The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1211 Block yourself

In the entertainment industry, when it comes to the president who is the most frequent, the most fierce, and the most unrestrained in hacking his own artists, Li Menglong will definitely be the first. This loudmouth is really famous at least in the fan circle. .

Compared with the low profile of other CEOs, even if they occasionally appear on the show to talk about their own artists, it is just to promote their differences. Li Menglong's swan artists really don't care about the occasion or location, and they don't consider whether the blackness is too excessive. .

There are many reasons for this. For example, the most important thing is that Li Menglong is familiar with his artists. Can Girls' Generation be black? Can Yoo Jae Suk be black? Can Kim Jong Kook and his wife be black? No problem.

The second is that he does not hold any specific position, which means he has no constraints. The media and fans will not over-interpret it and just treat it as a joke. If anyone really believes that Jung Soo-yeon's leg hair is as long as one finger, then they can only say that he too naive.

In other words, so what if it is true, Jessica will not let fans see it, so it is difficult for fans to judge the authenticity of many things Lee Menglong revealed. After all, given his identity and the environment he is in, it is indeed You have access to quite a lot of insider information.

But it was impossible to tell whether Li Menglong’s joke was real or fake. This group of young fans who came from afar were obviously the first to come into contact with this very friendly president. Although they had seen it on the forum in the past, His various rumors and labels: warm man! Take care of your fans! Love teasing fans! Love spending time with everyone...

These good words are easier to understand, but there are also a lot of words like chattering, grabbing fans' support food, deceiving fans' pure emotions, etc. It's just that many fans don't believe it. People who stay with Girls' Generation every day , you are so rich, why did you lie to them?

But after really getting in touch with Li Menglong, I understood everything. To put it simply, Li Menglong has that bad taste of teasing fans, or deceiving them into expressing various expressions of anger, surprise, or fear, in order to satisfy him. Abnormal psychology!

"President Oppa, we will be in our senior year of high school next year!" A little girl finally couldn't help it anymore.

"So? I need to give you a gift for entering your senior year in high school? How about Li Shunkyu's autograph? I have a lot of those things!" Li Menglong sipped the porridge unmoved.

"It's not impossible!" The fan agreed to the gift first, and then explained angrily: "We are almost adults, we are not stupid children, you can't make up lies to deceive us!"

"How could our Soo-yeon Unnie sleep with Lee Soon-gyu just for a meal? How could this happen to our proud Unnie!"

Looking at the indignant little fans opposite, Li Menglong couldn't help but shake his head. In many cases, you can't blame him for making up lies. Even if he told the truth, these people wouldn't believe it either! Do you really think Jessica is a tough guy? It can only be said that they are too naive. In the dormitory of Girls' Generation, there are all kinds of conspiracies, betrayals and compromises all the time!

Because of Jessica's arrogant appearance, the other girls always feel a strange sense of conquest, so every once in a while there is a shocking conspiracy against her. As for the time when she slept with her, in short: Jessica was tricked, and finally she was dragged into her room by the pervert Lee Soon-gyu with her arms around her waist...

These fans are the first group to come, but there are many people who have the same thoughts as them. After all, this event is free of charge. It is a feedback from Jessica and sisters to the fans, so the fans felt that they came in advance to express their gratitude. Thank you is also appropriate.

After staying with the girls for a long time, Li Menglong also seemed to be crazy about being attracted by others. The more people there were, the more excited he became. He just happened to be sleepy by himself, so he even started talking about storytelling at the back of the store - the girls had to say s story!

Li Menglong used plain words to describe all kinds of absurd stories in the lives of girls, which made the fans sitting below excited. This trip was indeed not in vain, but he was forcibly interrupted not long after he started speaking. .

It was a classic scene about loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and justice, and Li Sanlang's three plays with the cute maknae, but the timing was not coincidental, and Li Soonkyu who came directly heard it, so the place that had just started was closed down, and the reason was very good. , Li Menglong did not obtain the authorization from the person involved!

Many fans were very sorry, but they were roughly pushed back by Lee Soon Kyu. Many fans accused Lee Soon Kyu of not caring for them, and Lee Soon Kyu even more plausibly said: "You are all Jung Soo Yeon's fans, why do you need me to protect you!"

"You're unreasonable, but we bought all your group albums!"

"Tch, you didn't buy it for me, I don't care!" Li Shunkyu shook his head proudly and pulled Li Menglong up. This guy really can't live without looking at her for a day, and he always says that Li Shunkyu is naughty. , is Li Menglong so reassuring?

Several girls at home rushed over, not to cheer for Jessica, but Seohyun's variety show is finally coming to an end. Today's meeting is the final closing scene, and the first episode has just been broadcast on TV. The fourth issue, the response has been quite good.

"Whoever asks me to be a variety show writer in the future, I will smack him in the face! Whoever wants to do it can do it!" Li Shunkyu squinted his eyes and leaned on Li Menglong's shoulder and fell asleep. He was so tired at this time when he should have slept in. .

Especially when other girls are working, the thought of the envious eyes of others when she sleeps makes her sleep even sweeter. As a result, her beautiful life is shattered.

It's all Li Menglong's fault for deceiving her in the first place, and Xu Xian, a dead girl, is also responsible. Knowing that she was soft-hearted, Li Shunkyu dragged her into the trap. Why did he agree to the price of less than 10 million in the first place? She worked so hard and the show was so successful. If she had known that it would cost him hundreds of millions, at least she would feel more balanced.

I came here early in the morning to tidy up the equipment and edit the content for the next episode. Before I knew it, it was noon. When I learned that Jessica was sleeping when they got up early to work, Lee Soon Kyu almost jumped up out of breath.

He broke into Li Enxi's office directly. Li Menglong didn't know the specific process of waking up. He just heard some sounds from the corridor: first, Jessica's scream, which was quite frightening; then came Jessica's scolding and Xiao Jingshu's Muttering; the last sound was the sound of Lee Soon Kyu and Jung Soo Yeon fighting.

"Cut your hair, otherwise the fans will think you are having an internal fight!" Li Menglong looked at the two people opposite who had messy hair and warned them silently.

"We fought in the first place, what can't we say? Moreover, I won!" Li Shunkyu said as if he had received a certificate, he was very proud.

As for Jessica, it was obvious that she didn't bother to defend herself. She just stood on tiptoes and looked down at Lee Soon Kyu with her taller height, indicating that the dwarf was not qualified to talk nonsense here. If Lee Menglong hadn't stopped him in time, there might have been another wave.

When they walked down, there were already hundreds of fans on the first floor. Li Menglong always felt like a knife-like gaze was staring at him. It wasn't until he looked at the boss's wife that he realized that there were too many people on the first floor. ! Delaying business!

Originally, he wanted to have a meal before leaving, but Li Menglong felt that if he dared to eat, the boss lady would dare to poison him, so he had to let Sister Jessica set out to prepare for styling, while Li Menglong and the other girls took a group. The fans walked out directly.

"The location of the small theater is about two kilometers away. Let's just walk there. Anyone who is willing to take a taxi is free. No need to force it. I welcome anyone who is willing to take me!" Li Menglong said to the crowd, but who would leave? ?

Although I am said to be a fan of Jessica, generally speaking I have long-cherished fans. Although I can’t see Jessica, Seohyun, Lee Soon Kyu, Yoona, and Pani are also very interesting. I can’t ask for this kind of opportunity. Coming.

Basking in the warm sunshine at noon, a group of people walked and moved slowly along the street. Along the way, fans kept buying various snacks and passing them to Xu Xian and the others, but in the end most of them ended up in Li Menglong's mouth. Although it won't make fans feel distressed, can he, Li Menglong, eat with a little emotion? That's not for him!

The girls have really experienced too many firsts since having Li Menglong, but this experience is still quite fresh. It is really comfortable to chat with fans, walk and bask in the sun.

Among them, Xu Xian was a little embarrassed to talk. Of course, it wasn't someone who was teasing Xu Xian blindly. Not to mention that Li Menglong was still here, even other fans would not let that kind of person go. It was everyone's praise that made Xu Xian feel Somewhat shy.

"Unnie, this show J\u0026K is really good to watch. I want to thank you on behalf of all fans of Soo-yeon and Unnie!" "Xiaoxian, please work harder in the future. It's best to film a variety show for each of your sisters!" "Yes, how about you come and film a group show? Our long-cherished wish will definitely contribute to the ratings!"

"It's not as good as you said. There are a lot of flaws in the show!" Xu Xian naturally said very modestly, but the faint little pride made people feel itchy.

And Li Menglong naturally did what all the fans wanted to do but didn't dare to do. He came over and gently lifted Xu Xian's cheek: "You little girl, it's because everyone sees your hard work." I praise you, so you can accept this with pride, you deserve it!"

The fans nearby naturally agreed. They really felt Seohyun's sincerity in this show. They could tell that many scenes took a long time to shoot, but in the end it only took a minute.

"I'm also a part of the show, okay? You guys have been paying less and less attention to me recently. Believe it or not, I will ban your idol!" Lee Soon Kyu came over angrily and put his arm around Seohyun's shoulders, threatening arrogantly. Fans nearby, but does her ban start from herself?

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