"Sigh, the body of that Ergou from my hometown yesterday is buried now."

"Isn't that right? My neighbor, Da Zhuang, who moved in with me, has a 61-year-old mother to support. He's not married yet. He has an heir or something. He's going to die this time."

"These people in Sichuan don't regard us people in southern Xinjiang as human beings. 80,000 people died 30,000 of them in just one day. I wonder if the remaining 50,000 of us can survive 10,000 to 20,000 of them. Still a problem."

"Stop talking, those Shu barbarians are here, be careful not to be caught by them, and execute you on the spot."

In Wang Fangjun's large tent, he was discussing matters with several generals at this time.

"General, after yesterday's siege, the number of casualties in our army has reached 30,000. If this consumption continues, I am afraid that our cannon fodder army has been exhausted before the county city is broken." A general in charge of the cannon fodder army stood up and frowned. Said nonchalantly.

"This is indeed a problem. Let's let those cannon fodder go. Use up the local cannon fodder here, and then use the cannon fodder from the six counties of Shu. When the number of cannon fodder for the two of them drops to 20,000, it will stop. These people are all elites, so they can't be wasted like this." Wang Fang said in a calm voice, but the order he gave was extremely cruel.

Probably the policy has been decided, so all that remains is to implement it. Gradually walked out of the tent, went to their respective subordinate camps to mobilize soldiers, and arranged for battle.

"Listen, you only need to fight twice in the future, and then you won't need to fight in the entire county's war." A school lieutenant in charge of the cannon fodder corps said loudly, which caused a burst of cannon fodder around. talk.

"Really? As long as we go to the battlefield twice, we don't have to participate in these tragic siege battles anymore."

"It's not a lie to us, is it? They have so many good intentions, but even so, I will seize this opportunity and try my best to survive."

"Mom, I finally have hope to come back, I miss your cooking so much."


All the arguments were restrained by the chief, driving them to form a battle formation, take up weapons and put on armor, and prepare to serve as cannon fodder again to attack the county.

But this time, it was obvious that their eyes were full of a kind of light called hope, and they were no longer full of despair like before.

"Charge, in order to go home, in order to survive, everyone charge, overthrow this group of barbarians, we can go home!" With the order of their commander, all the soldiers were mobilized, the fighting spirit in their hearts, With raging fire shining in his eyes, he rushed straight forward.

A ladder was erected on the city by the group of soldiers, followed by the tried-and-tested ants-attached siege tactic.

After yesterday's siege and attrition war, although the loss was huge before, the barbarians who defended the city were not much better. We killed 30,000 of them, and the barbarians also killed 10,000 of them. I really don't know!

The two sides came and went, and the killing was horrific, blood and stumps flowed all over the ground, yesterday's corpses had not been removed at the foot of the city wall, and another pile of them was laid out today. In some places where the fighting was more intense, it had even reached half of the county town more than ten meters high, forming a layer of corpses seven or eight meters high.

Fortunately, it's winter now, and it doesn't rot quickly like summer, otherwise the whole city will definitely have a stench, and the plague will break out accordingly.

It was another cannon fodder army who had been beaten and fled back. It was originally a simple formation of thousands of people, but now there are only five or six hundred of him left, which can be said to have suffered heavy casualties.

However, it is an unforgivable crime to withdraw troops without receiving an order. Take 1/10 of them out of five or six hundred people, behead them on the spot, and then drive those lucky people who were not drawn back to the battlefield .

Looking at their backs, many members of the supervisory team sighed in their hearts, which team is it? Eleven or twelve, human life is really worthless, in the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of people have already died.

Finally, one day passed like this, 50,000 cannon fodder left him with 30,000 people, which was almost the same. As long as he went to the battlefield again and killed more than 10,000 people, these cannon fodder could be withdrawn to the rear to recuperate.

On the second day, I was lazy to reorganize, and directly organized 10,000 people in each siege cannon fodder team. When half of the 5,000 people in each cannon fodder team died, they could retire. At that time, Wang Fang could Get it, 15,000 elite soldiers up.


bang bang bang!

As a pile of boulders fell to the ground, the people who had just rushed up the ladder were smashed down, and thousands of people knelt like this.

The people below were a little hesitant. They had just received an order that they could retreat to the rear to recuperate as long as they finished the battle. How could they be willing to put their lives in this place!

Seeing the timidity of those soldiers, what did the supervising team know? Hastily raised the crossbow in his hand and shot behind the group of soldiers, chi chi chi!

A burst of arrows stands behind the group of cannon fodder, but this time involves deliberately avoiding those cannon fodder, after all, half of them will be their companions in the future, and there are not many cannon fodder, it is not easy to do too much .

Hearing the sound of arrows piercing the air behind them, many cannon fodder felt chills all over their bodies, and their thighs trembled, thinking that they would definitely die this time!

As a result, after waiting for a long time, he turned his head and found that the arrows did not hit anyone on his side, but a forest of arrows appeared behind him.

There was a little warmth in the hearts of these cannon fodder. It seemed that those indifferent people really didn't care about their own lives. No, they were merciful this time.

"Listen, those who are timid, next time we are really going to be ruthless. And do you think that if you are like this, the general will really let you go back after seeing it? If you don't fight the enemy bravely, you will definitely not survive Come down alone, only by playing a good record to make the general happy and satisfied, you will have a chance to survive."

Hearing what the supervising team said, all the cannon fodder were shocked, and they all understood their stupidity just now. That's right, if you didn't take credit for it, why should you let the general let you go?

He couldn't help feeling ruthless in his heart, and looked coldly at the group of barbarians on the city wall. Let your lives be exchanged for our chances of survival!

After one morning, all the cannon fodder troops that had been downsized to 5,000 were replaced and sent to the rear for training and repairs. Once they had calmed down, they would officially become elite soldiers and become Wang Fang's subordinates. The power to throw away easily.

At this time, the Shu County Cannon Fodder Army, which had been serving as the supervisory team before, was also pushed onto the battlefield by those elite soldiers, serving as the second batch of cannon fodder.

Seeing the end of the group of cannon fodder in Shu, all the cannon fodder who have just been withdrawn are very happy in their hearts, full of schadenfreude, let them watch themselves die in the front, and mock us, now it's your turn ! See how many of you can survive.

AD 183

In December of the sixth year of Guanghe

All the barbarian chiefs in the city were ordered to be killed by Wang Fang, and then sent troops to attack everywhere to wipe out all the barbarian tribes who sent troops to help the county defense.

At the end of the month, 300,000 barbarians in the county were captured under the city of Nongdong. Among them, the chiefs, elders, and priests were all beheaded, and 100,000 males were transferred as cannon fodder. 100,000 old, weak and young children were killed, and 100,000 were demoted to slaves, distributed to the army or dedicated to Zhong Yu.

All of a sudden, the surrounding counties and counties shook, and all the barbarians turned pale when they heard Wang Fang's name, and the children stopped crying.

Here again, I am asking for recommendation and collection. The grades of this book are too poor, and the author feels very sad seeing that the data of his new book basically does not increase. So here I solemnly ask everyone for collection and recommendation. Thank you very much for your support to the author here.

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