He didn't look at the time specifically, but Li Menglong had almost finished the pot of water, and the coffee in Yuli's hand had become cold. The time passed slowly in the silence of the two of them. To be precise, it should be in a daze.

Li Menglong didn't know what Yuli was thinking, but he thought it was better to leave the initiative to the other party. It was enough for him to be a listener, so Li Menglong, who was silent, could only start bursts of random thoughts: Jin Tai Yeon must be sleeping with her sister in her arms now; Jung Soo-yeon will not fall asleep without taking off the mask; Hyoyeon may be snoring or getting high in the nightclub; Seohyun, the girl must be sleeping very sweetly …

At this time, Yuli on the opposite side finally made a move. She took a sip of coffee first, and then planned to drink it all, but was stopped by Li Menglong in time, boiled water, and brewed hot coffee again.

It was the first time that Yuli looked at Li Menglong across from her so nakedly and directly. She crossed her legs and put her hands on her lower abdomen, holding a hot water glass. Her face was facing the light of the desk lamp, so she couldn't see clearly, but she could feel his gaze. The sincerity in it is just like the warm orange light.

"Oppa..." Yuli's voice was extremely hoarse when she spoke, but Yuli didn't care at all and still persisted: "Maybe I asked you for help!"

"I'm also ready to help. Let me tell you what I can do for our Yuli!" Li Menglong tried to reassure Yuli with his affirmation, but Yuli's eyes were very divergent, and she was obviously unwilling to recall recent events. .

After hearing what happened, Li Menglong didn't know what to say. Even his own head was in a mess. It wasn't the matter itself, but the Yuli involved. This child must be in a very difficult situation now.

The matter is not particularly complicated, it is even a common scene in celebrity families, but Yuri is magnified to the extreme. The social status of celebrities in South Korea has always been very low, especially for girls, who show up in public and wear less, so they are rich. Families are generally opposed to it.

As a result, celebrities' families are generally well-off and working-class families. Once a celebrity becomes popular, the money it brings is enough to make many families obsessed with it, and it may even bring some negative effects.

Money is a good thing within a certain range, but if it is too much, it will really change a life and a person. Yuri has a brother. How do you describe the relationship? It is the way of getting along with a normal Korean family. Everything revolves around the eldest son. to proceed.

This is what Yuli has been taught since she was a child. Besides, they are all her relatives, so she acquiesced. Therefore, in addition to keeping some basic expenses for herself, the money she earned over the years was used to buy a wedding house for her brother and let him do it. Business and providing for family expenses.

Because of her busy past and trust in her family, Yuli has never paid much attention to these things. Anyway, she has made a lot of money recently. Besides, she has never heard of anything going on at home. Everything is quite comfortable.

The first time I realized something was wrong was when the girls pooled money together to open a shop in the first half of the year, Yuli didn't have that much cash in hand, so she planned to take some from home. This was the first time she had taken money from home in so many years, so she couldn't hide everything. .

During that time, Yuli was really going crazy. It turned out that the house they lived in had been mortgaged a long time ago. Not only did her brother and father suffer losses in their investments, they also owed a lot of debt. The whole family could not afford thousands of dollars now. Wan, and also counting on Yuli’s dividends this year to repay debts.

As for the business itself, it can't be said to be a scam. It can only be said that the vision is not enough, and after the loss, because of male chauvinism, they borrowed various loan sharks without telling Yuli to try to make a comeback again. But do they have the ability?

Yuli did nothing during this period. She just asked her family to count all the debts. Finally, when she saw the debt of 3.5 billion, Yuli's first reaction was to sever ties with her family.

This money is simply a debt. She has already lost the money she earned over the years. So the total loss is more than 5 billion? She is just a little idol, how could she be burdened with so much debt.

It seems that she has indeed earned a lot in the past two years, and can even pay it all back before she is thirty, but what about after Yuli turns thirty? How could she still have such money-making ability at that time?

So if nothing unexpected happens, the money she earns now is the money for her future retirement and the dowry she gave herself. But now it is inexplicably gone and she is still in debt. Yuli is really sad.

It's just that Yuli's angry words made the atmosphere in the family stagnant a lot. After all, except for Yuli, they didn't have the ability to repay. It may be that they left something behind or that the loan lenders had too many thoughts. In short, the family gave her a thumbs up. Yuli almost fainted after reading the seal on the loan contract.

It turns out that all the loans were made in her name, which is correct when you think about it. After all, the lenders are not fools. Why would they borrow money even though they know they won't repay it? Moreover, Korean celebrities have zero scandals, so they are more comfortable than being given to civil servants.

Although they didn't want to ignore it completely, Yuli's heart was really cold when she saw this scene. They were simply selling their daughter. Ordinary families might just be greedy for their little daughter's salary, but now they want to kill Yuli completely. Everyone was sold.

What exactly was the quarrel in their family later? Did they say anything that made Yuli completely sad? Yuli didn't say it, and it was impossible to say it. It's already embarrassing enough now. Do you have to show the scar to Li Menglong?

Knowing that Yuli was high-spirited and wanted to save face, Li Menglong did not dissuade him. He just turned off the desk lamp and sat next to Yuli with a paper towel. In the darkness, Yuli finally dropped all her guard and rested her head on Li Menglong's shoulder. , and then the whole person started sobbing.

From choking to wailing to crying convulsions, Li Menglong watched the whole process. His heart was really torn. He really didn't want to see this scene. He just wanted the nine girls to be able to Live a happy life.

This is what he has done so far, opening a store for them, giving them a personal itinerary, and giving them a warm dormitory. However, Li Menglong is not a god after all, and it is impossible to cover everything for them.

Time seemed to pass extremely slowly while crying. Li Menglong just felt that the time was too long. Maybe Yuli had been crying for an hour? In short, Yuli has no tears now, but her whole body is still twitching sadly.

After tucking Yuli into his quilt, Li Menglong silently walked up to the second floor, went to the room and shook Li Shunkyu awake directly. This girl obviously didn't understand the current situation. This was the rhythm of a fight. It was not appropriate. Bar!

"You have some sleeping pills, give me a few!" Li Menglong said in a low voice.

"Do you want to eat?" Li Shunkyu asked uncertainly, but he realized from Li Menglong's emotion that he was not joking, so he rummaged around in the room. Girls have this in every room. After all, the pressure of being a star is great. No joke: "Did Yuli go find you?"

Of course, Li Menglong was not the only one who could see that Yuli was wrong, but since Yuli was looking for Li Menglong, she, Li Shunkyu, naturally couldn't do it for her, otherwise she would have slept with Yuli in her arms, helping her relieve the pressure.

But on the other hand, it must be no small matter to talk to Li Menglong instead of talking to the sisters. Li Shunkyu was still very worried: "You are lying in my room. If you continue to cry, you will probably become useless. This thing How many tablets can I sleep with?"

"Is it so serious?" Li Shunkyu turned around and handed over the medicine bottle. Only then did he see Li Menglong's gloomy face and the clothes on his body that had been almost washed through the light of his mobile phone: "Three tablets! It's probably enough for her to sleep until tomorrow night. ”

While speaking, Li Shungui stood on tiptoes and wiped the sweat on Li Menglong's cheeks with his sleeves, and then hugged him gently: "Thank you for your hard work. I thank you on behalf of my sister!"

He raised his arm stiffly and patted Li Shungui on the back in response: "It's okay, I am willing! You can rest assured and sleep, I will take care of everything!"

However, Li Shunkyu did not let him go like that. Instead, he pulled his collar and made him squat down, and kissed his forehead heavily: "I will always be behind you. If something happens, don't forget me!"

A smile finally appeared on his heavy face. It felt good to have someone caring about him. If he hadn't been so depressed now, he would have hugged Li Shunkyu and rolled into bed: "Don't worry, I can't run away from you." !”

I poured a cup of warm water for Youli. When I came in, I found Youli curled up in the quilt. She must have thought that Li Menglong had also abandoned her. Now Li Menglong, who had originally planned to take a shower, did not dare to leave.

So after feeding Yuli the medicine, he kept holding Yuli's hand and sitting on the bedside, gently touching the top of her head to comfort her. He didn't know whether Li Menglong's company had an effect or the medicine was effective enough. In short, Yuli finally fell asleep before dawn.

With the meager morning light, Li Menglong finally saw Yuli's current appearance clearly. She had lost a lot of weight, her face and lips were extremely pale, and her eyes were swollen like two peaches from crying.

The whole person exuded waves of exhaustion from the inside out. Li Menglong felt this in his heart. Did he deserve to be bullied when he returned home to the girl he held as a treasure in the dormitory?

Fortunately, he has been to many girls' homes. Overall, the atmosphere is good. It can only be some isolated phenomena. What's more, what makes Li Menglong difficult now is how to ease the relationship between Yuli and her family. Maybe they really broke off the relationship.

Pull the curtains tightly. The curtains in the girls' homes are all light-proof, even Li Menglong's place is no exception. After all, they occasionally come here to sleep in. Then they close the door gently. Li Menglong is lying on the rocking chair on the balcony. He also breathed out a heavy breath: "It's difficult!"

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