There is never a lack of beauty in life, but a lack of eyes to discover beauty - Rodin!

This sentence can be translated into many similar words, such as "I am born with talents that will be useful," for example, "Thousand-mile horses always exist but Bole does not always exist." In short, Xu Xian's yam juice has its own advantages, but These short-sighted people just can't see it.

In order to pursue maximum health, Xu Xian's yam juice is most commonly used to combine milk and yam without adding anything else. This is also the most hated method among girls. Then after everyone complained, an improved version appeared, which added some honey, fruits, etc., but the amount was quite small.

Girls often secretly put some sugar in it. The yam juice itself is not bad to drink, but Xu Xian pursues health too much. It cannot be said to be a bad thing. At least Li Menglong drinks it very well.

And his idea is a free-mix version of yam juice. Only milk yam juice is used as the most basic base. Customers can choose what to add to it, such as honey, sugar, strawberries, and apples.

Of course, this can't be solved with 3,000 yuan. It's not too much to charge 500 yuan more for adding one more thing, right? Doesn’t this make business work? Xu Xian’s yam juice will definitely become one of the best-selling drinks, a real hit!

It's just that Xu Xian was a little depressed, which was a bit out of her original intention. Fortunately, Li Menglong comforted her in time: "If you think so, if you don't make changes, these people will never be able to drink such a healthy drink. Although my health is a little worse now, it’s still better than Coke, right? Besides, it needs to be changed bit by bit!”

Li Menglong was quite good at fooling Xu Xian, so he made Xu Xian happy again in seconds, and then Yoona's papaya milk received unanimous praise from everyone, especially the female group.

Yoona herself is a picky person, so how could something that she drinks every day taste bad, and it also has extra effects? This one is also going to be a hit, and it’s priced at 4k, so after all it’s It is considered to be at the level of medicated food, so it cannot be justified without increasing the price!

As for Pani, it was an unexpected surprise. To put it bluntly, coffee is just a blend of original coffee solution and milk. If the ingredients are good, it doesn't seem to be difficult. Of course, that's just the most basic.

Pani actually went to learn latte art coffee! Li Menglong looked at the cartoon pattern carved into the milk foam on the coffee in front of him and couldn't bear to drink it. As for Pani, he was so proud that he never thought he would have such a brilliant day!

Learning this was just out of boredom at first. Of course, there were also some sorrows unique to adolescence. For example, if a star couldn't do it anymore, would she have any survival skills? So I went to learn this on impulse, but it has never been used, and the coffee shop is nowhere in sight.

I didn’t expect that this skill would come into play today, and I’m not happy for anything else. At least I can use this skill, and it’s not a waste of time. “Everyone, let’s have a taste. It’s a pure American taste. I I’ve tried it in many coffee shops!”

Don’t say anything else. Pani’s coffee and craftsmanship are directly priced at the highest price of 5k. Don’t be too expensive. Isn’t this the cost of latte art? The tuition fee for Pani's study was too much. As for the labor cost of Pani's study, it was astronomical. She had this time to go running and do activities. How much money did she make?

Three types of drinks are enough, and some canned drinks that you can drink directly should be enough. If there are more, the girls will be too busy. Besides, food is the highlight, and drinks can only be made so much. It's over.

In fact, it would be a more reliable idea to let girls run a coffee shop. It doesn't take up much energy, and the girls can look good throughout the whole process. But this is not in line with Director Luo's core philosophy. What's the point of these celebrities not being miserable? Want to see how celebrities become successful?

Li Menglong has also done variety shows, and can even be said to be Director Luo's eldest disciple, so he didn't even say anything similar. Since it is a variety show, it should have the appearance of a variety show. Besides, it doesn't necessarily mean that he can't open a restaurant. The slap on the face is also a good point to watch.

The staple food Li Menglong meant to cook steak, just watch the heat, but the girls were unwilling. Is there any technical content in this kind of thing? Isn't it deceiving the customers when they take it out? Every one of them is filled with indignation.

"Then tell yourselves what you can do, provided you don't take me with you. You must have someone who can make the dishes independently, otherwise it will be too late to serve the dishes!" Li Menglong spread his hands and motioned for them to think about it by themselves. Li Menglong doesn't care about customers.

Li Menglong really didn't have high expectations for the girl, so the chef would just wash the plates and arrange the side dishes for him. The only requirement was that he could make a dish independently without his help. It seems that steak is very suitable, tsk tsk!

While the girls were left to discuss, Li Menglong had already turned to go to the kitchen, and the production team was divided into two groups. Although the girls were more beautiful and famous, Director Luo and his team of writers still followed Li Menglong. Behind the scenes, not even the girls can take away Li Menglong’s presence in the show.

Although Li Menglong has shown off his cooking skills in front of the camera more than once, fans are still suspicious as if they are inertia. This is not their fault. Even people like Director Luo who often eat Li Menglong's cooking will subconsciously forget it. .

Li Menglong's identity really doesn't match that of a chef who can cook. He even felt like he was watching a TV series. So when Li Menglong skillfully cut various side dishes, the people filming behind him let out a cry of surprise. call.

"Menglong is such a good man. After this program is aired, it will probably bring pressure to all men!" Chief writer Li Youjing said jokingly from the sidelines. Like Director Luo, she is also a restless master.

I have written scripts for so many popular TV series, but in the end I am still willing to work with Director Luo on a variety show. I feel like I have been brainwashed by Director Luo. However, it must be said that filming variety shows can be addictive. The prerequisite is not to be a guest. .

The last thing he wanted to see was Li Menglong being in the limelight, so Director Luo said bitterly and sarcastically: "Don't think that he is like this in private, that is, just pretending in front of the camera!"

"Then you come and pretend!" Li Menglong retorted directly: "I hate people like you the most! You know you can't do anything, but when someone makes some achievements, you brag about how great it would be if you did it instead. How awesome, are you qualified?”

"Director Luo, I don't know what you are thinking. Anyway, I can't bear it anymore. Do it too and make our team lose face!" Li Youjing encouraged from the side. Director Luo is really shameless. When he came out, he never objected to being on camera.

Comparison is harmful. Li Menglong cuts vegetables as if he is an artist, with quite a rhythm and rhyme; while Director Luo is just a chef. He is still hesitating about peeling a radish. How can they do such a thing? Would you know?

Abilities are often interconnected. Excellent people are often good at more than one aspect. For example, Li Menglong is good at coordinating the overall situation, so he cooks with a certain fluency, and his movements basically never stop, as if Every aspect is printed in his mind in advance.

The beef was diced and seasoned and stewed with the potatoes. While the potatoes were stewing, he started chopping vegetables like crazy. There were more than a dozen kinds of vegetables that were either diced or shredded, making everyone think that he was going to make a mess. Stewed.

Naturally, the ultimate trump card of stew cannot be taken out easily, so Li Menglong's side dishes are gradually taking effect: tomatoes and eggs, mushrooms and cabbage, hot and sour potato shreds, mapo tofu, kung pao chicken...

Li Menglong didn't turn off the fire the whole time, and the two pots kept cooking back and forth. Director Luo had given up the idea of ​​cooking by himself and started to help Li Menglong wash the pot. Not to mention the taste of the dishes Li Menglong fried, the presentation was also extremely good. It looks good and smells drool-worthy.

Director Luo threw the radish into the beef, and he could eat it after waiting a little longer. However, unlike everyone's imagination of using chopsticks directly, Li Menglong actually served the rice separately, and then used a spoon to cover the dish. on top.

This is Li Menglong’s main food – rice bowl! It's simple, versatile, and quick, especially dishes like beef and potatoes that can be made in advance and just poured on top when it's time to serve.

The way of eating is still a little bit fresh, especially after Li Menglong added fried eggs and kimchi as usual. This is an alternative version of bibimbap, and the choice is quite large, enough to be the main food.

The staff were no longer polite, and even the girls outside were attracted in. Each one started to choose their favorite dishes to top their rice. Yoona liked the spicy mapo tofu, and Seohyun liked it even more. Sweet and sour tomatoes and eggs. As for Lee Soon Kyu and Kim Taeyeon, they are obsessed with beef. What’s so delicious about vegetables!

The girls haven't had food from Li Menglong for half a month. As for the staff, they really felt that they had exceeded their expectations. It was like walking into a hair salon at random, and the girl inside turned out to be a star. What a joy. !

Everyone ate quite embarrassingly. Director Luo relied on his identity as a director and put some of the dishes on his plate. The mushrooms were delicious, the shredded potatoes were also good, and the radishes in the beef were all delicious. It was really him. Sliced ​​radish!

If he was a little worried about Li Menglong at the beginning, now he is even more hesitant. Should he set up some difficulties for them? Otherwise, once the restaurant makes a lot of money, what will the program team do in the end?

Director Luo was even a little lucky that the shop he chose was not big. He couldn't handle many people in a full day, so he felt at ease again and scraped off the last bit of soup in the pot. It was really delicious!

"Is the food okay? Then prepare to pay!" Li Menglong's devilish voice floated over!

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