The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1036 The Nanny Era

Although his ears were not clean along the way, Li Menglong kept smiling. Even though his head was a little bored, he still had to keep smiling, which was still a bit sarcastic, otherwise he would let the girls succeed.

So as soon as they returned to the dormitory, the girls gathered in front of the refrigerator to replenish water. They looked sideways at Li Menglong who came out of the bathroom. They felt so unhappy. They were obviously just watching the fun, so why did they end up doing it themselves? Unbeatable ratings have nothing to do with them, so is it crazy to agree to this condition?

"Come here after drinking water. You are not allowed to go upstairs before twelve o'clock, you hear me?" Li Menglong directly cut off the girls' escape route, otherwise what would be the point of being left alone? Xu Xian happened to be recording the broadcast , Li Menglong was even more ruthless when there was no Xu Xian.

Although they were extremely reluctant, the girls still moved over slowly. They had to keep their words, otherwise who would follow the jokes in the future? You must know that they threaten Li Menglong more often, so for the sake of future happiness, the girls think it is better to endure it.

Kim Taeyeon was about to lie down on the sofa out of habit. Unexpectedly, before her butt could get warm, she was kicked down directly. She covered her butt and turned her head in disbelief. Her eyes were bulging as she asked questions. Very obvious.

Although it is said that everything Li Menglong says must be listened to, but it does not include personal attacks, right? Is it possible that Li Menglong still wants players to be violent? In that case, they were not easy to mess with in their teenage years, so who should be afraid of whom!

Fortunately, Li Menglong was not so impulsive yet. He just kindly reminded: "You are not allowed to sit on the sofa, this is my place!"

"Oh? Do you think you are three meters tall? Can you take up such a big sofa?" Kim Taeyeon pointed at the sofa and said exaggeratedly: "And don't you like sitting on the sofa?"

"Indeed! But I don't want you to sit down. I also want to enjoy this feeling of being superior to others!" Li Menglong smiled sinisterly.

The girls seem to understand what this means. It seems that the next few days will be very difficult. As the most famous wallflower in the team, Yoona's grasp of the wind direction is absolutely historic, so every minute You understand where you should exist.

So regardless of the threatening looks from the Ernies, she immediately went over and sat on the sofa. But unlike Kim Taeyeon, she put Li Menglong's calf on her thigh, and then started massaging it with her little hands, obediently outrageous.

Of course, Li Menglong will not drive Yoona away, but aren’t the girls’ eyes too fierce? But who cares: "That Kim Taeyeon, go get me some fruit, cut it!"

Kim Taeyeon really wanted to punch her, but she endured it anyway. However, it was not easy to do this kind of work alone. She was not Seohyun, so she naturally had to find helpers, but what made her feel chilled was The sisters actually turned their heads, and no one looked at her.

"What do you all mean? Are you fooled by such a low-level differentiation method?" Kim Taeyeon asked incredulously: "If you don't help me now, is it possible that you won't work in the future? Who will help you then?"

I originally thought that someone would stand up after saying this, but the facts once again dealt Kim Taeyeon a fatal blow. The girls actually started discussing what program to watch. Of course, they all asked Li Menglong. The picture was so harmonious that it was unbelievable.

"Kim Taeyeon, remember to get more fruit, so many people want to eat!" Lee Soon Kyu even came over to add insult to injury. Just when Kim Taeyeon was about to refute, Li Menglong waved his hand quickly, as if to shoo away flies.

Kim Taeyeon is already feeling cold. She feels that the remaining week in the dormitory will be extremely exciting. At the same time, she misses Xu Xian very much. If this girl is here, she will not let her do the work alone. Why did she treat the maknae so much before? So bad? I must treat her better in the future, at least better than I treat Yoona, this damn wallflower!

It took Kim Taeyeon half an hour to make a huge fruit plate. After all, so many people ate it, but these people didn't say a word of thanks when they ate. Kim Taeyeon decided to take revenge on them. Wasn't it just a competition to see who could please Li Menglong? , would Kim Taeyeon be afraid of her?

So I picked up a piece of apple with a toothpick, raised it high, and imitated the sound of a bomb being dropped from an airplane, heading towards Li Menglong. To be honest, the scene was a bit childish, and Li Menglong didn't want to speak even if he was beaten to death.

However, seeing Kim Taeyeon's determined eyes, it seemed that if he didn't speak, Kim Taeyeon would crash to death here, so in desperation, Li Menglong could only open his mouth speechlessly. With this piece of apple, at least it represents what he just said. What happened is over, now it’s time to turn to a new chapter.

The girls have already set the tone for similar things, that is, a dead Taoist friend will not die a poor Taoist, but you can do it alone, at least others can relax a little bit. As for what you will do if you are chosen, the probability is 1 in 9 , can’t it be so unlucky?

Jessica was so unlucky. She didn't speak during the whole process. How could Li Menglong still find her? It's not intentional, she hasn't offended Li Menglong much recently. Of course, this statement is a bit false. Seriously, they offend Li Menglong every day.

"I haven't had time to clean my room recently. Go and wipe it for me. The floor must be clean too!" Li Menglong ordered, and someone came over immediately to supplement it.

"Don't mess up the desk, that's all our Director Li's idea! You can't afford to pay for it!" "You have to wash the rags diligently to make them spotless!" "Why are you still looking at us? Take action!"

Biting her thin lips, Jessica could never have imagined that she, the iceberg princess, would have her turn to clean someone's room. You must know that her own room was cleaned by Yoona, especially these people who add fuel to the fire. Sooner or later, one person will clean her room. Come back with revenge.

She stood up angrily. For a moment, the girls fell backwards and protected their heads. After all, it was okay for Jessica to get violent at this time. Fortunately, she just turned around and went to the bathroom to find a rag.

"It's very tiring to clean the room alone. Are you sure you don't want to help?" Li Menglong couldn't stand it anymore and said in a low voice.

Who knew that girls' hearts are as steely as steel, and they must not have any compassion at this time. Since the road has been determined, they must keep going. Giving up halfway is not their style. As for getting hurt, just treat it as winning the lottery. , although it seems a bit unlucky.

Since the girls didn't mind, Li Menglong didn't care. He looked around and found some work for them. Otherwise, Jessica would be too busy by herself: "Here, go and clean the bathroom and the kitchen." Want one!"

The advantage of having more people showed up again. After some complicated prevarication, Xiuying and Pani were sent out. They made me cry after talking too much. It seemed that the nanny era was just launched!

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