The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1120 Oversleeping

Li Menglong kept having fun with the little crystal and Jessica at the other end of the company. He came up with all kinds of bad ideas from an absolutely amateur perspective, making the scene extremely happy. Originally, everyone was feeling anxious because of Jessica's continuous urging over the past few days. Disappeared without a trace.

Of course Jung Soo-yeon understood, but there was nothing she could do about it. She was not very good at words. This situation where she could communicate directly with the staff without any buffer made her very uncomfortable, especially when her sister was still around. , she is also eager to show her capable side, and everyone has vanity.

So Li Menglong's arrival was a help to her. Although Little Crystal couldn't feel it so much, she could still tell that everyone seemed to be a lot happier, and while joking, many of the problems that had not been solved after staying up late last night were solved. New ideas.

Looking at Li Menglong who was teasing her sister, Little Crystal always felt pity for herself. If this was her brother-in-law, wouldn't Zheng Xiujing be at the peak of her life? By then, she would have a TV series that exceeded 40 , a movie that has exceeded 10 million yuan on your right hand, this picture is so beautiful that you will be intoxicated!

It's just that while they are enjoying themselves here, the dormitory is extremely quiet. If you listen carefully or even lean on the door, you can hear two small snores. Although the sound is not loud, it is loud. The symmetry and length proved that both of them slept soundly.

Girls never have enough sleep. According to Lee Soon Kyu, they slept too little in the past few years. In order to have a healthy body in the future, they have to go back little by little. To make up for it, so sleeping an extra hour every day has become her slogan.

It's just that one hour is not easy to control, so timeout is simply a routine operation. The only difference is whether it is two hours, three hours, or one morning, and today is obviously the last situation.

Stepping on the hot midday sun, Li Shunkyu woke up reluctantly. Because the sun was shining on her buttocks, she had slept to the edge of the bed to avoid the sun. If she rolled further down, she would fall to the ground.

She squinted her eyes and glanced out the window. Based on the height of the sun, she very accurately reported the time: "Twelve ten...three". This can be regarded as an ability. If she were left in the wild At least a little bit stronger than ordinary people.

She stretched out, and she could only appreciate her exposed waist and good figure. She yawned and rubbed her shoulders and slowly walked out. As a result, she saw the note left by Li Menglong at the door. For a moment, Lee Soon Kyu felt that something was going to happen.

He jumped directly onto his bed and searched for his phone, and confirmed it again through a text message. The audition time was at one o'clock in the afternoon, and the time from here to the company would not be short, so Lee Soon Kyu could only pray Gently opened Li Menglong's door.

She really hoped that Yoona would just go there by herself when she saw that she hadn't gotten up, but hoping that this kind of thing was precious because it couldn't be realized, so there were no accidents. Yoona was riding the quilt and pouting. It's so sweet to sleep on your butt.

"I will definitely become a heroine, guys, cheer for me!"

Lee Soon Kyu was startled when he heard Yoona's shouting. Fortunately, he quickly realized that it was a dream. He checked the time again and didn't bother to be polite. He put his feet towards Yoona's butt. , What kind of warmth should you consider when you are racing against time?

It's just that it takes time to wake up from sleep, not to mention that Yoona barely slept last night, so it's even more difficult to wake up now. Since physical attacks are ineffective, Lee Soon Kyu can only use magic damage.

So when a popsicle was stuffed into Yoona's clothes, she jumped up from the bed as if she was lying. The scene was very messy for a while. Of course, before Yoona could come to take revenge, Lee Soon Kyu yelled directly. : "I'll give you three minutes to quickly find the clothes you need to wear for the audition. There are still forty-five minutes until the audition!"

Yoona was almost stunned, looking at the watch on the wall in a petrified state. It wasn't until Lee Soon Kyu put the popsicle in again that Yoona's soul returned to its original place. At this time, she didn't care about any complaints, accusations, or self-pity. If you can’t get on, it’s only right to leave as soon as possible.

There is no need for Lee Soon Kyu to give orders. How to return to a relatively visible past state in the shortest possible time is what girls are good at. After all, there are many similar situations during activities.

While Yoona went over to prepare, Lee Soon Kyu also started to follow his own thoughts and wrote down a few things to be done on a note, and then started to get busy. He put his phone on and called Lee Meng Yong. I was rummaging through the kitchen to see if there was anything that could give Yoona some comfort.

"Unnie, this is Xiao Jingshu, Oppa's phone was left here!"

Li Shunkyu no longer wants to think about why Little Crystal is in the company: "What did he do? Where is he now?"

"You should be preparing for the audition. Do you need me to go find him?"

"No need for now, but keep the phone open. I may need your help later!" Li Shunkyu had already started to dig through the refrigerator as he spoke, but the food was either frozen or needed to be heated. How could it be so? Much time.

In less than five minutes, Yoona had already changed into a set of relatively decent clothes. As she walked over, she wiped her cheeks with a wet wipe and sprayed moisturizing water on her head. In this way, she had completed washing her face and washing her face in thirty seconds. He came over to wash his hair and spat out the mouthwash: "Let's go, Unnie!"

"Wait for me for a minute, and then think about whether you have anything to bring!" Li Shunkyu looked at his pajamas, and it was obvious that they were not suitable for going out.

Now that time is so precious, it is obviously too luxurious to go to the second floor to change clothes. Fortunately, she is also very familiar with Li Menglong's wardrobe, but the clothes are okay, and they look cute if they are bigger, but Li Menglong's waistline is... The problem is, if she dares to wear these pants, they will fall off in a minute.

Fortunately, she suddenly found a pair of long johns, which were very elastic, so Li Soonkyu felt comfortable wearing them. Then she took out Li Menglong's big backpack, sunglasses, hat, and mask, plus tissues, Notebooks, etc., in short, everything that appeared in front of me was put in it.

After running and bumping all the way, the two finally got into a taxi. It was unrealistic to drive by themselves at this time. What if there was a car accident? And maybe a taxi would be even faster!

"It's useless to be anxious now, so you have to calm down. After being a star for so many years, don't you understand?" Lee Soon Kyu forcibly helped Yoona calm down: "You, Unnie, and I also have shares in the company. , I will send you in later even if you are late, so now quickly think about how to behave!"

Yoona kept nodding her head. In the panic, she naturally believed in her Ernie, so she kept taking deep breaths and looking at the script she had been holding tightly in her hand. She couldn't forget to bring this thing.

Li Soonkyu breathed a sigh of relief, but then he started rummaging through the backpack as if he was waiting for a child who was about to go to the exam room. Fortunately, he brought some food to Yoona before leaving.

First he opened the bag, then took out the seasoning packet, then squeezed the dough into pieces and sprinkled the powdered seasoning on it. He tasted it himself and nodded with satisfaction. This is the taste.

Then he picked up big chunks and fed them to Yoona. Occasionally eating some raw instant noodles had a different flavor. If he hadn't just brought out one pack, Lee Soon Kyu would have been unable to resist eating it himself, but now everything is dominated by Yoona. Bar.

Although it is not that she cheated her, she is still the eldest sister anyway, so she can no longer shirk her responsibilities. She has the obligation to take care of this little girl. Fortunately, she seems to have enough time, of course, provided there is no traffic jam. .

Lee Soon Kyu is going crazy. What kind of traffic are you stuck in at noon? It’s not the evening rush hour! What I heard from the radio was that there was a series of car accidents ahead, and the traffic might not be restored in a while, but time waits for no one!

Yoona was almost crying. She had been preparing for so long and worked so hard, so why not give her a chance to compete? Although it’s okay to be late, her appearance can easily make other actors think too much. Now, plus being late, could she still approach him with a shy face?

Li Shunkyu also scratched the back of his head anxiously. Fortunately, she did not give up. When Li Menglong was not around, Li Shunkyu had always been a good and reassuring child, a very responsible and responsible person.

So they quickly made up their mind, threw the mask and hat to Yoona, and then directly motioned to the driver to approach the subway entrance next to them. They were going to take the subway there. Lee Soon Kyu knew that there was a subway station near the entrance of his company. , after all, it is also the back door of Dongguk University.

It's just two popular celebrities taking public transportation without any staff. This is simply a joke. You must know that they haven't ridden on such a thing for many years, except for the occasional chance in variety shows. Besides, they have almost forgotten about things like subways and buses.

But this is not to follow the authority in a hurry, so Lee Soon Kyu started to sneak towards the subway entrance with the fully armed Yoona, as if he was a thief. Now if he is recognized, there is really no need to go, there is no one They shouldn't even think about coming out for two hours.

So the two of them were careful and careful. Fortunately, it was not a popular travel time, so there were not many people there. They looked around the subway station and found that neither of them had much confidence in the machine selling tickets, although they probably shouldn't. It’s difficult, but what if you buy the wrong one?

So the two of them walked close to the corner of the wall towards the manual ticket sales place. Of course, their behavior seemed a bit sneaky, so the two security personnel surrounding them surrounded them.

But Li Soonkyu, who was focused on buying tickets, hadn't noticed yet. She was wrapped up tightly like a secret agent. She threw a bank card and looked around: "Two tickets to the subway station at the back entrance of Dongguk University!"

"Sorry customer, it seems that the site you mentioned does not exist!"

"How is that possible!" Li Soonkyu pulled down his glasses: "Do you know about that SW company? Girls' Generation's company? There is a subway station near their company, just go there!"

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