The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1021 The Charm of Dance

It has been five years since the girls debuted in 2007. They have experienced numerous stages, big and small, and have been on the Asian Tour and World Tour. They have to practice for at least three years before debuting. Lee Soon Kyu and Jung Soo Yeon have been practicing for more than six or seven years. There are also weird things; from childhood, various teachers taught me, plus my own efforts, and then matched with more or less talents...

Listing these is not to prove how senior the girls are, but just to show the shame that comes from their bones at this moment, even though the girls are not much different in age from these college students.

But just by listing their resumes, you can see how much these girls have gone through, and now they are asked to dance with a school hip-hop club, a girl group that has gone through systematic practice, successfully debuted, and is popular throughout Asia.

How should we compare this kind of behavior? It may be a bit exaggerated to say that a math professor is competing with a kindergarten student, but it is more appropriate to compare a group of graduate students with junior high school students. In terms of stage, performance, and dancing, the girls are really It’s not aimed at the “greenhorn” students in front of us!

Li Menglong went over and roughly pulled down the girls' hands. Are they all going to rebel? Li Menglong found things for them to occupy their time, but were they all still shy? What's there to be so shy about? Could it be that just joining some math club would make these girls happy?

The moment he saw the girls, the classmate opposite him exclaimed in exclamation. This was more in line with Li Menglong's expectations. Otherwise, he would have been a little disappointed when he saw that the girls didn't even react at all: "You will lose half by surrendering, how about you?" Just buy half of the Coke first?"

Li Menglong's words were a bit teasing. He was facing the goddess Girls' Generation. Let's not say whether he could compete with her or not. At any rate, he couldn't be cowardly. Besides, the opportunity to dance with girls may never come back in his life. From now on, If you don’t cherish your time, can you still shirk it?

"Then let's get ready. We also need half an hour to warm up, and we will see you later!" Li Menglong gave two thumbs up in an artificial way as he spoke.

To be honest, Li Menglong also wanted to create an atmosphere. Otherwise, there would be no smell of gunpowder and it would be like fans coming to meet their idols. What’s the point? Seemingly understanding Li Menglong's intentions, the group of students across from them gradually relaxed a little. After all, after the initial shock, they found that the girls were not ordinary people. They didn't have an extra arm or anything like that.

"Hush..." More than a dozen people on the opposite side frowned and booed wildly. Fortunately, no curse words were used. This respect for the goddess is still necessary.

Kim Taeyeon and others look quite fresh. It happens that they haven’t danced for many days and their bodies are itchy. Let’s let these young people who don’t know how high the sky is today learn a lot. Now that they are in college, they should study hard. no!

So under the leadership of Kim Taeyeon, the seven girls made provocative moves. Of course, judging from the love that was about to appear in the eyes of the students opposite, their provocation was still too cute. I believe it would be embarrassing if there weren't too many people now. If you can't afford that person, someone will definitely come over and say to the girls: Please whip me...

The huge dance studio is divided into two sides. When the girls came today, they knew that they would have to do outdoor activities, and they would have to be close to each other like Li Menglong, so they wore sportswear and the like, which was very convenient for activities.

One by one, like old ladies, they started swinging their arms and kicking their legs, and kept glancing towards the opposite side. Naturally, those students couldn't be cowed. The goddess was watching, so all the dances they had prepared in the past were performed. .

Comparatively speaking, as a group of amateur players, the dance is already very good. At least in the eyes of an outsider like Li Menglong, it is very powerful. The girls also clapped their hands symbolically. After all, they are opponents, so they can't be too enthusiastic. !

Now that the opponent has made a move, even if it is only in the warm-up phase, the girls have to fight back: "Hey, kids, are you ready? Let's use the dance routine we often use as a warm-up move. This is what we have done since we were girls. It’s original!”

The aura of the seven girls standing there was different. The opponents on the opposite side instantly became little fans and even called the girls by their names. As for this dance, it does exist. Overall, it doesn’t have much beauty, but it is better in opening and closing, and the formation is much neater than the opponent, so the overall effect is much better than the opponent!

After the warm-up, it’s time for the legendary dance battle. Li Menglong doesn’t know the specifics. Anyway, that’s what it means. Everyone takes turns to dance. As for whether the dance is good or bad, Li Menglong has confidence in his family anyway. .

Especially when Hyoyeon and Yuri came on the stage, I have to say that they crushed the whole audience. Even a complete layman like Lee Mong-ryong could see the obvious difference, especially the two short bodies of Kim Taeyeon and Lee Soon-gyu. There is really no comparison. There is no harm.

But Lee Soon Kyu still has a sexy figure that can be sold, but Kim Taeyeon is embarrassed. Fortunately, as a goddess, no one is teasing her. Besides, she is very wise to be the first to end, so she has a bit of advantage. Be cheap.

The time passed quickly as everyone danced and cheered, especially after the fried chicken and coke were delivered. Everyone got along more harmoniously. Of course, it was just a relatively chatty thing. You know, at the beginning, this was My voice is a little shaky when I talk to students and girls!

Girls simply don't want to be too ladylike in front of outsiders. Lee Menglong glanced sideways, Lee Soonkyu ate a chicken drumstick and even wrapped it with a tissue, Kim Taeyeon chewed a chicken wing for five minutes, and Sooyoung went too far and even covered it. Eat with your mouth!

Fortunately, Li Menglong didn't think about causing trouble in the past, so he just let them be goddesses for a while, otherwise they would get along with each other at home every day, and don't forget how to be goddesses again!

Although the fried chicken was eaten slowly, it was finished. However, there was still some time before Yoona and Xu Xian finished class, and the atmosphere gradually became a bit awkward. Fortunately, Li Menglong suggested in time: "We are destined to meet each other, otherwise Do you want to dance together? It shouldn’t be difficult for you, right?”

Li Menglong's suggestion is good, but there is still a difference between "you" and "us". Li Menglong can't remove himself. Isn't he destined to meet each other?

Since girls use vlive live broadcasts more than once or twice, whether they are promoting their own companies or simply using them, there is no essential difference for fans.

However, after watching it twice, it was inevitable that I would download the app, and then I discovered that the content in it was actually very exciting, so I did not uninstall it. Sure enough, this choice was correct. SW official blog and Girls' Generation's fan website immediately posted the app at the same time. Got the news.

Then in less than ten minutes, a hundred thousand people poured into the small live broadcast room. You must know that this was an extremely temporary decision. It shows the terrifying popularity of the girls, but only the background music can be heard in the screen, and then The scene of Li Menglong eating fried chicken.

Although the long-cherished friends who arrived have a good impression of Li Menglong, does this mean that he is trying to sell someone else's meat? Is Li Menglong doing a mukbang in the girls’ live broadcast room? It’s inappropriate! But I still feel a little greedy when I see him eating!

Li Menglong definitely has the potential to be a mukbang. First of all, he eats a lot, and secondly, he eats deliciously. Girls are certified by this. Every time he is at the dinner table, he can eat more, not to mention fried chicken. Yes, if he dares to call someone else’s fried chicken proprietress, I’ll kill him.

Glancing at the dense barrage, Li Menglong couldn't see clearly but he could guess everyone's questions, so he said vaguely: "They still have to make final preparations. I'm afraid that everyone has nothing to see, so I'll come over temporarily to support them! "

That puts everyone at ease, isn't it? They are also in the mood to joke with Li Menglong. As for Li Menglong's response to this situation, it is simply trivial. After all, it was Liu Zaishi who brought it up.

Suddenly, the originally soothing background music stopped abruptly, and then there was a drum beat that became heavier and heavier. Along with the drum beat, the figures of girls gradually appeared on the edge of the screen. They all lowered their baseball caps like an army. Neatly walked into the screen.

At this time, Li Menglong's big face was a bit blocking the camera, but he didn't take it seriously yet, which made the long-cherished friends feel itchy and wanted to go over and grab him by the collar to question him. Fortunately, he seemed to have heard their thoughts. First of all, Kim Taeyeon came out and kicked him in the back, while Li Menglong rolled out of the center of the screen.

After the kick, Kim Taeyeon quickly flashed back to the center of the crowd. Now the girls in the middle plus the original students are more than the number 20, and the one standing in the middle now is Hyoyeon, because the baseball cap is blocking her. Her expression couldn't be seen, but everyone could clearly see the charming smile on her lips.

The sound of the drum gradually became fainter and stopped, but at this moment, the sound of water dripping into the water came. Xiaoyuan was waiting for this moment. She saw her hands clasped together in the air, and her whole body looked like a weak and beautiful snake. Generally shaking.

The other people surrounding her were like petals wrapped around the stamens, standing there motionless. At this time, the sound of water drops gradually turned into heavy rain, and Xiaoyuan also changed from weak to strong, and his whole person was like a robot.

When she raised one foot, several palms appeared underneath her, and the same was true when she raised her hand. It was as if Hyoyeon's every movement was controlled by the hands dragging underneath her. Fans who saw this scene We all couldn't help but get goosebumps all over our bodies, it was so shocking!

And this was not over yet. As the music became more intense, Xiaoyuan seemed to be unwilling to be restrained and waved her right fist fiercely. At this time, six or seven people came out from behind her, and everyone's movements were fixed. When combined, it just happened to be a scene of a person being knocked away, especially the scene where Kim Taeyeon flew out directly at the end, which showed the audience the power of this punch very well.

As for outside the screen, Lee Mong-ryong is waiting over there with a horse stance. He can't let Kim Taeyeon fall directly to the floor, and after hugging him, he has to go around to the other side immediately. After all, Lee Soon-kyu also needs someone to pick him up. !

After completing these movements, as Hyoyuan danced, the people behind her seemed to be enlarged versions of her, and they all followed her movements and made corresponding postures. The creativity was simply amazing.

Then it was time to dance together. I saw Hyoyeon's fists hitting each other hard in front of his chest. The people behind him seemed to be clones that had been blown out. Everyone put their hats on their backs. Although the dance moves were not complicated , but I can't stand being neat, especially the seven girls in front, what kind of tacit understanding is there!

The dance ended with everyone putting their hats back on their heads. Of course, there still had to be a little surprise. Li Menglong hadn't appeared in the dance yet, so amidst the exclamations of the audience, Li Menglong rushed over like a bomb. .

According to the rhythm of the rehearsal, everyone should catch him, and the dance is completely over. However, this action can be seen as malicious from the creative stage. As expected, with a small look from Kim Taeyeon, everyone quickly He retracted his hand and stepped back, leaving an open space in the originally dense center.

The fans in front of the screen laughed subconsciously, and they could all see the original effect of this action. Sure enough, the girls were still a little wilted, poor president Oppa!

It's just that what they can expect, Li Menglong can't expect? Originally, he was planning to grab two girls who couldn't run away in mid-air as support, but Li Menglong, who was in mid-air, strangely found that he still had some energy left!

So following the body's instinct, Li Menglong used his extraordinary waist and abdominal strength to do a forward somersault when he had already started to fall. His landing posture was also very coquettish, as if he was a military general kneeling on the floor with one leg. One hand was on the tip of his nose and the other hand was supporting the floor.

"Fuck you XXX..." This was definitely the first thought of many people in front of the screen and on the scene at this moment. This action was a bit too coquettish. Fortunately, everyone could see that Li Menglong did it on the spur of the moment, because the somersault time was obvious. Much later.

But this cannot be used as an excuse for everyone to forgive Li Menglong's action. This action has really brought harm to everyone. Does a good dance have to highlight Li Menglong's slut at the end? Although the ending action is quite shocking!

Kim Taeyeon and others at the scene received the fans' wishes very well. Seeing that Li Menglong was still posing, they went over and kicked him down, and then the girls started fighting in a group!

As the maknae at the scene, Xiuying naturally came over to clean up the mess, waving to the live broadcast mobile phone: "This is a temporary work created by our Girls' Generation and Dongguk University Street Dance Club. I hope everyone likes it. Remember to exercise a lot! Then today That’s it!”

Xiuying added before turning off her phone: "As for Li Menglong, we will educate everyone well, bye..."

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