The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1061 The Power of Imagination

While the girls were still swimming in the ocean of online comments, Yoo Jae-seok's family was completely devastated. After all, Na Jung-eun had indeed become a prodigal this time, and no amount of cleaning could wash it away.

So if you make a mistake, you will naturally be punished, so Liu Zaishi pointed at her and yelled at her, threatening to get a divorce. If Li Menglong hadn't stopped her, he would have gone up and violently abused her, while Liu Zhihao applauded heartlessly.

In the end, Luo Jing'en felt that she couldn't stay in this house anymore, so she changed her clothes and went back to her parents' house, even leaving Liu Zhihao behind. As a result, this house became a gathering place for males.

"Isn't your sister-in-law angry? I didn't mention her, so what right does she have to be angry?" Liu Zaishi hugged Liu Zhihao and said in a daze.

Although Li Menglong couldn't cheer up, at least he was not blind or deaf: "Didn't you hear the call? Your mother-in-law is hospitalized with stomach colic. My sister-in-law went over to keep her company and see what the situation was!"

"Can it be true? Stop using it as an excuse! She should be ashamed of herself. After all, she has made such a big mistake. She will be scared even if I don't say anything!"

He grabbed Liu Zhihao and couldn't let Liu Jae Suk harm the pure heart of the child again. YY also had to have a limit, wasn't it? Apart from the fact that Na Jingen ran out of the house in the end, were there any other similarities?

Even if Luo Jing'en was standing there, would they two cowards dare to say anything about her? If Luo Jing'en kneels in front of her and admits her mistake, maybe the two of them will be panicked. It's not easy to be a man these days, and you have to rely on imagination to comfort yourself.

As for Yoo Jae Suk not following him, on the one hand, he was not in good condition, and most importantly, he was too famous. This has become a shackles for him in private. He cannot accompany his elders when they go to the hospital, nor can he go to Liu Zhihao’s parent-teacher conferences. I can even count the number of times I go shopping with Na Jung-eun on one hand every year.

So in order not to cause trouble, Yoo Jae Suk could only stay at home. Before leaving, he even said to Na Jung Eun, "I don't blame you for the video. Don't take it to heart. Drive slowly!"

Li Menglong definitely took it to heart. After all, Na Jung-eun definitely made a mistake, but he didn't dare to accuse him directly, so he could only express his attitude in silence, but he was pushed a few times by Yoo Jae-seok, so He could only say goodbye vaguely.

Luo Jing'en really felt that the two brothers were too nice. If this kind of thing was serious, slapping her twice might be too much, but scolding her a few times was definitely appropriate, and she couldn't even talk back.

But now the two of them are like little wives who have been wronged. They are so wronged. Luo Jing'en feels a little guilty in her heart, so before leaving, she shines three fragrances on the foreheads of the three men. , until after she left, Li Menglong could still recall the gentle touch on his forehead, so warm!

It's just that recalling his wife's sweet kiss in front of his husband is not a particularly appropriate thing to do, so Liu Jae Suk's bravery as a man was vented on Li Menglong. After all, he was molested this morning. But what about him.

"Oh no, if you hit me again I will fight back!" Li Menglong hugged Liu Zhihao and ran away while shouting. After all, who is not full of anger and dares to take the initiative to provoke? Don’t you know what kind of fighting ability you have?

With a slight flush on his face, he was lying on the floor panting. If outsiders saw Liu Zaishi's appearance at this moment, he might have to think a lot, so even if no one saw him, Li Menglong stayed away from him. He started eating the breakfast prepared by Luo Jingen in the kitchen.

It’s just that the refrigerator hasn’t been returned yet, so the breakfast is too simple. In the end, the eldest brother Liu Zhihao found it interesting. When he saw that his younger brother was not interested in the ramen that had been soaked for a long time on the table, he ran back to his room and left with a large bag of children’s milk powder. Come over.

Li Menglong naturally accepted his eldest brother's thoughts very well, and not to mention, the food that children eat tastes really good. Finally, Liu Zaishi also joined in: "Country bumpkin, you don't even look at what children eat. How expensive are these things? The milk powder you just drank is imported, right?"

"Do you feel bad when you drink some milk powder? Otherwise, go and remove the video for me, and I'll treat you to drinking for a day!" Li Menglong is now a tinderbox, the kind that will explode at any time: "If it weren't for my eldest brother in this family, This good man, will I still stay here?”

"Why do I suddenly feel something is wrong! Isn't this the case that you two are deliberately trying to trick me?"

"Who do you think you are? What do we want from you?"

"You're famous, aren't you famous again now!" Li Menglong became more and more exaggerated as he spoke: "It's not always those little stars or trainees who are exposed. Photos of you in bed with a certain star, etc., become popular in an instant!"

"Then please understand one fact, okay? I'm more popular than you, so whether it's taking advantage or being exposed, it's you who gets the advantage, and I'm the one who suffers!" Liu Zaishi drank up the milk powder in one gulp.

Naturally, Li Menglong was not afraid of this, and became bored after just one mouthful. However, the topic ended there for the time being, because it seemed that he was not taking advantage. Then he felt wet in his arms. He thought Liu Zhihao had peed, but who knew it was this kid who was there? do!

It turned out that Liu Zhihao felt too domineering when he saw the two of them stuffing themselves together, so he imitated the same. However, his small mouth and stomach were obviously not strong enough to hold a bowl that was bigger than his face with both hands.

Fortunately, this kid was quite talented. He acted like a hero in a TV series drinking. He took two sips of a bowl of milk powder and the rest flowed down his neck. However, these two sips were enough for him to drink a bottle.

He slammed the bowl on the dining table, wiped the corners of his mouth with the back of his hand, and then made a cute burp, which made the two men laugh so hard. Liu Zhihao naturally laughed too when he saw the two of them happy, and for a moment the room was filled with laughter. It was filled with the laughter of three men.

It's just that they all ignored the sticky milk powder stains on the floor at this time. You must know that if Luo Jing'en was at home, she would definitely come over and slap her with just a few slaps. Children are ignorant and adults don't know how to teach children to be sensible. This combination is good. ?

The three people who had breakfast quickly moved to the battlefield. Liu Zhihao was completely high today. Without the discipline of his terrifying mother, today was Liu Zhihao’s Liberation Day. Even if he burned down the house, maybe Li Menglong and Li Menglong would still be around. Fanning.

So in order to repay the two of them, Liu Zhihao dug out all the snacks he could find, such as calcium-supplementing bone biscuits and iron-supplementing nutritional cereals. Of course, the two of them ate the most zinc-supplementing jelly beans. After all, whatever is missing should be made up for. If you don’t look at Liu Zhihao, you won’t eat this, because his children are not short-sighted...

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