As a copy of the Soviet T54A medium tank, the Type 59 tank also has the greatest characteristics of Soviet-made tanks.

That is, the tank appears quite compact!

The most suitable height for a tank soldier is 165cm. Someone like Liu Tao who is close to 180cm has to curl up in the cockpit.

He placed his hand on this Type 59 tank and looked at the virtual panel in the corner of his eye.

[Item: Type 59 tank]

[Manufacturer: Liu Tao]

[Item level: LV1 (220/10) (can be upgraded)]

[Upgrade points: 1200]

[Item status: intact, parsable]

"System, upgrade!" Liu Tao thought silently in his heart.

"Please host choose the upgrade direction!" the system reminded.

Then the virtual panel showed the choice of upgrade direction, including weapon system, propulsion system, protection system, communication system, communication system, electrical equipment and other special equipment and devices!

Liu Tao further understood that the weapon system includes weapons and manpower control systems, the propulsion system includes power, transmission, movement and control devices, the protection system includes complete armor and various special protective devices and camouflage equipment, and communication equipment consists of radio stations, In-car intercoms and electrical equipment include power supplies, power consumption devices, detectors, etc.

He wants to build a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun similar to the 'Cheetah', which means that except for the turret, he has to master all the technologies and upgrade them.

In addition to tank technology, there is also radar technology and computer technology!

"There is still a long way to go!" Liu Tao said solemnly. He can only be regarded as the first step in the long march of thousands of miles, and there are still many difficulties to overcome.

Fortunately, there is an item upgrade system. As long as he drives the tank, he can accumulate experience and upgrade the tank!

"Upgrade the propulsion system!" Liu Tao muttered silently.

"Please choose the upgrade direction!" the system prompted.

But it is necessary to continue to select various positions of the propulsion system.

"Upgrade power!" Liu Tao muttered silently.


Two glimmers of light flickered.

From the outside, nothing has changed at all.

But when Liu Tao entered the cockpit again, he had a feeling that the power seemed to be much stronger than before.

Liu Tao was secretly happy, as the system had never let him down.

Look at the virtual panel again:

[Item: Type 59 Tank]

[Manufacturer: Liu Tao]

[Item Level: LV1 (Power System LV3 (10/1000))]

[Upgrade points: 1200]

[Item status: intact, parsable]

Liu Tao immediately discovered that the difference between this data and the previous one was the improvement of the power system.

"As long as we continue to upgrade, sooner or later we will be able to upgrade the engine to a world-leading level!" Liu Tao thought to himself, becoming even more excited.

Engine technology, this is the core technology!

Directly determines the performance of the tank.

None of China's tanks are big. A very important reason is that the tank's engine is not good and cannot support too heavy a weight.

Moreover, engine technology can be used not only for tanks, but also for various types of armored vehicles, and can also be developed and extended for use in trucks and the like.

Liu Tao drove the tank forward, turned, and retreated in the open space.

We even did a small hill climb test.

As a major killer on the battlefield, tanks must adapt to the complex terrain of the battlefield. There are no roads that can be crushed out of the way.

This 20-degree angle climb is no problem.

As the Spring Festival approaches, Liu Tao once again held a staff meeting.

In addition to the fifth batch of housing allocations, this workers' meeting also distributed benefits.

According to the national statutory holidays, there is one day off during the Spring Festival, but this year’s Spring Festival happens to fall on a Saturday, so Liu Tao personally made the decision to have three days off during the holiday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday!

During these three days, canteens and shopping malls will not be open, and only auditoriums, cinemas, etc. will continue to operate.

In order for everyone to have a good Spring Festival, Panshan Machinery Factory purchased a large number of materials from nearby towns and villages, which will be distributed as welfare.

Of course, the biggest focus this time is the fifth batch of housing allocations.

In addition to the 100 houses used as dormitories in the fifth batch of housing allocation, the other 200 houses are allocated to individuals.

Naturally, the fifth batch of people who have been assigned houses are all outstanding performers who have not yet been assigned houses.

This time, there were still twenty doctors and head nurses assigned to the house. This could be regarded as Liu Tao's slightly skewed care.

With the strong support from the province, the entire hospital and school are now full with a thousand people.

Although these people can return to Kunming during the Spring Festival holiday for three days, the road is rugged and takes two hours. It is estimated that most of them will stay at Panshan Machinery Factory to spend the Spring Festival.

Liu Tao's Spring Festival holiday this time will be relatively long, but when he is not in the factory, other factory leaders will naturally be on duty to handle the entire factory.

Whether it is a residential area, a shopping mall area or a production area, there will be people on duty even during holidays to avoid water leakage and fire.

Welfare distribution is based on each department as the basic unit and queued up to receive it.

Everyone was beaming with joy. After all, this was a welfare benefit and they didn't need to spend any money.

After finishing their work, Liu Tao and his second sister's family set off on their way back to Beijing.

"Brother, when did you learn to drive a tank?" Liu Honglei asked curiously.

Chen Weimin was also very curious. The news of Liu Tao driving a tank these days has spread throughout the Panshan Machinery Factory.

After all, the noise of driving tanks was quite big, there were many people in the factory, and Liu Tao did not deliberately keep it secret.

"I have been studying tanks during this period. If I study them thoroughly, I will naturally be able to drive a tank." Liu Tao smiled lightly, "Just like a car repairman who knows how to drive a tank, practice makes perfect."

Liu Tao said it calmly, but only he knew that it was not that easy to drive a tank.

It's him who is very tired every day.

To avoid blisters on his hands, he also wore gloves.

But even so, his hands were calloused.

Of course, Liu Tao has gained a lot from his hard work these days.

It can be said that once the results are reported to superiors, it will cause a sensation throughout the country.

However, Liu Tao did not plan to report it at this time. He wanted to wait until the prototype of the self-propelled anti-aircraft gun was completed before reporting to his superiors.

If you want to do it, do it in a big way!

Small fights are not his style.

"Sister, brother-in-law, you all know the confidentiality regulations in the factory. Never talk about things in the factory outside. When people ask which unit you are in, just say you are in the furniture factory." Liu Tao warned.

Once the secret is leaked and the responsibility is held, Liu Tao will not be able to protect them.

As a military factory that produces the most advanced firearms, the confidentiality regulations in the production area of ​​Panshan Machinery Factory are very strict. Production workers are not allowed to talk about production-related matters with outsiders when talking to them.

This is still inside!

As for outsiders, they cannot enter the area under the jurisdiction of Panshan Machinery Factory.

The two passes at the front and back are easy to defend but difficult to attack. They are also the only transportation roads and cannot be entered by ordinary people.

This is still the case now, and it will only become stricter in the future.

"Understood!" Liu Honglei and Chen Weimin nodded.

They receive a confidentiality course every month, so they naturally know the need to keep it secret.

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