, they still have the strength to talk with these people, so this place is more like a tea party between idols and celebrities. , especially after Xu Xian brought the tea.

Director Luo smiled bitterly in a corner where the camera couldn't catch him. The show had become completely unfamiliar to him. A shop that became so popular was completely beyond his original intention. Fortunately, Li Menglong firmly controlled the show. Rhythm.

A person's vision is really hard to explain. It's like a director's acting skills are definitely not as good as an actor's. After all, everyone has studied and eaten this kind of food, but a director can tell actors a story. !

This is the advantage of standing high. Although Li Menglong is just an ordinary guest on the show, he is still a director at heart, and he is a director in the same line as Director Luo, so there is confrontation, but the core rhythm of the show is still there Smooth operation.

Just like Li Menglong's decision now, if he hurriedly entertained these fans with his tired body, he would probably have some laughs, but he chose to rest, let everyone chat, and chose a more healing method.

Maybe the last part won't be broadcast, but from the inside, what Li Menglong left in the camera or wanted Director Luo to edit are these similar scenes. That's why Director Luo was disappointed, because as a director, he was actually invited by a guest It was firmly under control.

The key is that Li Menglong's ideas are more in line with his, which is troublesome. Director Luo doesn't even have the confidence to quarrel with him, Li Menglong. When the show is broadcast, Li Menglong will probably have something to say again. Sometimes he has to talk to people who are too smart. Cooperation is also not good, and it is easy to lose the sense of accomplishment!

No one can really guess what Director Luo is thinking. He was just a clay Buddha here at least in the last few days. He would only appear when Li Menglong wanted to take advantage. Of course, now it has developed to the point where he occasionally appears. Have a fight with the girls!

"Hey, it's really tiring to earn this little money!" Li Menglong rested for a while and slowly stood up: "Although there may not be much food left, you still have to pay what you have to pay!"

"Hey, don't worry, why are we freeloading in a girl's shop!" Fans said in disgust, as if they were insulted.

After nodding at the group of people, Li Menglong turned around and walked to the kitchen. Looking at the remaining things, he also had a headache. The key is to go out to swindle money. There must be some quality: "Get up and swindle... We’re done, don’t they want drinks?”

"All the coffee beans are sold out, only tea is left!" Pani spread his hands. As for the yams and papayas, they are gone faster, which is troublesome even if the business is good!

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