The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 98: The noble tribe is in chaos

"Why?" Li Mengyao asked in surprise.

"Our tribe advocates the strong and believes that the best woman should serve the strongest man. So when a girl becomes an adult, a man will come to marry him. If there are several people at the same time, whoever wins will go to whoever wins. If you are married, you can challenge the woman's husband, and if you win, you can enjoy that woman... You are beautiful and wild, and when you come to our tribe, all the men can't sit still. Breed with you. So they scramble to challenge your husband, and if you beat him, they will get you. Follow the customs, as long as you come to our tribe, no matter where you come from, we will act according to our rules."

"What? Women are not goods!"

Li Mengyao was shocked, this was the first time she heard of such unethical behavior! No wonder Mei Qianxiao wanted to pretend to be her husband, at least to help him block the men from the tribe!

She has always known that there are many countries in the Western Regions, and many people in them still live as collectives as tribes, maintaining ancient living habits and habits, many of which are very open. Now that I am in the tribe in the Western Regions, I know that it is not just a rumor, it is really so messy!

"So, your husband's dehydration just happens to be constantly challenged by many people. It's very hard." Speaking of this, Li Mengyao found that Milganxia showed a hint of envy.

That idiot, with mediocre kung fu, won't be beaten up here!

I thought so, but Li Mengyao's heart was still warm. Mei Qianxiao tried her best to save herself. With such a poor level of martial arts, she helped herself to keep out from other men's covetousness. This time, I was really fortunate to have him.

Now that she is awake, with her skills, even if she breaks her foot, she can deal with these backward savages, and she doesn't have to smile and be beaten again.

Thinking of this, she said anxiously, "Where is Mei Qianxiao? I'll go find him!"

"Your feet can't get out of bed to walk, so wait for him to come back?"

"That fool is so weak, I'm afraid he won't come back!"

Li Mengyao endured a feeling of weakness and got up from the floor. Her parents died young, so she developed a persevering and competitive character since childhood. As long as she can do things, she will never ask for help easily. Even if she lived in the palace as a child, she lived quite independent.

Using only one foot, she crawled to the table behind Mi Ganxia, ​​picked up her clothes, and climbed back onto the bed to start changing. She is not a little girl who hides in her boudoir. She is in charge of a big guard. She can't do anything well, so she is both carefree and neat. There is only one woman in the room, she can change it with confidence and boldness Get up your clothes.

Because the clothes of the Western Regions are cool and the size is too small, when Li Mengyao used her hands and feet to crawl on the ground just now, she was so bright and charming that no other men saw it, otherwise she would definitely go crazy.

Li Mengyao drank the herbs on the table after listening to Mi Ganxia's words, and then checked the gauze-bound legs.

The wound on the leg was no longer bleeding and did not appear to be inflamed, but the wound was still bloody. Although Li Mengyao was carefree, she still felt lonely when she saw three fat caterpillars lying on her feet on the white snow plain. After all, she is still a young girl in bloom, and everyone has a love for beauty. There are three big dazzling scars on her white and smooth calf.

It's just that the perseverance in her heart can make her look down on these things, and she has a broader pursuit in her heart.

Rejecting Mi Ganxia's help, Li Mengyao jumped out of the tent in her original dark blue brocade robe.

Out of the tent, the first thing that comes into view is the blue and cloudless sky. The unobstructed sky makes people unconsciously relax their tense nerves. Beneath the blue sky, there is an endless plain with light green short grass, and the goats are running around all over the ground.

"Chilechuan, under Yinshan Mountain. The sky is like a dome, covering the four fields. The sky is bright, and the wild is vast. The wind blows the grass and sees the cattle and sheep."

Mi Ganxia next to him couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Li Mengyao was a little unhappy. Although she looked a little rude, she was in the mood to sing a poem, right?

"Your husband came out of the tent, exactly like you, and hummed these few words without a word."

"Can he still have this consciousness? If he can say, 'Ah, the sky is so blue', he will use up his knowledge reserve." Li Mengyao understood what Mi Ganxia was laughing at, and couldn't help laughing along.

In the eyes of these people from the Western Regions, when they saw the grazing grasslands, they would only hum these words.

While walking, I listened to Mi Ganxia introducing the situation of their tribe. Their Karamay tribe is a very ancient tribe, mainly nomadic in this prairie. When the grass on one side is almost eaten, they migrate to the other side, and there is no fixed residence. This prairie belongs to Wusun, Gumo and Shule respectively. They are a tribe that has been constantly moving and never settled, so they do not know which country they belong to. Thirty-six countries in the Western Regions are vast and sparsely populated, and there are many tribes like Karamay who happen to be wandering between several countries.

The Karamay tribe is the largest of the tribes in which country it should be counted.

Li Mengyao could see hundreds of tents in a row, and there would be a fence around each tent to lock up his sheep. When grazing, everyone's sheep are mixed together, these herdsmen can distinguish which ones are their own sheep, and never miss them.

Nomadic tribes like them are very united. Maybe there will be some personal grievances because of his wife being robbed, but the habit of advocating force has been handed down since ancient times, so that the weak do not have too many complaints. In addition, there are many wolves on the prairie. If the wolves are hungry, they will often hit the sheep that their tribes are raising, and even dare to attack the tribe's station in the middle of the night and hurt people and animals. At this time, it is up to everyone to unite as one to resist the wolves, and those with the most powerful force contribute the most and are on the front line of struggle. It can be regarded as risking his life to protect the weak.

The strong can freely enjoy the women, food, and other resources in the tribe with more powerful force. On the contrary, when they encounter danger, they have to pay 200% of their strength, and pay their lives at any time to protect the tribe. In such a comparison, it seems that the customs that have been handed down by the tribe are not too excessive.

Considering this This kind of behavior that the strong man can use force to obtain a wife is more like a deformed manifestation of genetic goodness. Strong men should leave their own descendants for the tribe to strengthen The overall strength of the tribe.

As Miganxia shuttled between the grey tents, Li Mengyao was a little uncomfortable with the thick sheep excrement and urine at first, but after smelling it for a long time, he got used to it, and even felt that the smell of mutton made the soil and grass leaves more fresh and fragrant. .

Li Mengyao is in good shape, and she walks on one foot, forming a beautiful scenery of jumbo swaying and swaying along the way, attracting the hot attention of many men in robes and linen. She was a little used to it. When she walked around the rivers and lakes in the Central Plains, she was not less baptized by such sights. It's just that people in an unfamiliar place will be more focused and vigilant. She didn't know what other strange customs were here, whether these men would suddenly rush over like crazy, and slowly put their hands on the handle of the embroidered spring knife around her waist and hold them tightly.

"Don't worry. As long as you're a married woman and you haven't beaten your husband, they won't mess around."

Mi Ganxia seemed to be able to understand people's hearts and was comforted, which made Li Mengyao startled, and then nodded silently. Only after she clicked did she realize that something was wrong, why did she seem to silently accept the setting of her becoming a wife! She's still a big girl, isn't she!

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