The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1110 The last one

Yuli's feelings for Li Menglong are complicated, or she is the most sober among the girls. She is the last girl who is still defensive and indifferent towards Li Menglong. Of course, that was a long time ago.

Seriously speaking, Li Menglong was a complete stranger at least at the beginning. At that time, the girls all chose to move back home because they were popular, had a lot of personal schedules, and had just made a lot of money. .

It cannot be said that the girls fell apart at that time, but it is true that their relationship has weakened a bit. This has nothing to do with their subjective wishes. It is like roommates in college. No matter how good the relationship is for four years, they will be separated for a long time after graduation. Living, no matter how good the relationship is, will gradually fade away.

When Yuri knew about Lee Menglong, he was already living in the dormitory. Although she thought it was inappropriate for a man to live here, Lee Soonkyu and Kim Taeyeon, who were resident in the dormitory at that time, didn't have any objections, so she was much lazier. Having said that, it seemed like she was a little petty.

Then she heard all the news from her assistants and sisters. She helped Lee Soon Kyu organize variety shows, took Seohyun to film movies, became Lee Soon Kyu's boyfriend, and together they fulfilled Lee Soon Kyu's own ideals. That is, restart sw.

Even at this time, Yuli just felt that this might be a capable brother-in-law. As for the relationship, at least Yuli felt that there was no need to be more intimate. After all, breakups were very normal in the circle. If they were too familiar with each other, there would be embarrassment in the future. possible.

It's just that I don't know when she started to live in the dormitory regularly again. Yuli thought about this problem specially. It seemed that there was no special time, but the dormitory was always mentioned when the sisters chatted.

So unknowingly, Yuli, who was the last to move in, also felt comfortable in the dormitory. She might have been concerned about Li Menglong's presence at first, but she found that Li Menglong's rhythm with them was really good.

Yuli joked with everyone, hid in her room, gave the living room to the girls, and took them to eat together. Yuli, who went back and forth, actually acquiesced to Li Menglong's position. At least he could be regarded as everyone's friend, including her own.

It's just that private feelings are one thing. What touched Yuli even more was Li Menglong's behavior when s*m terminated the contract. It can be said that it was very difficult for the girls during that time. The pressure from the company came one after another, even if they were Li Menglong blocked the rest, but the girls were still very agitated.

Yuli has reason to believe that if Li Menglong had not been around during that period, the girls would have either only signed a few contracts or they would have been collectively priced out and then renewed. After all, the chips in their hands were pitiful, and this also made Yuli a little bit extreme. It seems that your own interests should really come first.

Fortunately, Li Menglong's series of methods, especially the contract he gave them later, made Yuli's heart warm again. It turns out that there really is that kind of person, the kind of person who only cares about feelings and not about interests.

By this time, Yuli had completely recognized Li Menglong, but of course it was much later than the other girls. Regardless of whether she was defensive or high-spirited, in short, Yuli later recognized this oppa.

It's just that Yuli's personality makes it impossible for her to go over and pat Li Menglong on the shoulder and say directly that I approve of you. Let's get along like real brothers and sisters from now on, so Yuli decided to use another way to get along with Li Menglong, that is Once you become famous and start working with Li Menglong, your relationship will naturally improve.

It's just that the accident came like this. To be honest, Yuli hesitated for a long time before coming to see Li Menglong. Although her first reaction after learning about this incident was to come to Li Menglong, Yuli couldn't lower her head.

Although she has recognized Li Menglong, at least on weekdays, it seems that her relationship with Li Menglong is really average. Will Li Menglong think the same as her? Will you recognize her like you recognize Seohyun and Yoona? At least Yuli herself had no idea.

So the matter has been delayed and delayed, until today she really can't bear it anymore. Even if Li Menglong doesn't help, it's okay to just listen to her talk. After all, her family has been cheated like this. Li Menglong really doesn't help. It's also true.

It's just that the beginning was similar to what she thought. Li Menglong didn't agree to anything, or Yuli didn't give him a chance to speak. But after waking up, she saw the envelope on the table before she could feel sorry for herself, and her withered heart finally Become alive again.

At this time, Yuli's mind could no longer accommodate other thoughts. She just wanted to thank Li Menglong in person and sincerely. She wanted to tell Li Menglong that she, Quan Yuli, didn't think of coming to him only when she was in trouble or needed help. , she had recognized him as a family member a long time ago.

She opened the door suddenly, and the TV in the living room was still on. But before Yuli could continue to look over, she saw Li Menglong coming out of the kitchen biting an apple. Although his appearance had not changed at all, he was still too ordinary. , but in Yuli's eyes, he now has his own light.

Even though he didn't want to cry anymore, the tears flowed down uncontrollably. He felt aggrieved and softly called "oppa", and then ran towards Li Menglong regardless.

Li Menglong was naturally quite confused. Yuli looked like a madman. She opened the door and looked at him and started crying. Then she ran over. The next step was not to beat him up, right? Fortunately, Li Menglong couldn't move away even if he was beaten. What if he bumped into the girl, so he bit the apple in his mouth, opened his arms, and made a lunge with his feet.

Speaking of which, this is the first time that Li Menglong has hugged Yuli for a long time and in all directions. He is indeed the one with the best figure in the girl's generation. She is quite plump in his arms, and the size is suitable.

But the bad thing is that this head is suitable. Yuli's mind is blank now. She only knows that she wants to thank Li Menglong. In this case, is there any more appropriate action than a deep kiss? At least Yuli couldn't think of it.

So the girl closed her eyes, shed tears, and put her red lips towards Li Menglong with a trace of innocence and pity. Li Menglong is not Liu Xiahui. If the girls want to push him one day, say Maybe he still can't resist.

Of course, he had to struggle when he was pushed, but Li Menglong had always been able to partially accept a kiss of thanks. It was all a simple thank you and should be viewed with normal eyes, so he really hoped that he didn't have that broken piece of food in his mouth. Apple, what a delay!

It's just that he didn't dare to spit it out. Li Shunkyu was staring at it on the sofa. The risk of committing a crime against the wind was huge. At least Li Menglong was false, so Yuli's kiss of thanks made the apple cheaper.

Yoona learned another trick from the side. This picture is really beautiful enough. If it were placed in a TV series, the hero and heroine should eat the apple, and then get closer and closer while eating, and finally bring out the fragrance of the apple. A passionate kiss.

I have to say that Yoona's thinking this time is still reliable, but Li Menglong feels that orange is more suitable, and lychee is even better. But now that we are not filming, there will be no chance to call for another one.

If Lee Soon Kyu hadn't yelled that loudly from behind, Yuli might have pushed the apple away and kept trying, but it was something Yuli couldn't do to make love to her boyfriend in front of his girlfriend.

So she turned around and looked at Li Sungyu lying on the sofa with her lips curled up in surprise. No wonder she hadn't noticed just now. Yuli had no choice but to take action again. This time she covered her face and ran directly back to Li Menglong's room.

Li Shunkyu was really convinced. It would be dangerous if she didn't like this man for a while. Fortunately, Li Shunkyu had already made preparations for various wars. She planned to regard the job of caring for Li Menglong as her lifelong pursuit, and she must do it thoroughly. Target Li Menglong to death!

Sensing the murderous look in Li Shungui's eyes, Li Menglong immediately shrugged and raised his hands to show that he was green. As for whether Li Shunkyu believed it or not, that was another matter. She had already gone to the room to comfort Yuli. When this girl who didn't cry often started to cry, she still It's quite distressing.

As for Yoona, she walked over with a domineering step. After all, this was Li Menglong’s pigtail. She had to hold on tightly. She stood in front of Li Menglong without saying a word and slapped him on the top of his head, and then snatched the apple. , found the spot where Yuli had kissed, opened his mouth and took a big bite: "Wow, it's so sweet!"

Li Menglong slowly squatted down and rubbed his scalp with both hands. Why was it so tiring to get along with these girls sometimes? One came to seduce, one came to warn Li Menglong when he was impulsive, and the other came to ridicule him mercilessly. A wave.

It looks like these three people came together to entertain him. Fortunately, the faint crying coming from the room seems to prove that at least Yuli is unintentional. The sound sounds much better than yesterday. It is estimated that now it is to Xiang The sisters act coquettishly and complain.

With the old lady Lee Soon Kyu there to support her, at least Lee Meng Yong is not worried at all. In fact, the one who is more suitable for this job is Kim Taeyeon. She will definitely gently heal the trauma in Yuli's heart, and Lee Soon Kyu is probably more likely to do so. He was scolding Yuli along with her, in short, it was a disguised form of relief for her.

There were two large buckets of mineral water and many packs of paper towels placed at the door. Just in case, Li Menglong also placed a lot of pillows there, so that when he vented, he would be gentler than hitting the wall.

As for his room, it seems impossible to get in. Did Li Menglong have a place for him in the past when the sisters were talking to each other? Or can he get into that bed with a shy face? In fact, if Yuli really invites her, Li Menglong might be able to do it!

As for now, let's continue to make do outside. Fortunately, the bedding and everything are still there, which saves trouble. I lie down comfortably. I guess I won't be idle tomorrow. I'll see if I need to talk to Yuli's house. Yes, but his identity is not suitable.

Li Menglong doesn’t know what to do about the specific matter. We’ll see what happens when the time comes. Yuli’s wishes are the main priority. If she wants to break her brother’s legs, Li Menglong will help find someone. Of course, Yuli doesn’t care no matter what. It looks so cruel.

But comparing their feelings, although Li Menglong told Yuli that if they ruined his family fortune, Li Menglong himself would choose to forgive, but that all has to have a prerequisite, no matter how you say it, you have to be sincere. First, kneel at the door for three days and three days. Let’s talk about it tonight…

It was a rare day when Li Menglong was woken up by the girls. As for his actions, it can only be said that they were not particularly gentle: "Are you still sleeping? How can you sleep? Do you have any care?"

What he said, Li Menglong couldn't refute for a while except opening his mouth. Didn't the two of them sleep like pigs last night? Besides, now that Li Menglong has solved the biggest trouble, Shui Lai Tu Tun will Well, why can't he sleep peacefully?

But looking at the red and swollen eye circles of Lee Soon Kyu and Yoona, he didn't have the nerve to reply. Although both groups of people were trying to comfort Yuri, Li Menglong simply accompanied and listened, but Lee Soon Kyu and the other two felt the same way. , so I accompany Yuli to be angry, regretful, sad, and cry together...

However, after two days of companionship, the effect was very obvious. Although Yuli looked very haggard, her spirits were much better. At least she could still smile from time to time, which made Li Menglong feel relieved: "So? ?What’s going on now? Do you want to have breakfast together?”

"Eat, eat, eat, what else do you know to do besides eating?" Yoona stuck out her tongue after saying this. Li Menglong never said this to her in ordinary times. Isn't this asking for trouble? After all, these words are placed in the It's more suitable for her.

Seeing that the day was wrong today, Li Menglong didn't know the same thing as this little girl. However, it looked like these three girls had been chatting all night, but now they didn't look like they were going to sleep. Could it be that they wanted him to chat with them? ?

"Do you need to chat? We plan to go to Yuli's house, and you will be responsible for driving, understand?" Li Shunkyu said forcefully.

This sounds unpleasant to hear. If you want Li Menglong to come to the platform, why don’t you say something nice? Is it realistic to want to eat Haagen-Dazs with the money of Chocolate?

"You can just take a taxi there, I have other things to do today!"

"Hey, what's the matter with you? Your boss, Li Shunkyu, formally asks you to accompany me today. Is there anything wrong?" Li Shunkyu walked over, rubbing his wrist, the threat was very obvious.

Of course, Li Menglong still had some counterattacks, but when he saw Yuli with a pleading look on her face behind him, he endured it. Although it was just a joke between them, Yuli might not be able to bear the joke now.

"Okay, you are the boss, your boss!" Li Menglong waved his hand casually: "But let's agree first, I am going out to work today, so I won't pay for the treat, you are responsible for the food!"

After chatting casually for a while, the girls went to wash up and change clothes. Li Shunkyu secretly gave Li Menglong a thumbs up from below, and went from helping Yuli to going to work. Although everyone knew exactly what happened, at least It would make Yuli feel more relaxed.

It's just that Li Menglong is not so relaxed. It is far more difficult to handle Yuli's family affairs than raising money. I hope everything goes well today!

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