The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1259 Chapter 1286: Dizzy

Until breakfast, Li Menglong was still gloomy. It wasn't that he was being petty, it was just that this thing was so unpleasant, especially looking at the smile Li Zhien showed from time to time. This dead girl might have done it on purpose.

Of course, it would not be appropriate to confirm again. In that case, the last fig leaf would be gone, so let’s eat quietly. But the tree wants to be quiet but the wind is not stopping. The little girl Li Zhien has to break the casserole and ask the truth: "Brother, what happened? What happened? Just tell me!"

"I told your sister!" This curse word was stuck in Li Menglong's throat. After all, it was still difficult to say it out. Moreover, if Li Zhien followed up with the sentence "I am your sister," how would Li Menglong answer?

The air became awkward again. Seeing that Li Menglong was forced to this point, Li Zhien was quite satisfied. In fact, she didn't know anything about last night. She really drank too much.

But what happened is not important. To be honest, Li Zhien can accept even the most extreme things. The key is that Li Menglong's current appearance makes Li Zhien find it particularly interesting. This damn girl actually thinks of teasing Li Menglong as a way to make herself happy. matter!

If Li Menglong knew her inner thoughts, maybe she wouldn't be so silent. Fortunately, Li Menglong found a new topic in time, and it was considered a small revenge and he went back: "Yeah, I said you didn't receive the ratings. , I feel like you can’t be in such a relaxed state now, right?”

This sentence is a direct punch, but Li Ji-eun hasn't felt the pain yet, because she still feels very good about herself. Not to mention other things about this drama, her and Jang Keun-suk's popularity is really no joke. Just relying on the fans of the two of them, it is estimated that the ratings will not be bad.

Although she usually needs to be modest, Li Zhien is not timid when it comes to saving face. As for the online comments, she didn't even have time to read them, otherwise she would not have picked up her phone with enthusiasm and was ready to slap Li Menglong in the face at any time.

Li Menglong naturally knew a lot about this drama. When the ratings reached double digits, Li Menglong ate the bowl on the spot, so he had a lot of time to eat ramen while looking at Li Zhien's little expression.

Although it is not as exciting as his expression in the morning, it can still make people smile. The original self-satisfied look has gradually turned into the incredible one now, just like finding out that your bankbook is empty at the end of the month. All the money has gone. Where is it?

Li Zhien also wants to ask now, where have all the ratings gone? Looking over and over at the short message forwarded by the director, she stubbornly believed that this must be an under-posted number, 6.3%? Are you sure it's not 16.3?

Although it can be said that the ratings of the first episode were not high, and it is even a common phenomenon, after all, the public also needs to have a little bit of recognition that a TV series is not good, and word-of-mouth and publicity also need to be fermented.

But Li Ji-eun is no longer a rookie on her first day. Can their drama apply this normal situation? The biggest selling point and core attraction of this drama is the fame she gained from the collaboration between Lee Ji Eun and Jang Keun Suk!

In other words, the ratings of the first episode should be higher than those of ordinary TV series. Then if the TV series is good, it will naturally increase. If the plot is not up to standard, the ratings will gradually fall back.

But what does a single-digit number mean in the first episode? Is it because the first episode was too toxic? So the audience voluntarily abandoned the show after watching it halfway or even a few minutes? Isn't this unfriendly to her?

Seeing the girl stunned there for a long time, Li Menglong felt a little distressed. In fact, he had just done it on purpose, intending to use a joke scene to make it easier for Li Zhien to accept this reality, but now it seems that the blow is still quite obvious.

"Don't think too much. The responsibility this time is not yours. It's all the fault of the screenwriter and director. Whoever you let to shoot this script is the result of this. A guy like Jun Ji-hyun is worse than you!" Li Menglong touched it while stroking it. The side of her head comforted.

However, this unnutritious argument obviously cannot make Li Zhien escape from this emotion. Now Li Zhien really feels a deep sense of frustration, especially now that she is going smoothly, this feeling has really not been felt for a long time.

The biggest setback for Lee Ji-eun since her debut was her first album. Because of the company's positioning issues, she was not popular when she first debuted. However, since her second album, she has soared.

Now that groups are in power, he has made a name for himself as a solo singer. It is no exaggeration to say that if there are new solo singers debuting in the near future or even in the next few years, they really should pay homage to Lee Ji Eun. This is all The market she opened!

As for getting involved in TV dramas, it is a natural progression. The last one, Lee Soon-shim, the best weekend drama, was a TV series that had never dropped 20%. It once made her think that she was quite talented in acting. It seemed that acting was just that. !

As a result, it was really like a blow to the head. It was quite painful for Li Zhien. She even felt a little dizzy for a while. She was so dizzy all the way to the set that she didn't know how she got there.

And she was surprised to find that the entire crew seemed to be in a daze. Of course, this was due to the hangover, but more importantly, it was because of the ratings of the TV series. Everyone's interests were linked to the TV series.

The performance of the TV series was not ideal, the actors' net worth plummeted, the director and writer's ability was questioned, and there was no need to think about the red envelopes for ordinary staff. In short, everyone was particularly depressed, except of course Li Menglong.

It’s not that he was gloating about his misfortune, it’s just that he had foreseen this outcome a long time ago, so it’s not surprising at all now: “Go and contact a coffee cart for me, preferably one that can make some pastries and snacks!”

This time, Li Menglong paid for it himself. He specially brought his wallet with him today. After all, this was the first time he had woken up in a clear mind in the past few days. As for asking the staff to help prepare these, it was because he felt that the crew Helping people need caffeine and sugar more now!

It stands to reason that the crew should be preparing to shoot now. Although everyone is preparing, everyone is absent-minded. What can they do in this state? Since the director didn't say anything, Li Menglong could only help make the decision: "There will be no filming this morning. Everyone can find a place to rest in the group."

Li Menglong's words were effective, not to mention the current situation. Everyone continued to pack the equipment they had just prepared in silence, preparing to find a place to think about it. Why did it end up like this?

To be honest, Li Menglong has no experience in similar scenes. After all, his group has always been successful. It may be affected by factors such as the media and public opinion, but the results are quite good.

But now this crew has poor performance and is being criticized by public opinion. Even fans of Li Zhien and Li Zhien can't keep up with the rhythm of the anti-fans. Now the only one who can stand up is Li Menglong.

If you directly scold fans and media, you will be at a disadvantage. You can only find a solution within the group. In fact, Li Menglong's first idea is to get these people together to say something, whether it is passionate or touching, in short To arouse the emotions of these people.

It's just that this method is really unrealistic, or that Li Menglong doesn't have similar abilities. It's okay for him to curse people, but can he wake them up just by scolding them? Not everyone has Jang Keun Suk's ability to bear it.

So Li Menglong could only place his hope on everyone's self-control, and he simply stayed with Li Zhien. This little girl was the person he cared about the most. To put it more bluntly, the crew's ratings were good and good. What does he have to do with it? As long as Li Zhien is fine!

Therefore, Li Menglong persuaded her all morning, and of course continued to accompany her. Finally, Li Zhien showed some smiles. Of course, the premise was that she recognized the reality: their drama had problems in the womb. It cannot be corrected the day after tomorrow!

It's a pretty good excuse. At least Li Ji-eun has accepted it. In fact, Li Menglong only said half of what he said. Although the script itself is not good, it can be saved if the acting is exciting enough, but forget it with Li Ji-eun and Dagen. .

With Li Menglong's treat of coffee and sweets, and of course a morning buffer, everyone was in a slightly better mood, at least able to accept the reality that their drama might be a hit or has already been a hit.

In fact, the main reason why everyone is in such a bad state is that the starting point of expectations is too high, and the contrast is particularly great when it falls. If everyone was like Li Menglong and concluded early that the script would fail, then they must be as relaxed as him now.

Seeing that the crew had already had lunch, Li Menglong felt that it was time to use some means. It was not a problem to be so depressed. Although he had no experience, there was always a first time. After this time, there would be next time. Experienced!

Faced with the current situation of low morale, Li Menglong gave up conventional mental stimulation and instead chose physical annihilation, which was more practical and easier to operate. The core idea was to keep everyone busy.

Squeeze all their physical strength, energy, and time, leaving them with no time to think about these things. All they can think about is work, work, and work!

Li Menglong has this kind of co-ordination ability, so after half an hour, the entire crew was as if they were stepping on hot wheels. No matter what you do, you have to trot all the way, otherwise you will not be able to keep up with the overall rhythm of the crew, then Li Menglong is about to curse!

He nodded with satisfaction. The current scene must have met his expectations. In fact, a better way is for the director to step forward and take all the responsibilities, whether it is for the team or the outside world, but this requires a lot of money. Courage.

Li Menglong is brave, but he really can't stand up for the crew anymore, so he should just get busy like this!

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