Lin Mingqing passed the exam.

This is a great event to celebrate.

This is not only for the Lin Yi family, but also for the entire Lin Family Village.

Therefore, since we want to celebrate, we must put on a feast.

Lin Yiwei has felt much more relaxed since he stepped down from the Lin family village two years ago.

He doesn't have to run every day for the road to becoming rich in Linjia Village, and he doesn't have to worry about the villagers of Linjia Village every day.

Their family is now just an ordinary villager in Linjia Village.

And when he has time, he will also go to Linjiayuan in Taoyuan Village to walk around and chat with the two old men.

As for the rest of the family, except for the younger son who needs to read, everyone else is a leisurely day at sunrise and sunset.

Moreover, in the past two years, because of the improved methods of crop planting promulgated by the imperial court, which required the villagers to use it compulsorily, great harvests have been achieved.

Each mu of fertile land can produce five stone grains, and some diligent and meticulous management of crops can yield six or seven stone per mu.

Compared with the past, now there is an increase of one to three stones per mu.

You must know that in the past, no matter how good the crops were, it was only four or five stones per mu. This is still the highest record. Generally, the yield per mu is three or four stones, and it is almost less than one stone.

In this way, after paying the agricultural tax, there is no surplus grain at all, no food and clothing, and only one meal without a meal.

Well now, in the past two years, the country has had a bumper grain harvest and the tax revenue has remained the same. Even so, after paying the tax, most farmers still have more than half of the surplus grain, and the problem of food and clothing will naturally be solved.

If you have food, you can sell it for money.

In the past two years, grain has been like salt. The imperial government has controlled the price of grain purchased by merchants from farmers. It is not that the merchants say that the price of grain is low when it is low, and high when it is high.

This is fundamentally beneficial for farmers not to be bullied by businessmen, and if businessmen do grain business, they must go to the government to apply for a grain purchase certificate!

As for how to sell the grain after the merchant receives it, some merchants set the price by themselves.

The peasants of Longyan Country were really excited about this move.

Therefore, the farmer's day is getting better.

In addition to food and clothing, there is some extra money to buy one or two sets of new clothes for the whole family, such a good day, but they never dared to think about it before.

However, except for some farmers in Linjia Village.

Because they have been restricted from farming by Lin Yuelan.

If they can't use the improved method of planting crops, it means that their harvest is less than half of them. In addition to paying various taxes, not to mention the surplus grain, they can't even solve the problem of food and clothing.

They can only watch other people's life get better and better, and they can only sit on the threshold and sigh all day long, constantly resenting those who go to the capital.

They cursed in their hearts, "If you want to sue, just sue, why did you get them involved?"

It's just that no matter how much they sigh and complain, it can't change the fact that they are getting poorer.

In the end, they couldn't help but begged Lizheng, oh no, now it's just Lin Yiwei, who has nothing to do, but of course he was rejected by Lin Yiwei's words.

He said, "I'm not right. It's no use begging me."

Those people cried and said, "No, as long as Li Zheng goes to Lin...Princess to beg for mercy, the princess will definitely not care anymore. Otherwise, how will our life go on?"

Lin Yiwei's face darkened, and he said sternly, "Let me go to the princess to intercede, it is better for you to intercede yourself, and it is more sincere. Maybe, the princess will be merciful and really forgive you!"

Lin Changzhi's mother's expression was startled, and then she said weakly, "But, we are afraid!" They were really afraid of Lin Yuelan, who had become a princess.

Lin Yiwei sneered at first, and then said disdainfully, "You are afraid, don't I? I want others to forgive and gain benefits, but I don't want to apologize sincerely, how can there be such a good thing in the world! Also, you guys The family has done such a thing, the princess is already magnanimous, and it is only a small punishment for you, but there is still the face to ask the princess for forgiveness? I think you are so stupid! "

"Lizheng, how can you say that?" said another family member who was involved in the false accusation.

Lin Yiwei looked at the very angry woman with sharp eyes, and he said lightly, "Lin Jin's family, I said I'm not Lizheng! Also, am I wrong? If it wasn't for the magnanimity of the princess, It's just a small punishment for you. With Lin Jin's guilt, all of your family must be imprisoned, not for 10 or 20 years, or beheaded! You know, today's princess, whose identity is Extraordinary!"

Lin Yiwei also deliberately reminded Lin Yuelan of her current identity.

The woman who was opposed by Lin Yiwei, listened to Lin Yiwei's words, her face paled with fright, and her spine was cold, but she was very dissatisfied and said to Lin Yiwei, "So, just watch Are our days getting harder and harder?"

Lin Yiwei looked at their unrepentant attitude, his heart was really cold, and then he said sharply, "I said that it is no longer Lizheng, there is no way to solve the problem for you!"

As he said that, he stepped into his own room and closed the door. Before closing the door, he reminded them a little bit reluctantly, "I said, instead of begging me, it's like sincerely going to apologize to the princess!"

After he finished speaking, he closed the door with a thud, and the people who stayed outside were really angry and annoyed.

He kept complaining in his heart that this Lin Yiwei had the ability to solve problems for them, but he just pretended to ignore them and always used words to perfunctory them. It was too much.

He also said to apologize to Lin Yuelan with sincerity.

Hmph, it really doesn't hurt to stand up and talk. If Lin Yuelan is so good at talking, she won't kill anyone.

Besides, who caused their current poverty situation, not just Lin Yuelan.

These people are ruthless and ruthless like the resentful Lin Yuelan.

Doesn't it mean that they made up a few lies. These rural people, they make up some lies all day long to say this and that, but, isn't it okay?

How did it become a crime of beheading when he arrived at Lin Yuelan's place?

Hmph, Lin Yuelan, the nemesis, will surely defeat their Lin Family Village.

These people don't think about it, and they also resent Lin Yuelan. Although they hide it well, when they occasionally talk to people and tell their grievances, this kind of eyes will be revealed.

Some smart people, when they heard that they were complaining again, left immediately to avoid causing trouble and implicated the family. And there are even more people who categorically refuse to interact with these people.

How could Lin Yuelan not know the complaints of these people?

However, when those people were not in front of her eyes, she was just happy to watch a play.

After all, being excluded and getting poorer as time goes by, one day they will go crazy themselves.

Lin Yi is at home, beaming with joy. The whole yard has been hung with red cloth, and the door couplet has been pasted. He also borrowed a few large bonsai from Taoyuan Village.

Among these bonsai, there are all kinds of beautiful flowers and branches cultivated in Taoyuan, and they are of great value when they look at them.

This makes other villagers both envious and jealous.

Because, in these eight villages, only Lin Yiwei has the face, and can borrow things from Taoyuan Village, and the borrowed things are extremely expensive.

Some people, even if they don't eat or drink for a lifetime, may not be able to buy a bonsai here.

I heard that these bonsais can be liked by rich and noble families, and the most important thing is that they are produced from Taoyuan Village, which is the iconic princess of Guguo. Buying these things at a high price is not only for face, but also maybe with Guguo. princess set man

Anyone would like to do this kind of business!

But these expensive bonsai, Taoyuan Village said that they are borrowed, which shows that there is a lot of face!

For this reason, many wealthy people who can't or can't climb Taoyuan Village will try their best to make friends with Lin Yiwei's family.

Of course, Lin Yiwei's family is very measured.

Because of this, he would never introduce people to Taoyuan Village, or to Lin Yuelan.

This is the fundamental reason why Lin Yuelan couldn't bear the embarrassment of the Lin Yiwei family.

Because, they are very self-aware, very measured, and they are determined to not embarrass Lin Yuelan if they can not embarrass Lin Yuelan.

Lin Yuelan is also willing to give Lin Yiwei a lot of face.

In the courtyard, more than 20 wine tables have been set up, inviting people from the whole village and the eight villages, who are close friends with Lin Yi.

On each wine table, there is a bottle of medium wine, and some fruits from Taoyuan Village, such as red cherry tomatoes, citrus fruits, and peanuts and melon seeds fried by Lin Yiwei's family.

The surrounding villagers had never seen such a solemn and precious reception.

These fried peanuts and melon seeds are available at their current standard of living. However, even if the wine is medium, the price is still very expensive. I heard that it will cost more than one hundred taels.

There are also red fruits and yellow and beautiful citrus, which are not something that ordinary people like them can eat.

These fruits are cheaper than the previous two years, but no matter how cheap they are, they can't afford it.

How could they be willing to pay more than 12 pounds per pound?

But now, these things that were only enjoyed in rich and noble families, today they enjoy it in Lin Yiwei's home.

It's so extravagant!

However, today they are also considered good luck!

Anyone who comes to Lizheng's house for wedding wine will be attracted by the things on the table as soon as they enter the courtyard.

However, before the banquet, they did not dare to disturb the food on the table. Even if they wanted to eat, they were drooling, and the children were clamoring to eat, but they were held tightly by adults!

This is no ordinary wedding.

This is the banquet of Lin Mingqing's judging people. If you win the judging people, it means you can become an official.

Besides, there are ten miles and eight villages around here, who doesn't know that Lin Yiwei's family has the best relationship with the princess of Gu Kingdom, Lin Yuelan. In case Lin Mingqing is annoyed because he has no rules to eat first, it's better to say something. They will only open one eye and close one eye.

However, it would be miserable if the princess of Guguo was offended by this matter, after all, these things belonged to her.

I heard that the villagers of Linjia Village were beheaded just because they said gossip about the princess of Guguo. They couldn't even get a corpse capital. They could only be left to be lonely ghosts in a foreign land. The poor people.

For them, after death, they can't have a place to live and become a lonely ghost, but it's more terrifying than beheading.

Therefore, the family of Master Juren gave them face and invited them to come over for a banquet, so they can't mess with it, can they?

"Congratulations, congratulations!" All the guests would say congratulations to Lin Yiwei and others who were standing at the door to greet the guests, "Congratulations, Mr. Juren!"

Generally, a person who is a middle-ranking scholar is called Xiucai Gong, and after he is selected, he will be called the Juren Master, and Lin Yiwei, as the Juren Master, is his father, so of course he is called Juren Grandpa.

Lin Yiwei said cheerfully, "Thank you, thank you, please come in!"

Guests from various villages came to Lin Yiwei's home early.

As for the people in this village, each household has sent a representative to help, such as washing vegetables, smashing dishes, moving tables and stools, etc.

Of course, there were also a few families who didn't come to help because of their resentment towards Lin Yiwei's family.

"Master Juren, when will this Master Juren get home?"

According to the customs of their county and county, the banquet must be held on the day when the master of the master returns home.

Of course, its meaning is to congratulate and congratulate it, and it also means to wash away the dust for it.

Lin Yiwei smiled and said, "Yesterday, I wrote from Ming and Qing Dynasties that they will arrive at noon in the morning."

"That's really congratulations!" After the guest said his congratulations again, he entered the courtyard.

After seeing the guests arriving one after another, Lin Yiwei checked the time, it was almost noon.

At four o'clock noon, that is, around 12 noon.

Mrs. Lin Yiwei was very happy today, wearing a red silk cotton, a gold hairpin, a pair of gold earrings, and a gold bracelet. For a rural woman, this kind of dress is the wealth they dream of. .

For today's son's banquet, Mrs. Lin took out all the jewelry at the bottom of the box.

Their life was not bad, but in the past two years, it has become better. Lin Yiwei bought gold jewelry for his wife without hesitation.

Not only Mrs. Lin, but also the female family members of the family also added some jewelry, either silver or gold.

This time, for such a grand wedding banquet, all the female relatives, of course, brought out the gold and silver jewelry that these men bought for them.

The other women were really envious when they heard it, thinking in their hearts that after going back this time, they will grind their men to buy some accessories for themselves no matter what.

Even if it's not gold, silver can be!

"I'm back, I'm back..."

It was noon, and the people who were guarding the entrance of the village immediately ran back to report.

"Master Juren is back, Master Juren is back!" said a young man.

"Changqing, has Ming and Qing really come back?" Lin Yiwei asked excitedly.

"Yes, Uncle." Lin Changqing replied with a smile, "Brother Ming and Qing is very imposing, wearing a red silk, riding a horse, and is rushing home. Oh, and the county magistrate behind him! Now we are approaching the entrance of the village. It's gone!"

As soon as Lin Changqing's voice fell, everyone could hear some whistling sounds.

Lin Yiwei reacted immediately and yelled at Lin Mingliang, "Liangzi, hurry up, grab the firecrackers, we will rush to the entrance of the village now!"

According to the rules, after Master Juren returned home for the first time, the village would set off firecrackers to greet him.

Lin Mingliang picked up a big firecracker and walked towards the door.

When I walked to the gate of the village, I saw Xinli Zhenglin Changfeng, who was already waiting there with firecrackers.

When Lin Mingliang saw it, he touched the back of his head honestly and asked with a smile, "Lizheng, so you have prepared firecrackers!"

Lin Changfeng glared at him angrily, and said, "Lin Mingqing was chosen to become a master of Juren, but to make the village look better and honor the blessings of my Lin Family Village, of course, the village must prepare firecrackers to welcome the celebration!"

After Lin Yiwei stepped down as Li Zheng, most of the villagers in the village did not know what to do for a while. Later, some people thought of Lin Changfeng.

Lin Changfeng is a decent person, and he has a good relationship with the people in the village. The most important thing is that he also has a good relationship with Taoyuan Village.

Therefore, everyone elected Lin Changfeng as Li Zheng.

Lin Changfeng was not willing to take such a hot potato, but under the persuasion of the villagers, he reluctantly took over the position of Lizheng.

Fortunately, after the last incident where Lin Changzhi lost his life, the villagers in Linjia Village are obviously much more secure, and there have been no major incidents in the past two years.

What only gave him a faint headache was that those who were named by Lin Yuelan asked him to beg Lin Yuelan for mercy.

However, Lin Changfeng was a little harder than Lin Yiwei.

He put it out directly, asking him to ask for it, it is better for them to ask for it themselves. If you want him to beg, don't go!

In short, he wouldn't accept such a thankless and offending chore for himself.

After those people couldn't do anything, they started to grind Lin Yiwei again.

However, Lin was also indifferent.

"Hey, come, come, hurry up, firecrackers!" Lin Changfeng saw the people who had come over, and immediately let the guy on the ignition line shout.

Here, Lin Mingliang also reacted, and he immediately lit firecrackers.

The sound of crackling firecrackers was mixed with the joyful cries of children.

Halfway through the firecrackers, Lin Mingqing rode on the horse and waited for a while, the sound of the firecrackers stopped, and he turned over and dismounted.

Headed by Lin Changfeng, he said to Lin Mingqing, "Lin Changfeng, who is in the Lin family village, has already been elected as a master, congratulations to the master of the election!"

Immediately, he said to the magistrate, "The grass people meet the magistrate!"

After Lin Changfeng finished speaking, some people behind him said, "Congratulations to Master Juren, and I meet the magistrate!"

Lin Mingqing said with a smile, "Thank you folks!"

The county magistrate also waved his hand and said, "Everyone, please get up!"

After Lin Changfeng got up, he made a "please" gesture and said, "Your Majesty, Master Juren, please!"

The group followed Lin Changfeng and Lin Mingliang into Linjia Village.

They first went to the ancestral hall of the Lin family village to meet their ancestors. Lin Yiwei and some clan elders were already waiting there.

After that, they returned to Lin Yiwei's home.

When the magistrate arrived in the Lin's yard, he was very surprised when he saw the things on the table, and he immediately understood.

He looked around again and didn't seem to see the person he wanted to see. Then, he looked at Lin Yiwei and asked secretly, "Master Juren, will the princess come?"

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