The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1018 The Art of Dialogue

Li Menglong's special training for the girls is still continuing. Because he has time to communicate with fans every morning, fans have a clear understanding of the girls' experiences during this period. After all, that window has simply become a forum for the girls to complain. .

It's not easy for the fans either. They know that what Li Menglong did is absolutely right and they can't just let the girls stay idle. We all still have this value. But you can't say that when chatting with girls. You have to stand on the girls' side unconditionally, otherwise the girls will cry.

So every morning when chatting, the first task is for everyone to hack Li Menglong together. Don’t use bad words, but hack with new ideas, level, and style. The girls will make a ranking list every day and list the hackers recognized by everyone. The best three of them were read to Li Menglong in person, and his reaction will be given back to the fans later.

The activity was quite interesting, but in this way everyone could really see the power of Li Menglong's verbal abuse. I have to say that it's not that the girls don't work hard on weekdays, it's just that Li Menglong is too powerful. Now one person can't even criticize tens of thousands of netizens. More words.

Even Li Menglong's reply to netizens through girls every day has become one of the hot searches the next day. Not to mention how many classic quotes have been produced, but everyone admires Li Menglong's brain circuitry. How abnormal is it?

Question: If Lee Soon Kyu dumps you one day, what gift will you choose to give her in the end? The last one in my life...

Answer: A child!

Question: I can say I love you ten thousand ways, but can you say the ten thousand and one?

Answer: I have an ancestral chromosome that I want to give to you!

As for the most classic answer, it appeared a few days later. After hearing the answer, the girls almost strangled Li Menglong to death. They even wondered whether the long-term wishes and Li Menglong had colluded to play with them. Otherwise, how could they have such a tacit understanding?

Question: Why are good-looking bras not available in larger sizes?

Answer: Because girls with big breasts only care about whether their breasts look good or not, while only girls with small breasts care about whether their bras look good or not.

If everyone still wants to think about how to secretly hack Li Menglong at the beginning, then they will ask some tricky questions to embarrass Li Menglong. Of course, they also want to hear his unique answers. There are even wise men who will ask the above bra question. No one knows if the machine is hacked.

Fans like this kind of life very much. They can chat with their idols every day and know that they are also living a fulfilling life. The girls will also post some photos of the day from time to time, either running, doing yoga, or Having breakfast together, of course Li Menglong's figure cannot be escaped in the background.

The long-cherished friends are grateful to Li Menglong, but they cannot express their gratitude, because although they will rush the girls to chat with fans, Li Menglong himself is not very grateful. He does not go to any ins or fan clubs. At most, he occasionally goes to the earliest six-pointed star. Just chat with those fans who have been on the website for more than ten years.

In this way, although their long-cherished wishes were fulfilled, Li Menglong's fans quit. Although his die-hard fans are not particularly large and relatively quiet, you must see that Li Menglong is a popular director. It can be said that Li Menglong has been the most popular director for more than a year. One of the most prolific directors and screenwriters in South Korea.

Moreover, the style of the works is relatively realistic, which can be regarded as having its own characteristics, and it has attracted a lot of fans. Although this group of people is not very united, there are many people, so once this group of people speak together, they can at least Sending the news to the girls.

"Ah, Lee Mong-ryong! Come here!" It was Kim Taeyeon's turn to chat with fans today, so she quickly received the latest news, so naturally she had to confront Lee Mong-ryong.

As for Li Menglong, he was in the kitchen watching the girls cooking. He couldn't help but watch, otherwise God knows what kind of dishes the girls would create. It would just be unpalatable, but it would be a lot of fun if the collective food poisoned.

"What are you shouting for? You don't want to eat at noon, right?" Li Menglong came over with a cucumber in his mouth, causing Jessica who was sitting there to frown. She knew that Li Menglong wanted her to overcome it. After all, she was not Cucumber allergy is just a psychological effect.

But she just hated the taste and was too lazy to overcome it. Besides, no one would die if she didn't eat cucumbers, but these were not as important as the big thing in Kim Taeyeon's hands. She pointed the laptop screen directly at Li Menglong's big face: "You say! It's us. Has girlhood delayed your development? How can you speak so irresponsibly?"

"Oh, can you finally recognize the reality? I'm almost crying. I thought I wouldn't be able to wait for this day in my life!" Li Menglong pretended to wipe the corners of his eyes, leaving Kim Taeyeon speechless. Who is this!

Kim Taeyeon even doubted that the friends on the Internet were not hired by Lee Mong-ryong. Fortunately, these friends were not very fierce in their words. They mainly came to express their thoughts. The core point is: Lee Mong-ryong also has his own career. As a director , the existence of screenwriters, who still has the energy to play with the girls every day, hurry up and make movies and TV series, we are still waiting to see it!

I have to say that this statement is absolutely correct in principle. It is as if a person divides the day into three sections, eight hours of sleep, eight hours of work, and eight hours of rest. But how many people are sure that they will sleep for eight hours?

Theoretically correct definitely does not mean that it is feasible in reality. Yes, every time Li Menglong finishes filming a work, he will immediately follow the girls to run activities without stopping, and the running time is not very short, it lasts for several months.

But can these people expect Li Menglong to shoot the next one immediately after finishing one? After seeing this statement, everyone also changed their tune. What they meant was that Li Menglong had the time to completely relax and rest, so that new works would naturally come out faster.

Girls are too lazy to talk about this. As a creative director who needs to be creative, do you expect Li Menglong to stay at home and those creative ideas will come out? Go ahead and dream!

Li Menglong also needs to find inspiration in his daily life, and when he goes out with the girls, it is basically up to him to be responsible for what he wants to be responsible for. The girls will also see whether he is tired or not, and he will never be an outsider. Do you care about him more than the girls?

Besides, staying with them is the best way to relax. Isn't it satisfying to have someone to chat with and have nine peerless faces to look after him? It can be said that if there were no girls to accompany him, it would be great if Li Menglong could film one movie a year!

It stands to reason that girls with similar views would be too lazy to defend themselves, but Li Menglong still comes to add fuel to the fire. Can these girls tolerate it? So after leaving the sentence "I'm going to kill someone" on the forum, he immediately disappeared.

However, after the person left, there were quick replies in the post: "Onies, give Oppa a break, my mother is still looking forward to watching his new drama!" "As singers and actors, you go beat yourselves up. President and director, do you have some basic moral values?" "Do you dare to start a live video broadcast? Don't worry, we will never call the police to report domestic violence here!"

People on the sidelines were laughing and joking, and the girls were living their little lives like gods. After ensuring regular sleep, aerobic exercise, and diet control, even if it was only a few days, each of them felt light. I feel a lot better, and I feel beautiful every morning when I look in the mirror.

But now that they have been educated, the girls feel that they should also pay attention to Li Menglong. This guy has been writing and drawing recently, but I don’t know if he is preparing for the next work. After all, who knows the inspiration. Something.

Fortunately, there was one of them who was able to penetrate into the enemy's interior, so Xu Xian was directly blocked in the corner by the Ernies during a certain period of time when Li Menglong was taking a bath. Although Xu Xian wanted to rather die than surrender, his body couldn't. betrayed her.

I saw her raising her hands in the air with an indifferent expression, reaching a state of neither joy nor sorrow: "Speak everything you know, and speak everything!"

"You have a very nice attitude. I'll give you some sweets later! What are the things Li Menglong has written recently? Is there any new drama to be filmed?"

"This? I can't say for sure. After all, those ideas and inspirations are scattered. It's impossible to use them all in one TV series. They have to be screened, integrated, and re-created later!" Xu Xian was about to give these Ernies another chance. When I was explaining the process of writing the script, I suddenly felt a hint of murderous intent, so I immediately changed my mind: "In short, it can be regarded as Oppa writing the script, a TV series related to soldiers!"

At this moment, Li Menglong also came out with a towel hanging on his face. When he saw the scene in the corner, he immediately yelled: "How dare you bully people in the world? Do you believe that I will go to your parents?"

"What's the matter? We are just exchanging feelings with Xu Xian!" As she spoke, Kim Taeyeon looked like a bad girl, standing on tiptoes and hugging Xu Xian's shoulders: "Don't you think so, maknae?"

What can Xu Xian say? Every student who thinks that the teacher can make the decision will regret it in the end. After all, Li Menglong cannot always be there, so her past survival experience made her nod helplessly.

Xu Xian was pulled out, and he waved a towel at the crazy girls and drove them away. However, the girls today were like a bunch of flies seeing blood. It's shining.

"I heard that you are going to make another TV series?" "A military-themed one?" "Do you want us to recommend some male protagonists to you?"

"Didn't I tell you?" Li Menglong scratched his head. He remembered what he had mentioned a few times.

"Then it can be the same. I already have the script now, how about it? Do you need me to learn fighting skills in advance? I'm not afraid of hardship!" Yoona said confidently.

Yoona is not exaggerating this point. As long as it helps the work, she will never frown even if it causes a lot of bruises on her body. Of course, the premise is that she wants to be the heroine!

"It's not busy. I haven't even said a word about my character here. Don't always try to trick me, you know?"

"Tch, aren't we worried that we will become sinners? Who can bear the crime of delaying our director Li's filming? You have so many fans, it's scary!" Kim Taeyeon said sourly.

What can Li Menglong say? It seems that pretending to be dead is a good idea!

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