The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1264 I’m hiding this from you

Finally, they arrived at the gourmet restaurant that Director Luo and the others were looking for. It was in a small village by the sea. I don't know if it was considered a popular tourist location, but the scenery on the seaside was indeed not bad, and the restaurant was right next to the seaside.

Although the temperature in October is already very low, Jeju Island will feel quite comfortable as long as there is not too much sea breeze, especially when the midday sun shines on you, accompanied by the sound of waves crashing in the distance. Everyone wanted to jump two steps briskly.

Naturally, a restaurant in such a beautiful scenery must meet the temperament, at least it cannot be a hindrance, otherwise even Li Menglong will be disappointed. Fortunately, this is the place that Director Luo and the others have selected and confirmed after more than a month of research. The restaurant that has been renovated after intensive decoration has reached the level of Girls' Generation's appearance in terms of appearance alone.

At the end of a road that leads directly to the seaside is the restaurant. At first glance, it is still a wooden structure, with the original color of the trees exposed on the outside, but the roof is uniquely painted sky blue, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

The overall decoration of the restaurant is very warm. In fact, it can be said to be a small resort hotel. There are a few deck chairs outside, and there is a stove in the middle. Waiting guests can sit here and bake their hands. Let’s chat, and maybe even get some sweet potatoes, potatoes, etc. to eat.

This small detail makes people feel good. At least it proves that the store is not trying to make money desperately, but puts customers first. Of course, in this kind of beautiful scenery, an open-minded boss is really needed.

But this doesn’t mean that you will lose money. The same dishes eaten here should be at least 30% more expensive than in Seoul. Don’t be unhappy. Who cares about the money if you can go here to eat? The view and the food are a comfort!

Silently giving a thumbs up to the boss here, Li Menglong admired the person who could come up with this trick. Of course, he also observed a few minutes of silence for his wallet. A meal for these dozen people would probably cost seven days. Number of digits.

Li Menglong was too immersed in his own little calculation, so he didn't notice that except for himself who was walking in front, Director Luo and others were several steps behind him. The picture shown in the camera was that he was visiting the store alone.

He took off his shoes at the door, and there were still solid wood floors inside. Li Menglong really felt that the owner of this restaurant was crazy. He opened a restaurant, not an exhibition hall. To everyone's surprise after entering, the space inside is not very large. There are only four tables that can seat more than a dozen people, which is a bit crowded.

The back of the hall also extended out to the outdoors. There was an extended table there, but it was already open-air. Although the scenery was nice enough, it probably wasn't warm. At least Li Menglong didn't want to sit there and eat.

On one side of the hall is the completely open atrium. You can see that this is the front desk, which has the functions of cashier, making coffee drinks, passing dishes, etc. The design is quite clever, and through a small door on the opposite side, you can You can vaguely see the kitchen.

The store as a whole is very warm. I don't know if it is intentional by the store. There are not many customers that can be received in the store. From a normal person's perspective, it may be that the store feels that it needs to receive every customer more sincerely.

But in the eyes of a slightly twisted person like Li Menglong, this is just to increase the price again: Have you seen our restaurant? This clearly tells customers that our store focuses on quality, and of course quality and price are linked!

He rubbed his forehead again. It seemed that Director Luo and the others would not let Li Menglong go if they didn't eat enough today. Fortunately, Li Menglong was not afraid of trouble. Men, even if they were cheated, they had to endure it: "Boss, we have a guest. Got it!"

Li Menglong shouted but no one answered. Only then did he realize that the store was unusually quiet. He curiously walked towards the kitchen and was immediately conquered by the beautiful scenery in front of him.

The kitchen is a completely open view, with a circle of windows open. Opposite is the sea a few meters away. The blue sea and the blue sky in the distance, plus the dark rocks nearby, look like a painting through the window frame. ah!

Li Menglong felt that this boss really knew how to enjoy himself. He was probably not short of money at all. He could cook in this environment and look up at the beautiful scenery given by nature. He already wanted to use this kitchen, but the idea just came to him. Li Menglong suddenly started to get angry.

This feeling has really not happened for a long time, and even thinking about it makes me a little scared. Considering the various causes and consequences, Li Menglong really doesn't want to believe it, but he has to face everything in front of him.

Apart from anything else, it was only then that he discovered that everything in the store was new, including new floors, tables, decorations, and even the pots in the kitchen. It couldn't be a coincidence that the gourmet restaurant that Director Luo and the others were looking for happened to be. Just opened it?

Once Li Menglong has doubts in his mind, there are all kinds of flaws that cannot be hidden at all. For example, there seems to be a woman's hat on the chair in the hall. For example, there are several obviously drunk cups over there where the coffee is made. For example, there are a few clearly drunk cups in the kitchen. Under the window, you can faintly hear some small words from the sound of the waves.

Glancing back at Director Luo behind him, Li Menglong asked casually while filling a basin with water in the pool: "Why are you so far away from me? Come here and chat!"

Director Luo was not sure whether Li Menglong had noticed it, but when a normal person faced this situation, he shouldn't have approached his boss. Why was Li Menglong as calm as if he was in his own kitchen, and even took out a bottle from the refrigerator? I drank the milk on my own.

In fact, the authorities were confused. The surrounding staff could see it. Li Menglong seemed to have guessed something, but they couldn't speak. The war between Director Luo and Li Menglong was also a good material. I believe many viewers would like to see Director Luo. A depressing scene.

It's just that Li Menglong can't take care of Director Luo now. He has plenty of time to clean up. Compared with the girls, Director Luo made a small mistake. Why didn't he tell him that these dead girls were back? What kind of prank are you doing with Director Luo? You can't tell the difference between closeness and distance, right? Then Li Menglong will let them wake up!

So the camera faithfully recorded the next crazy scene of Li Menglong. He was seen holding the huge sink filled with cold water and facing the window as if watering flowers. A rather evil smile appeared.

Without any surprise, the row of girls squatting under the window, who were looking at the sea view and ready to stand up at any time to scare Li Menglong, were forced to stand up. To be precise, they jumped up. After all, anyone was poured cold water on them out of thin air. It will also jump.

The sea view outside the window was blocked, but the scenery now is not bad. A group of beautiful and effervescent girls were shaking off the water stains on their bodies frantically, and at the same time they kept screaming in various ways, even mixed with a few swear words. .

But no one came to blame them. After all, everyone except Li Menglong was shocked now, especially the staff. This Li Menglong was so cruel to the girls, would he let them go? When they thought about the consequences, everyone couldn't help but look at Director Luo complaining, it was all this man's fault!

Director Luo was wronged too. He was doing it for the show. Besides, it’s not like he has cheated guests before. It’s just that he forgot that this was Li Menglong, and the other side was Girls’ Generation. Why should Li Menglong be polite? Even if you beat him to death, it's all in vain!

"Ah, Li Menglong, you bastard! Don't you know it's cold!" The girls who finally came to their senses gave a righteous scolding, and a few grumpy ones had even climbed up the window to jump in to fight.

But are they a little too confident? Li Menglong shrugged easily and said quite innocently: "I was just pouring water. Who knew you would be there? Aren't you supposed to be on the plane? Did the plane make an emergency landing on the water and you swam over?"

The teasing meaning in the words is quite obvious, and the expressions are even more so. Since these people are deliberately trying to deceive Li Menglong, they must be convinced if Li Menglong sees through it and counterattacks. This is the rule of the game, and the girls are very concerned about this. familiar.

It's just that this time it was too much. They all became drowned rats. We can't be so cruel. Of course, the girls also knew that what they did was not very authentic. They didn't see each other for half a month. As a result, The first time they went to Li Menglong was not to talk to each other, but to stage a prank, which was indeed too much.

It's just that we can't blame them. It was Director Luo who came to encourage them and carried the banner of being for the benefit of the company. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the girls liked the prank itself, but the responsibility is all Director Luo's.

So Luo Yingshi found himself isolated. The staff blamed him, Girls' Generation complained about him, and Li Menglong despised him. In short, he was not a human being inside and outside. Why? He, Luo Yingshi, is also dedicated to serving the public good. It's all for the show. You can't treat him like this!

The execution of Director Luo can be temporarily postponed, and even the story of the matter can be understood later. Li Menglong must first find a place for the girls to take a hot bath, otherwise it will be very easy to catch a cold by carrying cold water and blowing the sea breeze all the time.

In fact, it was considered impulsive. Li Menglong felt uncomfortable looking at the miserable appearance of the girls. It was like spanking a child. When he was very angry, he spanked twice, but after spanking, he felt distressed.

But when he accompanied the girls to the resort sea view room ten minutes away, especially when they were wearing pajamas commonly seen in dormitories after washing, Li Menglong was no longer calm. Why did he throw cold water on them just now? Just boil the water and pour hot water on it!

Some naughty children should indeed be beaten to death. After all, they will become worms in society when they grow up. Li Menglong originally thought that the girls just arrived this morning, but it seemed that they would have returned at least last night, otherwise Where did these clothes come from?

In order to prank him, Li Menglong came back a day or two early without telling him. This was no longer just a prank, it was simply a waste of Li Menglong's feelings. You know, Li Menglong was quite excited when he heard the news about their return. After all, they hadn't seen each other for a long time. I miss you very much.

Of course, forget it now. These girls came back just to cause trouble for him. He must sort out the family tradition. If this continues, Li Menglong will be played to death by these girls sooner or later, so the nine girls in the picture are neatly arranged. They stood in a row against the corner, raised their hands into fists, shrugged their heads and began to reflect silently.

Of course, after thinking about it, they all thought that they were right and Director Luo was wrong, so they started to argue: "Director Luo discussed this with us more than two months ago. No, it should be It’s to seduce us!”

Director Luo really wanted to spit out his old blood. Do these people dare to be a little more ambiguous in their words? What is seduction? Just ask them if Li Menglong's cooking is good, what he is good at, and whether he would be willing to appear in some cooking programs.

At that time, it was just a very original idea of ​​Director Luo. It was just because girls always brag about Li Menglong, so Li Menglong's delicious cooking has become a label, especially after the broadcast of "Please Refrigerator" recently, Li Menglong is all He is about to be praised to the heavens. A president who can cook, even if he looks a bit ugly, is considered a rare animal.

So Director Luo took advantage of this trend to officially finalize the show. The time was not decided at first, but he just decorated the shop first. It was not until the girls went to Greece that all conditions became mature, so the plan It’s out.

They are all family members, so it is quite easy to discuss. The outline of the show is nothing more than Li Menglong and nine girls opening a restaurant in the picturesque Jeju Island. The cooking, serving, and the collision between ordinary diners and celebrity chefs and waiters are this variety show The core selling point.

The girls still gave positive comments about this show. Even Seohyun, who has never been interested in variety shows, is very interested. Let’s not talk about anything else. It’s like playing house in a big way, except in this show Here, when can they run a restaurant with their own hands?

Opening a small gourmet restaurant on the picturesque beach is basically an irresistible temptation for any girl, so from this aspect, it is not an exaggeration to say that Director Luo seduces them.

And what makes them even more tempted is that the diners on this show are all ordinary people. I believe there will be many of their fans among them. Being able to personally serve their fans, even though it is only a relatively small part, is enough for the girls to be happy, at least this It also shows their attitude of gratitude to their fans.

The concept of the program is unspeakable, and the program team is all his own. The key is that Li Menglong is accompanying him. If you don't accept this kind of program, you will be punished by God, especially since the girls really have time recently, so Director Luo took a contract with the company After walking around for a while, everything was settled.

Of course, the only one who was kept secret was Li Menglong, and no one asked him for his opinion. You must know that the core of this show is whether Li Menglong is good or not. Is it possible that he expects the girls to cook for ordinary people? Diners eat? That restaurant is really going to be smashed!

So things have progressed naturally. The girls came back here last night after resting all night, and planned to give Li Menglong a small surprise. Everything went smoothly, except that the result was a little unsatisfactory. outside.

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