The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 985: 0 Jun 1 hair, singing and dancing

The thief was also shrewd, he looked at Li Mengyao quickly, and said with a smile on his face that he used to walk around the rivers and lakes all the year round with a fox and a tiger's mighty attitude: "The adults are the masters of the villains! How can we let the people from the East Factory search casually when we are dignified and guarded by Si Jinyiwei? It's clear that Dongchang deliberately made things difficult for us! I even reminded General Xuelang to arrest the fake Jiang Hao, and then I just didn't **** with General Xuelang in the ditch, so why was it suspected?"

Good guy, the response is really fast, taking advantage of the unwelcome relationship between Dongji Office and Gongwei Division to stir up the water, the blood wolf secretly applauded... But fortunately, you didn't say anything about you pooping with Lao Tzu in the ditch, then let's The reputation has become strange together!

"You don't care so much at this time, the overall situation is the most important thing. Anyway, as long as you are innocent, you don't mind searching for Lord Gongliang. People don't think it's dirty, so what do you think?" Extraordinarily calm.

"Meijinyiwei, please come can take it off by yourself." Gongliang Junyi motioned for Mei Qianxiao to step aside, and waited with his arms around his chest.

The thief couldn't let go of his timidity, and walked over generously... but he glanced at the blood wolf from time to time, and his eyes were full of anxiety.

I also have a headache!

At this time, the blood wolf had countless thoughts flashing through his mind. Whether it was his strong blocking or the strong resistance of the robber, the final outcome was that the two of them were caught in the same pot. Rao was frantically burning his brain cells and couldn't think of any way to break this dead end. He watched the thief being taken to the corner, and everyone was urging him to undress...


Suddenly there was a hurried shout, and the people arrived first, and after a few seconds, the two Jinyiwei hurriedly appeared in front of everyone.

"Come on!" Everyone put down their brows and smiled for a while, and looked down at what they were anxious to report.

"There are clues about the robbers in the inner palace and the inner palace!" The visitor was panting, and he explained the matter one by one, "A suspicious person appeared in the palaces of Princess Chang and Changning, disturbing the body of the princess, and waiting for them to leave the princess. Only found the opportunity to report to us!"

"Isn't the inner palace has been notified of martial law, and the secret guards are strictly guarding the harem, how can they let the robbers sneak in?!" Li Changrong said in shock.

How could Princess Changning's frail and sickly daughter be disturbed, and the harem was so easily offended by the thieves!

"I heard that the person wearing the armor of the Imperial Forest Army was ordered to search the inner palace... I didn't expect to sneak into the palace of Princess Changning!" the person reported.

"That's too bad, it's most likely a robber in disguise! There are secret guards assembled over there, which should be unbreakable. I didn't expect him to dare to choose the harem as a breakthrough!" Gongliang Junyi frowned.

"It's not too late, let's hurry up and chase!" Li Mengyao was able to do things efficiently, without any hesitation, stepped out the long snow-white legs in the fringed dress and rushed out, followed by a large number of Jinyiwei and the musket team immediately.

Gongliang Junyi secretly sighed, "I'm afraid it's too late..." and led the crowd to chase.

"The help will come back later, you contestants should go back to the martial arts field first." Li Changrong said to the blood wolf Lu Fujin and others, and then whispered to Mei Qianxiao, "Don't come with you if you have poor martial arts skills. , go back to the emperor's side to see how to deal with the aftermath."

After he finished speaking, he ran away.

Just now, there was a circle of people surrounding the robbery handsome who was frightened out of cold sweat, and after a while, he was left standing alone. Even now, she still can't believe that she escaped from the dead!

The robber had already secretly smuggled in the palm of his hand and planned to make a fortune... Although the queen mother will come forward to protect her when she is caught in the prison, but this will expose the relationship between the queen mother and the robber, and many of the crimes of robbers in the world will be dirty. The identity of the queen mother is too expensive.

I have to be thankful that I didn't reveal the stuff just now, and I survived until this miracle moment.

Without saying a word, the blood wolf immediately dragged his eyebrows and rushed to the martial arts field with a thousand smiles. He was cautious all the way, making sure no one was paying attention, and then asked in a low voice: "You said it wasn't you, all the insiders came out!"

"It's not mine! I don't know!" Thief Shuai vowed.

"He's meowing to hell..."

"Damn you? I'm the only one!" Thief Shuai said dissatisfiedly. He didn't expect that he would be so embarrassed if he came to help him today, and lost his reputation as thief handsome.

"No, I mean Princess Changning has been in hell... Could it be that another group of people came in at the same time?" Blood Wolf said with deep eyes.

What happened today is simply unbelievable.

Xuelang and others returned to the martial arts field, and Xuelang and Mei Qianxiao came to the emperor's high platform to report the situation just now.

The emperor saw Mei Qianxiao and Xuelang were present at the same time, and his heart was very stable... From his point of view, the demon sect leader and Zhenguo Siwu Xuelang, plus the Zhenguo Siwu Tiancuo behind him, this palace is still Can it be turned over by thieves? !

Not long after, Li Changrong sent someone to report on the investigation in the harem.

It turned out that a man dressed as a janitor went to the harem and was intercepted by the dark guards. However, that Jin Yiwei actually took out a brand of Dark Guard. The organizational system of the Shadow City Palace is rather special. Many people in the system do not know each other, so they can only recognize the brand. The Janissaries said they were ordered to investigate secretly, so the guards had to let him in.

Later, the Guards broke into Princess Changning's bedroom, and it seemed that they were just here to escape. When they arrived, they only saw Jin Chan in the corner of the courtyard of the palace, leaving behind a body of Guards armor. Judging from the map of the harem, I am afraid that it is possible to pass through the harem again and escape from the other outer wall. The heavy troops are arranged on the periphery of the inner palace, and the back wall will indeed loosen a lot, which is convenient for the robbers to escape.

They did some self-examination, and together with the corpses in the side hall, two people were missing from the Guards. A simple guess, probably the escaped robber had a second escape plan. He did not know where to prepare a secret guard token, stole the armor of the praetorian guard and turned it into a missing praetorian guard. Open a search encirclement and enter the harem.

The most terrifying thing for everyone is that the robber may not escape, but Yi Rong is lurking in the harem. Therefore, Li Mengyao and others are thoroughly investigating the harem, and they have no time to come to the martial arts field.

There are traces of all this, and it can basically be said that the escape route of the thief handsome... If the blood wolf does not know that the thief handsome is by his side!

The problem is that the robber is alive and kicking here, what the **** is that who escaped from the harem without authorization!

"Your Majesty, the riot in the martial arts field has been dealt with. The smog is extremely toxic. After the smoke is dispelled, no one feels any different... But Yang Cheng and other older adults fell asleep after being dazed." Side confidant came up to report to the emperor.

The emperor pondered and looked at Mei Qian with a smile.

The blood wolf with this kind of eyes is familiar. He and the emperor have some tacit understanding. At first glance, he knows that the emperor wants him to find a way to solve this crisis concerning the face of the royal emperor, stealing the handsome is the last It will bring, if there is any problem, don't bear the responsibility. I think this riot should not appear at the palace celebration, it is better to let the end general appease everyone, and let's close the gate of the palace and find out silently..." Blood Wolf stood up and cupped his hands, lest the fake eyebrows would be revealed.

"Brother, do you have a solution?!" The emperor was pleasantly surprised, but said quietly.


"Okay, I'll leave it to you."

The blood wolf cleared his throat, a force of dantian pushed up, and his voice was like falling from the sky, clearly spreading to the ears of everyone present: "Everyone, don't be impatient... Just now, this was a performance by the general and the robber, everyone. Isn't it surprising and surprising?!"

Everyone looked at each other, and seeing the guards who had been very anxious before, they were very calm at this time, and they began to hesitate in their hearts.

"Because the waiting time is a little long, I will use an exciting joke to relieve everyone's difficulties... At the same time, I can show everyone that the adaptability of the Imperial Guard of the Imperial Palace is really the elite of the palace!" Blood Wolf continued.

It's not a big deal to say this kind of thing from anyone's mouth... But it was said from the mouth of the four martial blood wolves of Zhenguo who brought the robber, and the robber was really weird when he appeared, so I had to believe it... …

A lot of things are like this. If the person in power says yes, that is... What is the truth behind it, how can outsiders know?

So I started drinking again and joined the court band, how to keep making noises, as if nothing had happened just now, but instead, I was happy to talk about it, and the atmosphere was even smoother. The emperor looks stable, can they think it's a problem?

The singing and dancing leveled for a while, and suddenly the drums sounded in the martial arts field, and the band retreated again.

The father-in-law of the host naturally knew what it meant. He walked into the arena and shouted with a shrill voice, "A contestant is back!"

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