Zheng Xiuyan has gone crazy because she has lived until today to find out that she still has a talent for cooking, and she can brag about it in the future; Li Menglong and the girls are also going crazy, although this egg tart is not difficult I eat it, but I can’t help but keep eating it. If you eat too much of this food, you will get tired of it.

Maybe Quan Zhi is the only one who is still cheering crazily. As expected, idols are everything to crazy fans. It is obvious that this child is burping after eating, but he is still smiling and continuing to stuff it into his mouth. That look Li Menglong looked pitiful.

"Come over and have a chat. What have you been busy with in the kitchen? Is this how the show was filmed?" Li Menglong had to come forward and said. It could be seen that everyone was very grateful to him, even this little fan. After all, although he said that for idols Feelings are unlimited, but her stomach is limited.

Jessica didn't really want to come over, but unfortunately she had used up all the egg tart shells in the refrigerator. It was just a joke to ask her to make the dough herself, so although she was reluctant to give up, she still came over: "Don't worry, today I’ll buy the ingredients tonight, and I’ll make it for you when I get back to the dormitory!”

Xiuying and Hyoyuan immediately started cheering, not because they still wanted to eat egg tarts, but because they were not going back to the dormitory tonight. Anyway, they were not the ones who suffered, so it was okay to watch the excitement: "Come on, we were all just now It’s said to be very delicious! It’s indeed Jessica who can handle both the living room and the kitchen!”

"It's an exaggeration! I still have a lot to work hard on!" Jessica looked very humble. If it weren't for one of her fans at the scene, Li Menglong would have really couldn't help but expose her. He didn't know what he looked like in the dormitory. Points, right?

You can't always sit idle on a show. Fortunately, Xu Xian has also made adequate preparations. When it comes to the most classic game of Two Days and One Night, it's a blessing. All kinds of classic passages come from this, and there are many tricks. Get ready. It's also very easy.

Even though Xu Xian is usually too kind, people who really know her know that honest people are the scariest when they start to deceive others, so the four of them felt a little kicked in their hearts when they looked at the four glasses of Sprite in front of them.

The one who felt most aggrieved was Yoona. Why did she have to get involved when she was just a spectator? Of course, she doesn't care about playing games. Besides, there's a 1/4 chance that she, Yoona, can't be so bad. Even if I beat her to death, I wouldn't believe it!

So she didn't tell the difference, just picked up a glass and drank it. Sure enough, Yoona was lucky, a glass of Sprite was so refreshing, but this made the remaining Jessica sisters and Quan Zhiyi a little embarrassed. Three points There is a probability of one.

At this time, the boundaries between idols and fans will be blurred. After all, although they don't know what is in a cup of "Sprite", it is not something that people can enjoy. Jessica looked at it carefully and found that one of the glasses of Sprite had a lot of bubbles. This should mean that there was nothing wrong with this glass, right?

However, when the three of them drank the toast, Jung Soo-yeon sprayed it out in one sip. She thought that Xu Xian would add something else to the Sprite, but she didn't expect that Xu Xian actually took a glass of white vinegar directly, and the bubbles were just small pieces. Just effervescent tablets.

Looking at Seohyun who was pretending to be innocent, Jung Soo-yeon really wanted to throw this glass of vinegar directly into her face. This kind of maknae was raised in vain. Of course, there were also everyone who was laughing and slapping the table, and even Quan Zhi laughed to tears.

Fortunately, as a representative of luck, the price of a cup of latte was wiped out of Jessica's debt, but it was still far away from being repaid, especially after Jessica made so many egg tarts like crazy, Li Menglong and the others would not admit that it was They ordered it themselves! It was Jessica who forced me to treat him.

After more than an hour, it was time for Quan Zhi to leave. Although we didn't get along for long, she was really satisfied. Not only did she get to know the idols up close, but she also got a bunch of autographs, and even Jessica also sang a few lines acapella for her upcoming new song.

But before leaving, she still needed to make one last choice. Looking at the 200,000 yuan in her hand, she really wanted to give it all to Jessica. After all, her idol seemed to need this money very much now, but Li Menglong gave it to her. Money imposes a limit.

If she chooses not to give it to Jessica or give part of it, then the remaining money will be doubled fifty times and donated to charity in the name of Girls' Generation. This is too tempting for a kind-hearted child.

She could donate 10 million to charity with just one decision, but her idol was still looking at her helplessly! She felt that she had never made such a difficult decision in her more than ten years of life, not even when she chose whether to be a fan of Kim Taeyeon or Jessica Jung!

Looking at the pitiful 50,000 yuan in her hand, Jessica couldn't help but give Li Menglong a thumbs up. This choice was interesting and could also do good things, but was it too cruel to her, Jessica? If she hadn't just pretended to be pitiful, she probably wouldn't have even gotten a dime!

But she was too lazy to think about it. She was curious about who would come next. It seemed that today meant that she would always serve the fans. But didn't she realize that this show was centered on their sisters? Fans can only represent one group.

Seeing Li Menglong walking out with a dv, Jessica knew that someone was coming again. Was it just that the fans couldn't find the way? It wasn't until she saw the person coming that Jessica realized that it was clearly Li Menglong who had gone to pick someone up. As a star, it was not reliable to find the way in the alley.

"Unnie!" Jessica's shouting really gave Li Menglong goosebumps. The only person older than Jessica in the team was Kim Taeyeon, but Li Menglong swore that he had never heard Jessica calling her opponent "Unnie". She was a dwarf. I shouted a lot like that.

Therefore, Li Menglong also didn't expect that Jessica's name "Unnie" sounded pretty good, and the way she threw herself into the other person's arms like a baby was a bit too girly. This was quite inconsistent with her usual image of an iceberg and her positioning as a strong woman.

But fortunately, the picture is really beautiful. Both of them are more beautiful than flowers. The way they hug each other can make men feel that it is not impossible for the two of them to be together. As for the other girls, it is difficult to sit still, and they all Stand up and bow to say hello.

"They are all Xiuyan's sisters, so you don't have to be polite!" Park Minying smiled very kindly, but she was still a little polite, which is understandable. After all, she was not familiar with the girls in general.

There are almost no artists who can have a good relationship with all nine girls. You must know that so-called friends rely on private contact. Who else but Li Menglong has the energy to contact nine girls at the same time? Noisy enough to kill them!

Therefore, every girl will have some private social circles and friends, and occasionally she will take other girls to have a meal or something, but they are just friends of friends. As for Park Minying, she was invited by Li Menglong.

Originally, he was looking for a friend from Jessica's circle to come over, but after asking around, this person popped up. He didn't know how he met Jessica, but he could see that the relationship was really good, so Li Menglong called him. The other party agreed without any hesitation.

This is already very rare. You can see from variety shows that many celebrities only call one or two people when they are playing games. As for the other so-called friends, most of them are just casual acquaintances. Even when they call each other, There are also various phenomena of empty numbers.

Seeing her good sister coming over, Jung Soo-yeon naturally felt as if she was visiting her mother's family. Although girls are her true family, Jessica is willing to change her taste occasionally. Besides, you're welcome to talk to this person. They have been together since before their debut. The two have known each other since then and have cheered each other on until now.

In fact, girls are more like family to her, and this one is her friend. It doesn't matter who she is closer to, it's just a different position. For example, she is more feminine in front of Park Min Young: " You came here and didn’t even tell me? I’m really going to be angry!”

"I only found out about it the day before yesterday, okay? I made an announcement specifically so that I could come here today! Why don't you make me some coffee quickly?" Park Minying pushed Jung Soo-yeon's head without noticing anything, and the girls on the side almost looked at her. Stupid, this looks like another Lin Yoona. How can a person change so much?

Seemingly noticing the strange looks from her sisters, Jung Soo-yeon blushed for a rare moment. She was so excited that she forgot about this group of people, so she immediately regained her serious look and glared at these people, but it wasn't lethal enough. .

When Jessica was busy, Li Menglong found that it was him who was chatting with Park Minying. Li Menglong was really convinced by these girls. After all, you are all women and chatting about skin care and the like. Why should he, a man, come over to talk about this? ? Talk about cooperation?

And the little Crystal on the other side is already a little disappointed. The fans are not her fans, and the friends are not her friends. Is this still a show for their sisters? Isn't she just a foil? Jessica was naturally aware of this, but she believed that Li Menglong was prepared and that Li Menglong would not make mistakes in such basic details.

Sure enough, a nanny car parked at the door, and the remaining four members of fx, headed by Song Qian, rushed over. In fact, between Quan Zhi and Park Minying, they should have come over, but the event delayed some time. .

After the four people came in, they didn't have the same atmosphere as Park Min Young just now. After all, they are all seniors here, especially Girls' Generation, who were their direct seniors. They are still in the process of filming, so they must not do anything out of the ordinary.

Fortunately, Xiao Shuijing immediately hugged her up. As the saying goes, the family is not too poor. Even if FX is not as popular as the girls, the atmosphere in the team is a bit depressing, and even her relationship with Shirley is not very good, but that is still Her own team is also her closest relative in recent years.

How can I miss the girls when I stay here every day, even with tears in my eyes: "I miss you..."

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