The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 76: The old director's trial can be damaged

Mei Qianxiao has lived the past two days casually. After being arrested in this separate cell, the people in the sub-station didn't make much trouble for him. At most, a colleague of Jin Yiwei came and asked a few simple questions, such as name, height, weight, origin, and the confession on the day of the crime. Never came again.

It is better not to come, he is happy to relax. Occasionally, Liu, who sneaked in, took a nap quietly, and at other times, he had nothing to do to go to the next cell to watch the trial of Jin Yiwei, and he watched the **** scenes while nibbling on the melon seeds that came from the hall, not to mention too exciting.

Naturally, the thieves who were caught in Devil City that day could not be treated like this with a smile on their face. They would either shut up and say nothing like those loyal and righteous people, or they would deny all crimes. What else is there to say, these are all current criminals, and they can already be sentenced just because they dare to do something to Jiang Hao and others. How can they not plead guilty?

Mei Qianxiao only came the next day, and none of these people in the next cell were not ripped apart, and all of them cried out in pain.

These people were originally just a group of tomb robbers, and some of them were stalwart men, and some people started to confess the next day.

Surrender is like the plague, once there is a beginning, others will be affected.

Lao Tzu knows about the same things as him. He has already confessed. What is it that Lao Tzu still keeps a secret that is not a secret, is he beaten for nothing? With such thoughts, more and more people choose to confess.

Dong Shengrui's confession method was particularly sinister, and he was playing alone.

A fight is a fight together, but a confession is a separate confession.

It's fun to play like this.

For this group of thieves, they don't know what the partner and the other party recruited when they confessed alone. If someone's confession information does not match the information of others, this person will face a very cruel punishment.

And the most damaging thing is that Dong Shengrui gave them the opportunity to collude with them.

After they all confessed individually, Dong Shengrui deliberately found two people, saying that their confession was very different from others, but it was very interesting, and then took the others out and beat them very hard... I can't explain why I'm justified, and I'm regarded as a traitor no matter how I explain it.

It's the same as someone confessing at the beginning. Seeing that someone has become a traitor, other people naturally don't want to suffer that loss, and they all do everything they shouldn't say. With a little trick by Dong Shengrui, the group was disintegrated from the inside within two days, relaxed and happy.

So Mei Qianxiao came to see the trial the next day. Many people were injured very badly. They were beaten when Dong Shengrui was testing whether they were colluding. It was just a test, but it was more tragic than any other time, and it was pitiful.

Because she came to see the prisoner from time to time, Mei Qianxiao knew the progress of the case better than Jiang Hao and others who had personal freedom outside.

This group of people is indeed from the Fengshan Sect, and the one who pretended to be Qiu Junai and Zhou Gaozhuo was the deputy leader of the Fengshan Sect. They were originally active in the Central Plains, and usually scattered around pretending to be civilians to find out where there was a large tomb.

Some time ago, someone suddenly came to the door and said that they would entrust them to do something, to rob a caravan in the Western Regions. Because the price was very good, the people of Fengshan Sect were immediately tempted when they heard it. People like them dare to rob tombs just for the sake of money. Besides, they also killed many people when they closed the mountains and digging the land. Everyone has a few lives in their hands. It doesn't matter, the money is enough for them to wash their hands and retire immediately after finishing their work... Everything is for profit.

When asked who the client was, they didn't know, they only knew that the person who came to the door was covered tightly and couldn't see it, and half of the money was paid on the spot. They still understand the rules of taking people's money to eliminate disasters for others. If they want to take the other half of the money, they can do things quickly...

They didn't know that the caravan was actually a foreign envoy. Anyway, they followed the instructions, killing people and stealing goods, and then pretending to be smuggling goods and entrusting the Jingsha Gang to take the goods... But later they received new instructions, saying that the Jingsha Gang would help the guards. The Secretary investigated them, so he asked them to kill the Whale Sand Gang. And stay behind the fake Jingsha Gang who ambushed Jinyiwei in Devil City. If there are fewer people, they will be destroyed.

For all the actions of the Fengshan Sect in the Western Regions, a person who is familiar with the movements of the Gong Guard Division and the Jingsha Gang gave instructions, indicating that there might indeed be an inner ghost on the Gong Guard Division's side.

But then let Dong Shengrui and the others torture them, and they can't tell who the key contact person in the Western Regions is to give them instructions. It is only said that the people who direct their actions in the Western Regions only use flying pigeons to pass books, and they use special one-way delivery pigeons. As long as they wear special headscarves on their heads, they will find them by themselves, so they have never seen the contact person in person. There is no way to contact each other in reverse.

"Most of it is consistent with Dong Shengrui's reasoning. This contact person must be someone who can know their actions. It is very likely that it was Jin Yiwei. I am afraid it is this person who killed Zhou Gaozhuo in the end... But this person is not me, that would be Who? Jiang Hao, Yixue, Tingfeng, and Liu Qianqiao can be ruled out. They were all under my surveillance that day. When I act alone, they can certify each other for each other... If it's Dong Shengrui's pedestrian , then Dong Shengrui has the highest possibility. However, with Dong Shengrui's IQ, it is impossible to kill people with the embroidered spring knife, unless he is absolutely certain that there will be a hapless person with a embroidered spring knife who can find the pile of corpses in the long desert, and then If you report the case, you will end up being suspected of being a thief calling to catch a thief. Otherwise, he himself, the holder of the embroidered spring knife, will also be heavily suspected."

Mei Qianxiao went back to her cell and lay down, silently analyzing the case as a pastime.

It was already noon now. If there was no accident, Liu Jingyi was going to visit again. He would have to come back first and wait for the big driver to come, so that he would appear to be a pet girl madman, right?

"Besides, if Dong Shengrui is the inner ghost, he should have a hundred ways for these people to identify me as the contact person, then I really can't wash away the grievances by jumping into the Yellow River... Wouldn't the case be settled safely. But He didn't... tsk, who is the inner ghost?"

"Is there such a possibility..." Mei Qianxiao suddenly sat up, "A guy with at least the same level of Qinggong as me, like me eavesdropping on the trial in the next cell, overhearing our Secretary of Defense's affairs, and in a short time. Back and forth between Devil City and Dunhuang Go to Devil City to eavesdrop on the situation of the Whale Sand Gang. You don't have to control every word, as long as you have the key information. For example, we are going to find the Whale Sand Gang to understand the case. Time, when the Jingsha Gang will deliver the tribute, etc. As for Zhou Gaozhuo being killed by the Xiuchun Dao, it is purely an act of confusing the direction of the investigation. It's just that I happened to find the body, and it turned into a misunderstanding..."

The more Mei Qianxiao thought about it, the more she felt that this possibility was very high.

But the current situation is getting more and more unfavorable for him. The trial of the case has progressed here, and the murderer who killed Laishi has been caught, but there is obviously a behind-the-scenes instigation, and the reason for instigating Fengshan Sect to kill and rob goods has not yet been investigated. come out. The clues that have been sorted out so far point to the existence of a "contact person" in the case who clearly knew the actions of the Gongwei Division. It is very likely that Zhou Gaozhuo was killed with an embroidered spring knife. Combining these two clues, he appeared in the The suspicion of Mei Qianxiao at the scene of Zhou Gaozhuo's death was very high.

Feng Shanjiao's trial is almost done, and the clues have come to an end, so are they going to be severely tried next? If they decide to torture him, should he pat them on the **** and escape, beat them up and run away, or steal a few pounds of apocynum tea and raisins and run away? But the melon seeds here are pretty good too. Wouldn't it be bad not to take some melon seeds?

It's so annoying, why Liu Jingyi hasn't come yet, maybe she can give him a good suggestion.

Suddenly, the big iron door of this prison opened, and a guard in Jinyi walked in with a serious expression.

"Meiqianxiao, your lord has an order, so you have offended me!"

"Oh? Come on, let brother see how to offend him?" Mei Qian smiled and hooked her finger at the other side.

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