The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 945: Cumbersome camouflage, reverse thinking

The latest website: "Then do you recognize Protector Zhou?" The blood wolf suddenly turned around and asked the chef's disciple the exact same question.

"I don't recognize him, I only recognize his cloak and smoking gun!" The chef disciple was speechless when he saw the monk disciple being asked, and even began to doubt his life. With the lessons learned from the past, he was very straightforward to face the problem of the blood wolf. .

"When the kitchen disciples came up to deliver the cakes, they saw the murderer wearing a cloak and holding a bong in disguise. The real guardian Zhou has been dazed and hidden by the murderer."

There are so many rooms in the other courtyard, and you can even hide people by simply finding one of the rooms under the roof, and no one is bothered about where the murderer hides people.

"Why did the murderer do this?" Although Li Changrong was the referee, he couldn't help but ask curiously and eagerly.

"Because Shi Prison isn't around at this time, he can't kill Guardian Zhou... During this time, he can't let the real Guardian Zhou leave, but he has to sneak away... and by pretending to be Guardian Zhou. And you, you can let him leave in the most natural way." Xuelang said, "The habit of making the back kitchen to deliver cakes is even known to ordinary monk disciples, so the murderer can use it. When you see the fake guardian smoking a bong here, you will definitely tell the monk disciples to clear the door after you go out. Then, no accident, the monk disciple guarding the gate came in and warned the fake Zhou guardian. The messenger can also be a matter of course, as if he had to leave the courtyard temporarily because he wanted to smoke a bong, so he left very naturally."

The disciples of the warrior monks and the disciples of the back kitchen remained silent. They were not thick-skinned enough. Ahhh, their cultivation was not as deep as that of the old monks. After hearing this, they only felt that they might have lied for the murderer, and their spirits were greatly affected.

"When Shi Prison came back, he had already eaten the medicine given by the murderer and returned to the room in a daze. At this time, the murderer pretended to be Guardian Zhou and came back, and the monk disciples at the door would naturally not doubt it. Waiting for the murderer to return On the roof of the west wing, he restored the unconscious Guardian Zhou to his original state, woke him up, and then immediately stabbed the other party to death with a wooden knife from the stone prisoner... He woke the other party so that the guardian guardian Zhou showed a terrified expression before he died. If the Guardian Zhou dies in a coma, the death is too peaceful, and it does not fit the state of the two who disagreed and were suddenly killed by Shi Prison."

"Wonderful! Well, how do you explain what Shi Prison said personally, the sound of him knocking over the table here on the rooftop? They clearly had a quick fight here!" Lu Fujin frowned.

"Fool, Shi Prison was just woken up here by the sound, and he didn't say that he knocked it over himself." Xuelang laughed, squatting on the ground and gesturing under the table to explain, "The murderer moved his hands and feet on the table. Cut off, the table is placed like this, and it will not fall if it is not bumped. Then hang the rain wire or string on the foot of the table and lead it downstairs, and then slam the stone prisoner's door. The effect of the stone prisoner is onset. , his mind was chaotic, he remembered the appointment on the rooftop of the west wing, but he was still in a daze. When the stone prisoner reached the roof, the murderer only needed to rip off the filament downstairs, control the table to fall and the chess pieces were scattered, completely awakening the stone prisoner. Together with the warrior monks outside, the only stone prisoner left, and the guard Zhou who had just died, they were on the rooftop and successfully put the blame on him."

"Then how did the murderer leave the courtyard? The monk disciples who are guarding around will definitely find someone coming and going, even if they climb over the wall, they can't leave!" The blood wolf said more and more carefully, and Lu Fujin couldn't sit still and said anxiously.

"Go directly from the door." Blood Wolf chuckled.

"The door?!" Lu Fujin pointed at the monk disciple, "Can he not find out?"

"You forgot? After the table fell to the ground, the movement attracted all the monks around to the west wing. As long as the murderer hid in the dark and waited for the disciples to go to the roof of the west wing, he could swagger and leave the door." Xuelang didn't expect this guy to not go at all Thinking about the details, he smiled contemptuously.

Lu Fujin missed thinking about such a simple point, and his face flushed with embarrassment.

"According to what you said, although the murderer wanted to put the blame on Shi Prison, it was too much trouble. Since the murderer hid in the yard early in the morning, and waited for Shi Prison to come back and killed the guardian Zhou directly, why pretend to be Zhou Hu? How many times did the envoy go back and forth?" Hou Jingtian was confused.

What the blood wolf said is not impossible, but the process is too cumbersome, and there are additional risks, there is no need for the murderer to do so complicated.

"Well... let me delay the explanation." The blood wolf sold out again.

"There are so many doubts, but you have to postpone the explanation. This is considered to have solved the case?" Lu Fujin said unhappily.

"Hehe... the next case." Xuelang ignored Lu Fujin and walked downstairs with his hands behind his back.

If it were someone else, Lu Fujin would have jumped on his feet a long time ago... Unfortunately, this is the four martial arts of Zhenguo, even if people hate it, he still has to be an uncle!

The group once again came to the attic of the east wing, a sealed stone house with no windows.

"Amitabha. In this case, only Shi Shi and Huanyue Zongtian are locked in the house. If Shi Shi was not the one killed, how can General Blood Wolf explain it?" Master Chengjing raised his buddha hand and nodded.

In this case, he did not think of the possibility of another suspect at all.

"This case is the most difficult of all murder cases. If I hadn't thought of what the kitchen disciple mentioned later, I wouldn't have figured it out." Xuelang honestly said.

He also went back and raised his pillow to think about this case for a few nights before he figured it out. If it is not determined that there are problems in the first two cases, he may also be concealed by this case.

"Me?" The chef disciple pointed at himself in surprise. He followed the blood wolf all the way down, only to find that he was tempted to make a lot of false evidence, and it was still useful?

"You said that the oil paper you used to repair the wall here is gone... In fact, it was not blown away by the wind, but stolen by the murderer."

The blood wolf came to the wall that had been tangled before, moved the bookshelf away, gently knocked on the stone bricks that were made up, and reached out to change the direction of the outside and put it in.

"General Blood Wolf still doubts this hole? But even children can't enter this hole. It's impossible for anyone to enter from here." Gong Bujue shook his head, not wanting that the blood wolf was still digging into this bull's horn.

"I couldn't figure out how the murderer came in from here at first... But then I figured it out. We have to think in reverse. It's not that the murderer came in from here to kill, but Hufa Tian went out and was killed." Xuelang laughed.

"Tian Hufa went out from here and was killed?!" Everyone was shocked when they heard it, as if the blood wolf was talking about the Arabian Nights.

The hole is so big, if you can't get in, you can't get out!

"Of course people can't get out...but do you still remember how Tian Hufa died?"

"His head was smashed to Lu Jian was horrified.

"That's right, the head of the person here is just enough to pass." The blood wolf gestured at the size of the hole.

"This..." Gong Bujue frowned, "Although the head can pass, the murderer still can't chop off Tian Hufa's head here."

"It was said that Tian Hufa went out from here and was killed. His head was not chopped indoors..." Xuelang bent down and stuck his head out of the hole, and a voice came from outside, "He stuck his head out, and the neck The length is just over the width of the brick. The murderer immediately cut it down with the stone prisoner's wooden knife, and Tian Hufa lost his head."

Everyone was speechless, but who could imagine why Tian Hufa would stick his head out for no reason and be chopped off? No one can understand this whimsical idea!

There must be someone to ask this question, but the blood wolf did not give them the opportunity to ask, and then continued: "The waterproof oil paper is very useful at this time..."

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