The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 990: Sand table map, strategy battle

strategy? What strategy?

Almost everyone did not understand how to let the quasi-concubines compete for strategies in this martial arts training ground.

The presiding father-in-law smiled and waved his hand, and the surrounding janitorial guards worked together to pull away the **** covered by a large open space in front of him.

It was originally supposed to be a large open space for martial arts, but what was shown in front of everyone at this time was surprising!

I don't know when it was transformed into a large sand table map! The map depicts plains, basins, forests, mountains and rivers.

The map was divided into countless grids, and on some grids there was a small tent with a shield or a long gun painted on it.

"The generals present should not feel new to this kind of sand table, but such a big sand table map is a bit unfamiliar." The host's voice is really big, maybe this is the reason why he was entrusted with the heavy responsibility. A bit louder to suppress the various discussions at the scene, "Let me briefly explain the rules of this competition to everyone."

"This sand table is where your consorts fight on the battlefield, and they cannot leave the map. Each grid on the ground is where you stand, and only one person is allowed to exist. Each action can only move one grid distance, each hexagonal grid. The six adjacent squares can be moved. In addition to the terrain, you should be able to see the squares where the tents are located... Those squares are the key to this round of competition!"

"If the five quasi-concubines are generals who lead the army to fight, then the grids marked with tents are the materials needed for the battle! The tents marked with shields, the quasi-concubines can get a shield when they arrive; the tents marked with spears , the prospective concubine can get a wooden water gun when the time comes."

Many ministers heard a slight smile. The wooden water gun was a plaything for children in the countryside. It was so important for a few big men to play when they were competing for the concubine.

"Principles of consorts, please pay attention... The attack distance of this water gun is 3 blocks, and it is invalid if it exceeds the distance. It can only be used once, and whoever is hit will be eliminated from the competition. As with the previous rating, According to the order of elimination, you will be graded, and you will get a grade for surviving at the end, and you will get 5 points!"

"Then the shield is..." Gong Bujue clapped the folding fan in his hand and asked curiously.

"The next thing I'm going to talk about is the tent with the shield logo... You can get a shield from it, which can offset a water gun attack. But after the offset, it will be invalid. There is only one military resource in all the tents, although **** can It is very important to eliminate the water guns of other opponents, but I don’t need to say more about the role of the shield at a critical moment, so please don’t ignore the importance of any military resources.” The host replied.

"That's not martial arts? With the blood wolf general's strength, even in a small grid, he can dodge all the water gun shots." Lu Jianyi pondered.

"That's too bad. It was said that this competition is about strategy, and the quasi-concubines cannot use martial arts. Make good use of the items in your hands. According to the rules, if you are attacked, you will be hit. You don't have to shoot water on your body. The rules are simple and easy. Understood, the audience is the referee!" The host explained.

Hearing this, Gong Bujue and Lu Jian nodded slightly, Enke bowed his head and said nothing, Lu Fujin was already smiling. Can not use martial arts can only follow the rules, there is no insurmountable gap between them and the blood wolf, they have nothing to fear!

"Also, these terrains have their own advantages, because they are compared to strategies, please listen carefully. The plains are nothing special. The basin is low-lying. When people in the basin area are attacked by water guns, the distance is increased by one. If you pass directly, you have to cross the river from a bridge or land. There are actually markings on the map, and there are no grids in the river. When the grid in the high mountain area is occupied, the attack range of the water gun is increased by one, which is as easy to defend as the real battle. Great place to attack..."

The host father-in-law explained the rules on the sand table incessantly.

In fact, this sandbox game may not be known to outsiders. It has been circulated among military advisers and generals in various military departments. The gameplay and rules are similar, and they are mainly used to exercise basic strategies and military law. As the young heroes trained by each of the six diligent kings, military strategy is a compulsory course, and the three of them don't need to listen more about the rules.

If only the two armies were fighting, they would still be afraid of the blood wolf, the general guarding the frontier, but now the five armies are fighting in chaos. The three of them only need one look to know that they are united. No matter how the blood wolf uses the terrain and tactics, they will not is their opponent. This is not a game where you can regain the disadvantage of numbers by force!

If they looked at Enke vaguely, even if the blood wolf won this battle, they would not be able to surpass their score, as long as they pay more attention to the difference and let the foreign prince take advantage of them during the chaos.

"Yes, I almost forgot...General Blood Wolf, don't be discouraged. There is another rule in this battle, which will allow General Blood Wolf to overtake the final score."

When the three people on the side of King Liu Qin were full of confidence, the father-in-law suddenly said something like this, and they all hurriedly looked at the father-in-law. How could there be a chance for the blood wolf to come back? !

"In order to prevent everyone from hiding in the east and unable to decide the winner, there is a scoring method in this competition. Every time you eliminate an opponent, you will add an extra point, which will finally be accumulated into the total score. It is like a real march and war, Those who advance bravely and kill the enemy will be rewarded for meritorious deeds. Therefore, everyone should strive to compete for merits." The hostess looked at the blood wolf and said with a smile.

Originally, everyone thought that the emperor was favoritism and gave the blood wolf a chance to come back.

After listening to it carefully, it seems that this regulation must exist. Those who move forward will also face the danger of being eliminated by the other party, because the distance of the water gun is the same for everyone. Without this bonus point, and everyone looking for a place to hide, the competition would be extremely ugly and meaningless.

Watching the fire from the other side is not necessarily a good thing! How to defeat more opponents in the chaos and survive to the end, this is a difficult test for the strategy of the concubine!

"How would you judge if both of them were shooting water guns at each other in the attack range?" Prince Enke suddenly asked.

"Whoever attacks first will be counted first. So it's best for everyone to plan ahead, so as not to make a wedding dress for someone else if you shoot quickly, or get a bargain for someone else if you shoot slowly." The hostess replied cheerfully.

Gong Bujue, Lu Jianyi, and Lu Fujin each brought their cronies over. Behind Gong Bujue stood the senior of Fengling Palace; beside Lu Jianyi stood Lu Geer, the second uncle who came with him, and Lu Jianer who came to help later. Next to Lv Fujin were many masters of the rivers and lakes, as well as chess, calligraphy, and painting craftsmen, who were looking for money and businessmen. Before, they had been vaguely thinking about how to protect themselves, but after adding this rule, the key to victory and defeat became more complicated, and they had to go back and discuss more with the people they brought.

When everyone was thinking about it, the blood wolf stood alone on one side with no expression on his face, as if it was just a visitor competition that had nothing to do with him, and no one knew what he was thinking.

The high platform where the emperor was behind him was also talking about it, which was very lively.

However, the liveliness that fits this situation is not discussing the rules. On their side, the safety of the palace that is in the limelight is naturally more important than who becomes the concubine.

"Meijin Yiwei guessed that the robber was just a test before, but still made an open arrangement to lure the opponent to carry out his real purpose and catch him all at once... I don't think the opponent is so easy to take the bait." Liu Yunlu stared at Mei Qianxiao who was standing beside him and shook his head. road.

"I also think that the other party is unlikely to fall for the trick, but this is also a strategy that is better than nothing. However, we are still heavily deployed in the martial arts field. Will the rear give the other party another chance, Mr. Li Commander." Gongliang Junyi asked Li Mengyao, But his eyes were looking at Mei Qianxiao, who seemed to be dozing off with a hangover.

He guessed Mei Qianxiao's decadence in investigating the case a few days ago should be some kind of blindfold that he didn't understand, so he came up with such a strategy in a blink of an eye. It's not very smart, but it's better than doing nothing at all.

"I don't know either. He said that he can't control anything with a hangover today, and everything will be as arranged yesterday... He applied to me to let all the members of Jiang Hao's team come in, and said that's all it takes." Li Mengyao stared angrily. Mei Qian smiled and asked her why she couldn't understand any plans. The whole thing was strange, "By the way, Liu Quietly asked for leave due to illness and didn't come."

But everything has been approved by the emperor, and she can only do it.

The emperor sat calmly, although he didn't understand the reason why Mei Qianxiao couldn't wake up from the hangover today, but he knew the reason why Mei Qianxiao could implement this plan with confidence.

In the last round of the competition, Jiang Hao, Xingzhuan, Ning, Qiu Haoyu and others came. This round requires all members of Jiang Hao's team to come in. There is a huge difference here... Because there will be one more person who has already been arranged outside the martial arts training field. The new force of the guards!

Can the emperor not guess who that force is not known to others!

He had already seen this stupendous figure, and with his secret identity, who could be this person if he wasn't the day of the Demon Sect's Dharma Protector! That day, the fierce phoenix Huihuang who was kicked by Jinghong was in the dark, and just imagining it was already overwhelming! With the help of this god, the emperor was so happy last night.

Mei Qianxiao is repeating the same mistakes on the bright side, and the oriole is behind in the dark!

However, the emperor didn't know either, and the real purpose of Mei Qianxiao, who knew the details of Mei Qianxiao, was only a little bit of knowledge.

The blood wolf glanced at several quasi-concubines who were obsessed with researching countermeasures, and finally met Enke.

"Boy, do you want to form an alliance with me?"

A voice transmission fell into Enke's ears, and Enke saw the blood wolf wink at him quickly.

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