Li Menglong looked at the three people who were discussing enthusiastically in front of him speechlessly, and couldn't get in at all, but what the three of them were talking about was still his affairs, Li Menglong suddenly felt a ball of sadness.

Because of the relationship between Li Menglong and Li Menglong, the three of them gave in to each other, and soon a verbal agreement was reached: the fat man used the first floor of the building to buy shares, accounting for 40%; the proprietress bought shares with equipment, technology and future store management, Accounted for 40%; Li Shungui used 120 million cash to invest in shares as working capital, accounting for 20%.

"Leave me an account number, and I'll call you in a few days. For large sums, I need to notify the bank in advance." Li Shungui said boldly.

And those two people nodded again and again, with Lee Shun Kyu's cash, the first floor can be properly renovated, and at the same time, the funds in their hands are a little richer.

As for Li Menglong just grinning from the sidelines, he can’t simply see who gets the advantage and who loses: the fat man’s one-floor separate rooms for the students must make a lot of money, but don’t worry, how can he collect money like this? readily.

The proprietress Shanying is even more so. It seems that she has taken advantage of it, but there are not many people who can find reassurance these days, and she takes the most risk among the three. If the fried chicken shop closes down, she will almost lose money. everything.

As for Li Shungui, Li Menglong pulled her aside: "The location of this store and the fried chicken from the proprietress will definitely make money. It just so happens that you don't have any side jobs, so this is your investment."

"Then how can I do it? If the two of them are not allowed to come in in my name, besides, they have taken a lot of advantage from others, so it can't be like this." Li Shungui, who was blocked in the corner, didn't panic at all.

"Why are you so rigid?"

"You still have the nerve to talk about me? What's the matter with some money from me? Aren't we friends?" Li Shungui hammered his shoulder: "Besides, you just accepted such a big contract for me. There will be a lot of dividends at the end of the year. Don't worry. Not yet!"

"Then let's do this, the two of us will get half of the shares, and I will pay the money at the end of the year..." Li Menglong originally wanted to say that he would pay Li Shungui some more, and treat it as interest.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Li Shungui waving his hand: "Okay, there's no need to say more, anyway, you are here with me, and you can't run away, so let's go in and discuss how to decorate, I'm also a little girl Boss!"

Jumping in happily, Li Shungui was in a really good mood, because she knew Li Menglong's temper, and she knew that this share could not be pushed away, but she also invested money, so it would not be hot to hold it.

At first, she was happy that she had found a way out for Li Menglong, but now that she has shares, she has a sense of participation. As a celebrity, although she has a lot of money, most people save it except to buy a house.

Her family members are all abroad, and what's even more pitiful is that she didn't even buy a house, so with such a good investment opportunity and it's operated by someone she trusts, Lee Soon Kyu really wants to do something big.

"Isn't this a three-story building? There's a basement below, so let's just decorate all four floors." Li Shungui saw that only the first floor was under construction and raised his opinion excitedly, as if he knew the other party's difficulties. She said empathetically: "If the money is not enough, I still have some here."

The fat man simply admired Lee Shun Kyu's grandeur, and thought that as expected of Girls' Generation, this handwriting was better than the average person's. The proprietress Shanying didn't know what to say, she just smiled there.

Fortunately, Li Menglong came in from the outside at this time, directly pressed Li Shungui's head and lowered her height by 10cm: "Have a little idea, okay? We are a fried chicken seller, you set up such a big place to eat Will it increase?"

The proprietress Shanying saw Li Menglong say what was in her heart, and nodded unconsciously. She was a little flustered even on the floor below, and this was the case without paying rent.

Because fried chicken can take 50% of the takeout, and eating in the store is even less pitiful. Li Menglong said that there are many students here, and if it is open 24 hours, those vacant seats should be regarded as attracting popularity. up.

After all, Li Shungui is not stupid, and she quickly understood this truth, but this does not mean that she will bow her head, she is Li Shungui, how could it be that Li Menglong was right and she was wrong?

"Then let's add other things. Barbecue on the second floor, western food on the third floor, and snacks in the basement."

"It's not bad, I also know the grades of An's floor!" Without giving Li Shungui a chance to be arrogant, Li Menglong asked directly: "Then do you know the chef of Western food? Or the operation of Korean food?"

"Uh, just go and ask."

"Don't come up with bad ideas anymore, we can't do it if you can afford it." Li Menglong saw the worried eyes of the proprietress, and immediately ended the topic: "That's it, let's open a fried chicken restaurant on the first floor. The other fat people will think about it later."

"I'll listen to you." The fat man still had that simple and honest appearance, and he didn't have the slightest feeling of being a leader.

Li Menglong punched him, smiling at the fat man, very warm. There were four bosses at the scene, but whether it was Lee Soon Kyu who paid for it or the fat man who was being tossed at his own venue, they were all watching the excitement there like Li Menglong, and they could hear the proprietress's non-stop pointers from up and down.

Li Menglong only knows that opening a bigger fried chicken restaurant is the proprietress' dream, and having such a big storefront, it's probably like the feeling of flying into the sky after having a gee when I was young.

The three of them didn't dare to leave. Who would dare to leave the proprietress here alone when they finally had free time? No matter what, they had to accompany them, but they had nothing to do. Li Shungui simply bought a deck of poker, and the three hid in the second floor A poker game was played in one of the private rooms, and of course it was Dou Di Zhu, which she had recently learned and which had been killing everyone.

This time Li Shungui is considered a fat man who looks down upon him. Although he has never played Landlord Fighting before, he is still familiar with gambling. After working as a farmer for a few times, he started to be a landlord. Not to mention winning more and losing less, even the fun of being a landlord was taken away by him.

"I'm not playing anymore, I'm going to have dinner with Miss Sunyoung." After mixing the remaining single cards into the pile, Li Shungui pouted and trotted down.

"Wow, you have offended Lee Soon Kyu from Girls' Generation, and your favorability has dropped by 100!" Li Menglong complained gloatingly at Fatty, the bombs in his hand were always disassembled, so it doesn't look like this honest thing is going to explode.

"Then what should I do? I promised to give my sister a group photo of Girls' Generation later? Can I still give it to me now?" The fat man's eyes widened to the maximum, but there seemed to be a gap.

"You still have a younger sister? Isn't she beautiful? You can consider me, everyone knows the basics, don't want cheap outsiders!" Li Menglong was worried that Li Shungui would go out by himself, so he also went out, and once again ignored the fat man's words focus.

"That can't be done, my sister is a big beauty, you are not suitable!"

Turning around abruptly, he couldn't help but tugged at Fatty's big face: "Let's not care if you look like this and your sister is good-looking or not, what you just said is ambiguous?"

"No? My sister is a beautiful woman, and she is not suitable for you! How understandable."

"You can do it! Fatty! Bring your sister over to see her some other day. If you're not pretty, I'll fry up your meat. It's probably enough to sell in the store for two days."

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