The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 932: Steal the dragon and turn the phoenix, prepare one more hand

After a while, Master Hu Laihui Fang was sent back.

There is no need for everyone to ask him to explain directly to the blood wolf, "The abbot has at least eight knives in his body, and the one slashed from the cervical spine to the chest cavity is a fatal injury. Because the force is too great, the knife is almost like a big hammer, and there are many fractures on the body. There is not a piece of good flesh on his body. The knife wound matches the broken wooden knife, and it is determined that the wooden knife in Shi Jie's hand at that time is the murder weapon."

Hu Lai handed the broken knife to the blood wolf. He didn't expect the wooden knife to be so heavy, it would break his hand when he took a few steps.

"Is this your knife?" Shi Prisoner was sitting upright on the bed, and the blood wolf picked up the blood-stained wooden knife to confirm it to Shi Prison.

"That's right. I personally made this knife according to my own weapon. There is only one in the world." Shi Prison confirmed.

"Unique? Isn't it already certain that the abbot killed him!" Gong Bujue made a precise conclusion, and his junior sister hurriedly took a pen and paper to copy it, for fear of losing half of his senior brother's merit.

Everyone, including the blood wolf, nodded slightly.

From the situation at the time, it seemed that the abbot had just fallen down, the blood was still flowing, and Shi Prison was standing with a knife in his cold eyes. There was no one else at the scene, and it was almost impossible for another murderer to kill the abbot before they arrived and then stuff the knife into the stone prisoner. Unless Shi Prison deliberately wanted to help the murderer to hide it and took the knife himself... That would be very strange. The murderer deliberately used Shi Prison's knife to kill someone who wanted to blame Shi Prison, and Shi Prison would still be willing to help others? The murderer might as well throw the knife on the ground.

In this way, it is basically certain that Shi Prison is the murderer.

I don't know that Gong Bujue's expression of "I swear in the name of grandpa that the murderer is you!" said this nonsense and made a mess, and the result was not as expected.

"I'm curious... Since you are called "Ghost-headed Swordsman", where is your sword?" Blood Wolf suddenly asked curiously.

He is not a fool, and naturally he will not think that the ghost-headed knife king relies on a wooden knife to dominate the arena.

"My martial arts suffocation is too strong, and I can't control it. In order to stop killing innocent people, I no longer practice my martial arts, and cultivate my mind here. My ghost-head sword is also too suffocating, and I was blocked by me. Elsewhere, it is not appropriate to live in the rivers and lakes. I will use this wooden knife as a substitute to occasionally practice my skills, so that my hands and feet will not be dull." Shi Prison said.

"I don't think he's lying." Blood Wolf asked Shen Hongtang.

Shen Hongtang nodded.

Shen Hongtang and Shi Jiao also noticed that, as a long-established spiritual master, it is impossible for Shi Jiao to show such a level of martial arts. It shows that he really hasn't practiced martial arts for a long time, and his martial arts have even regressed a bit.

"Even the sword has been sealed. Maybe he really wants to wash his hands in a golden basin and retire from the world. It's a pity that the evil spirit is at work, and he still violently kills people." Shen Hongtang said regretfully.

"It stands to reason that he no longer cultivates the spiritual method, so he should not stimulate the inner demon. There is another possibility that the inner demon is stimulated by the outside world. There should be no worldly clutter in the place of retreat here. Let's investigate again." Blood Wolf sighed, "What about the other three murders? Take us to find out the situation."

"Amitabha. It's getting late, and everyone is probably tired from traveling for a few days. It's better to let Lao Na take everyone back to the wing for resettlement, and then have dinner together. Tomorrow morning, Lao Na will show you the scene of the other three murders. Clearer." Master Huifang suggested.

After Master Huifang mentioned it, everyone realized that the sun was slanting west, it was already night, and time passed quickly without knowing it.

"It's arranged by Master Lao Huifang." Lu Jianyi rarely said anything, but at this moment he agreed on behalf of everyone.

Seeing the blood wolf in his eyes, he sighed that Lu Jianyi was a low-key and careful person, no wonder he was so smart to pick Hou Jingtian over. For the selection, they naturally wanted to race against time to understand the situation, but now there are the princess and the queen of Loulan, even if everyone is unwilling to rest, they have to consider the two daughters.

Anyway, it's been a few days since the murder, and it's not a bad night to be anxious, and everyone else agreed to rest first. Moreover, Master Huifang and the others have to deal with the affairs of the abbot, so they have no time to greet them.

Shenzong Temple was built quite large in order to make a ghost-headed knife king live comfortably. Master Huifang took everyone to a large yard next to the stone prisoner, which was almost the same structure as the large courtyard where the stone prisoner lived. Each of the several wing rooms is divided into one point, and the companions and the prospective concubines live in one suite, which is completely sufficient. Gong Bujue's junior sister lives with the Princess Loulan, and when the girls are chatting, they can blow Gong Bujue's wind in the ears of the two referees, which comes in handy.

Xuelang and Hu Lai had nothing in their luggage, so they packed up and went to the agreed hall for dinner.

After Xuelang and Hu Lai left, a dark figure quietly came to the door and gently pushed it open... As expected, everyone in Shenzun Temple was very relaxed and did not lock the door at all.

The shadow walked in calmly, not daring to move anything to leave clues, and carefully read everything... Finally, his eyes were fixed on a wooden pipe that Da Lala placed on the table.

Hei Ying repeatedly confirmed that the medical bag that Hu Lai was carrying was not in the room, and that the blood that Hu Lai took from the Abbot's body should be placed in the bag, so this one must be the blood of Shi Prisoner.

Hei Ying took out an identical wooden pipe from his bosom, neatly adjusted the wooden pipe on the stage, and checked that there was no difference in the placement. Then he slowly exited the room and closed the door.

In a place of retreat in an ancient temple in the deep mountains, don’t think about big fish and meat, even if the princess and the Queen of Loulan succumb, it’s just an ordinary meal.

It was the first time for everyone to sit down and have a good meal in a row for several days. During the period, Jingtian and Lu Jian sorted out the current situation, but it was cheaper for other candidates for consort who didn't know where to start.

The blood wolf and Hu Lai hurried back to the room after eating. Anyway, the mouth of the food faded out of the bird, and it was easy to pass away. Hu Lai also spent time studying blood.

Back in the room, Hu Lai immediately got busy. I saw Hu Lai open the bow from left to right, poured the wooden pipe on the table and the wooden pipe in his own package into a container, then took out various small containers to divide a drop of blood, fiddled with various medicinal powders, and conducted research at the same time. That focused look has sublimated the temperament of the original quack doctor... Maybe it has become a high-end quack doctor, not so cheap.

As expected of the old imperial physician Xue Imperial Physician, he was admired by the Hu family of the previous dynasty. He really has some skills!

"Strange..." Hu Lai suddenly murmured.

"What, who's blood is wrong?" Blood Wolf waited and came over excitedly.

Finding something is better than finding nothing at all!

"There's something wrong with Shi Prisoner's blood... it's not a problem, right, but why is there amputation in his blood?" Hu Lai scratched his hair and asked.

He didn't mean to test for amphibians, but amphibians are easily detected along with other components.

"Amputee grass?! Amputee grass discovered by Hong Qi's wife's tragic death??"

The blood wolf was stunned. He didn't expect to find this thing here, beyond expectations.

"Although the amputee grass is rare, it has a paralyzing effect on the nerves. Maybe it was the poison that contained the amputation grass on Shijiao, which caused him to lose his mind..." Hu Lai planned to study the composition of Shijiao's blood. , If a general formula can be formed, it is very possible to find out the medicinal effect of Amputee in the blood.

"No, no, it shouldn't be like this." The blood wolf pulled Hu Lai, who was about to bury his head in research, and took out a wooden pipe with blood from his arms and handed it to Hu Lai, "You can test this for amputation."

Monk Hu Lai Zhang Er was at a loss, but he still followed Xuelang's words.

It is very simple to detect only amputee, and the result will come out soon. This blood has no amputation.

"What do you mean?" Hu Lai wondered, "These two tubes are clearly not the blood of the same person. To be more precise, they are not the blood of the same person at the same time."

"When I was collecting blood for Shi Prison... I actually received two tubes, I didn't expect it, hehe!" The blood wolf smiled treacherously, who would have thought that he hid a tube of blood when he blocked others' vision with his body!

Hu Lai was stunned for a moment, but after reacting, he couldn't help but applaud. It seems that the blood wolf was saving his hand to prevent someone from being stolen and exchanged blood.

While dancing, the blood wolf still sounds intriguing... eh? ? Is this a compliment? The blood wolf is considering whether to pull out Hu Lai's Alas, I was a little too excited to talk for a while, how can beasts compare to you... They don't deserve it! You are the most savage beast! "Hu Lai didn't seem to understand where the blood wolf was unhappy, and praised very hard, "By the way, why did you secretly take an extra tube of blood? "

"Actually, at the level of the spiritual masters, the general toxicity is not very effective. The poison that takes effect immediately is easy to be detected by the spiritual masters and quickly forced out of the body. This stone prisoner fought with us just now. Even if it is poisonous, it has already been removed by the skill, so how can there be any leftovers for you to detect." Lord Blood Wolf has a large number of people who don't care about uneducated people like Hu Lai, shaking his head and explaining, "There are not many experts in the spiritual realm in the world, I just bet Some people have really poisoned Shi Prison, but they don't know that a spiritual master can be so powerful, and a thief has a guilty conscience and wants to exchange his blood."

"You really cheated! Someone exchanged the blood here!" Hu Lai smiled helplessly, how could people who haven't practiced at this level know the subtleties, and those who did it were not wronged.

"It's a scam...but how did you get a bottle of blood in question?" Blood Wolf picked up the replaced wooden pipe and swayed the little blood left inside, "If you want to deceive us, you shouldn't change it. A bottle of normal blood? Things seem to be getting interesting..."

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