The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 1011 On the other side of the mountain

If you don't have the habit of keeping a diary, it is actually very difficult to recall the past week or even month. You may have a headache just thinking about what you did yesterday. Fortunately, Xu Xian is a standard model student.

Aren’t goddesses and diary writing a particularly good match? As a true goddess, Xu Xian naturally also has this habit. Fortunately, the girls are not obscene enough to peek into Xu Xian's diary, so Xu Xian's habit of writing diaries can still be retained.

If you look at Xu Xian's diary for the past ten days, you will find that there are very few words, and even some knowledge points remembered today are interspersed to make up the number of words. It is not that Xu Xian has no time to write, and he has a lot of time recently, but that there is nothing to do. Writing.

Life is as dull as the warm sunshine in winter, which makes people unable to lift their spirits. How should I describe my daily life? It cannot be said to be boring, but it is not meaningful, it cannot be said to be busy, but it is not too leisurely, and it cannot be said to be very happy. But it's definitely not sad either.

Xu Xian couldn't remember the last time she experienced this kind of day without ups and downs of emotions. Because of the limitations of their profession, they were busy and worried when they were working, and when they were resting, their minds were spinning, planning for the future. ,Intend.

In short, being a celebrity is not a profession where you can live a stable life, but now this kind of life has arrived. I have enough sleep every day. I get up to go to class, come home from school, finish eating, watch TV series, wash up and rest. This is Xu Xian’s life trajectory in the past ten days.

This kind of dull life of three o'clock and one line makes Xu Xian laugh inexplicably sometimes. Of course, she is not the one who laughs the loudest. Now her friends have completely started to indulge. Every day, at least twenty dozen packages are delivered to the house. end.

Food accounts for a large part of it. All the snacks that are praised online can be found in the current dormitory. As for all kinds of meat, I almost vomited after eating them. The most obvious difference is that there is an extra refrigerator in the house specially for beer. .

Then the girls began to live a decadent daily life. Every day when they woke up, they would play mobile phones and games on their bedside, go downstairs to eat and watch TV series, or play cards or have dinner parties. They were just like a bunch of otakus. , too lazy to even go out and do some hair care.

As for Li Menglong, he just stayed in his room and kept writing. He happened to have no time to care about these girls, so this carefree life began. Of course, it was called a vacation for girls. very suitable.

The vacation that Li Menglong promised to the girls has finally arrived, which is more enjoyable than summer vacation. Moreover, his promise is very effective. The company did not even make a call, and some endorsement schedules were either completed some time ago or postponed.

In short, the company and Li Menglong really sincerely created a four-month holiday for the girls without any restrictions. The original intention was to let them do things they really like, whether it was to play or to film a TV series. , or even become a comedian or fall in love!

But no one thought at the beginning that this group of people would choose to be otakus. The girls really thought highly of themselves. First of all, let alone their debut, they did not have such a long vacation even when they were trainees.

And this holiday is really stress-free. Even if we stay for four months, the group will return and do a world tour next year and it will still be very popular. The current state is a bit similar to the feeling of having no desires and no desires after the college entrance examination.

Although they had a lot of plans, they found that it seemed very comfortable to stay like this. They were more comfortable than at home. No one was nagging them, they didn’t have to be forced to find a boyfriend, they didn’t have to be lifted up in the morning, and they didn’t have to be forced to eat. Those yucky healthy foods.

They also know that this is not good, but like all young people, they will comfort themselves: "In three days, I will become the goddess Kim Taeyeon again. Just indulge yourself these days!"

"Occasionally? Three days are up? It happens to be Monday in two days, so let's get it together and take action again on Monday!"

"It's Monday? Today is the 9th, let's take action tomorrow on the 10th!"

Procrastination is something more terrifying than cancer. The girls were forced to do nothing before, but now after releasing their true nature, the terrifying power is finally revealed. Xu Xian was frightened to see it.

So in the early morning of one day, Xu Xian quietly walked into Li Menglong's room. Of course, there was nothing wrong with it, because Li Menglong hadn't gone to bed yet, and Xu Xian specially chose this time to come because all the girls were asleep. It's a time difference.

"I'm going to sleep now, ten minutes!" Li Menglong thought Xu Xian was here to urge him to sleep.

"Oppa's body is also important, but it's not about this now. Oppa, have you found anything wrong with Unnies?" Xu Xian asked mysteriously.

Li Menglong scratched his head. He really didn't have much idea about the girls during this period, but they were all staying around. He didn't hear that they went out to cause trouble. "Just tell me, I won't make random guesses." Got it!"

"Onies are living too indulgently, it will be very bad if this continues!"

"Hiss, for example..."

"The most obvious thing is the weight. Do you know how much weight the guys have gained in these ten days? And if this trend continues, the guys will really stay at home for four months, and they will still be able to do it by then. Do you want to go out for some activities? Or are you still thinking about going out for some activities?"

"But this is not their own choice. Just stay and feel comfortable!" Li Menglong gave his own opinion. This is what he thinks. They are all adults. He is responsible for freeing up time. It is up to them how they spend their time. of freedom.

"I know what Oppa is thinking, but is this really appropriate? It's like you are a school teacher. Even if the students are on vacation, you still have to leave some homework, otherwise wouldn't it be a waste of time!"

Seeing Xu Xian's anxious look, Li Menglong, although not convinced yet, still wanted to give Xiao Xian some face: "So what do you want me to do? Drive them back home?"

"It's unnecessary, and no one will care about it when I get home. I hope OPPA will manage the unnies and let everyone know the importance of healthy life and the urgency of time!" Xu Xian said righteously, making everyone aware of the importance of healthy living and the urgency of time! Li Menglong was embarrassed to say no.

He scratched his head and agreed, but he still needed to think about how to do it. Xu Xian left a sentence of "I believe in you" and then disappeared. This kind of thing can't be caught, otherwise he will be stabbed. Hacked to death! How terrifying!

So the girls discovered something was wrong the next day. In the past, Li Menglong stayed in his own room. Except when eating together, everyone was on the same page. But today, he returned to the balcony again. The key is It was the chair that turned around and sat facing them.

"Although I also know that we are more beautiful than the scenery outside, but can we be more restrained? Otherwise we will be charged!" The girls who were looked at very awkwardly said one after another.

"Why do you have the nerve to say this? If you don't give in, look in the mirror. Oops, suddenly I seem to see you twenty years later. What a scary bunch of aunts!" Li Menglong said with sadness. .

"You don't care, you don't need to appreciate me when you become an aunt!" "Even if you are an aunt, she is the most beautiful among aunts!" "The aunt goddess Lin Yuner sounds domineering!"

Li Menglong shook his head and finally understood the reason why Xu Xian was so urgent. If these people stayed here any longer, they would lose even the basic sense of shame. Sure enough, people can't be too comfortable, otherwise something will always go wrong.

Now that he realized the seriousness of the problem, Li Menglong naturally started to formulate a solution. It was initially estimated that it would take about two weeks to completely train these troubled girls, and strive to become the kind of good young people who can help an old woman cross the road.

"Why are you smiling so sinisterly? I'm warning you, don't mess around!" Kim Taeyeon threatened while chewing gummy candy.

"Guilty! I would like to remind everyone that it is not appropriate to stay up late, so go to bed early tonight!" Li Menglong left a meaningful smile and returned to his room. No one except Xu Xian took this reminder seriously. It's just that the regret came so quickly.

That night was Xu Xian's radio station, so Li Menglong naturally accompanied him. However, when the two came back, no one noticed that they had left a bunch of shopping bags outside the door. The last chance before the nightmare came was wasted by them. .

"Why didn't you buy a late-night snack? Don't you want to break the tradition? Be careful that you won't get a late-night snack in the future!"

"If you don't, then you don't. Who is afraid of who?" Li Menglong unexpectedly faced Gang directly, which caught the girls off guard. Didn't this guy bump into something outside?

Xu Xian smiled at the Ernies. After all, she felt guilty. She was half the planner of Li Menglong's activities. She personally felt that this plan was too extreme, but she had nothing to say under Li Menglong's insistence. After all, she It was Li Menglong who hated everyone, so she just gave her a suggestion.

So this event, which was specially planned by Li Menglong, Seohyun participated in the production, and was exclusively sponsored, and Qian Dingzhiwan asked not to name the event, was officially launched, and the name Li Menglong was also chosen - Girls' Generation Summer Camp and Military Experience Class!

Li Menglong stayed up all night for this activity, but he was very excited. He also searched for some information on the Internet, trying to enrich the lives of the girls in the next few days, and summer camps all have a unified wake-up time. no.

So at 5:15 in the morning, the fire alarm began to sound decisively in the room. For a while, there was a chaos in each room, and everyone ran out yelling. But as soon as they reached the corridor, they saw people standing with hands behind their backs. Li Menglong over there.

Although I have realized that something is wrong, after all, it is great that Li Menglong can run up and is still dressed neatly? Do you have time to bring some sunglasses? Have a stopwatch in your hand?

But Kim Taeyeon still asked: "What is the situation now?"

"The situation is that everyone is welcome to the special ten-day summer camp specially prepared for you. I am your instructor Li Menglong! I give you five minutes to put on the clothes on the ground and take action!"

The girls were completely confused now. What is this, a role play? Or is it a hidden camera? I can’t figure it out no matter how hard I try! It doesn't matter if they can't figure it out, Li Menglong will help them. Li Menglong was holding a bamboo ruler in his hand, causing a gust of wind when he waved it in the air.

"For the sake of past friendship, I would like to give you a friendly reminder! Mr. Yu, we are the major shareholders and agents of your company. You can tell us how to arrange it; privately, I am the oppa of all of you. I want to be honest with you. You are responsible for your life, at least guide you to do some right things!"

"You mean we don't have the right to refuse? Why? We want human rights!" The girls saw that this was true, so one by one they began to think of ideas to retort: ​​"That's right, we want to go home, we want to find Mother!"

Li Menglong seemed to have expected it. Although he couldn't see his eyes, the smile on the corner of his mouth was very sarcastic. He took out his mobile phone and pressed the play button: "I am Kim Taeyeon's mother, and I agree to Kim Taeyeon joining the training program." In summer camp, the main thing is not to be crippled but to do whatever you want; I am Lee Soon Kyu..."

He raised the stopwatch in his hand at the girls who were dumbfounded over there: "There are still two and a half minutes left. The person who came out last, believe me, she will definitely be the last thing to eat for breakfast, such as cucumber? Chicken? claw?"

Since the resistance is fruitless, everyone can only recognize the reality. Li Menglong actually obtained the Shangfang Sword. He has defeated the girls in public, private, and emotional matters, so everyone can only try to change this rule. There will be no good results if you survive well and carry it to death.

In this regard, Li Soonkyu has set a good example for everyone. This girl relied on her unusual relationship to drag her to the end and let Li Menglong deal with it. Although the beating was definitely not severe, it was embarrassing. It really had to be done. It's not difficult for Li Menglong to hit nine with one hand!

Reluctantly accepting the reality, everyone walked down in a row, but the girls on the way were already suspicious, where did this bright red sportswear come from? Is there a famous brand behind it? Isn't it directly provided by the Running Man program team? But they all fit perfectly. This was planned in advance, and there was even a traitor!

"No whispering, let's do the first daily activity, a five-kilometer morning run!"

Following Li Menglong's words, the girls wailed for a while. This was like killing someone. You must know that they all went to bed at least two o'clock last night. How long have they slept now? Still have to run this far? You can't abuse them like this!

"Don't be nagging, believe me, if you are disobedient, my methods will definitely make you regret it. I guarantee it with my personality!" Li Menglong said seriously.

Li Menglong's personality is quite valuable, so the girls started to cry and move their faces. Many of them even comforted themselves that it was just a dream and they might wake up some time. But why are they so tired even while dreaming?

"Why are you so unmotivated? Let's run and sing at the same time to cheer everyone up!" Li Menglong was very well prepared: "Come with me, on the other side of the or two..."

The girls really knew how to sing this song, so everyone started humming and singing along. The girls were wearing bright red sportswear and running in a line. Li Menglong was wearing the same blue sportswear as he was. Next to it, there is an atmosphere of family group activities.

And it’s even more true when it comes to singing. The girls’ singing voices are naturally not overpowering. Although they are full of resentment and weakness, the songs are still very nice, especially with Li Menglong’s roar from time to time. The girls are also furious as if they are facing the rising sun. He shouted loudly:

"There is a group of Smurfs on the other side of the mountain and on the other side of the sea. They are lively and smart, they are naughty and sensitive...Oh, lovely Smurfs..."

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