The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 583: Dazed master, find what you want

Hong Rakshasa looked at the so-called princess, and felt as if she had brought a stray dog ​​back, her sparkling big eyes gleaming with starvation.

Hong Luosha was too lazy to talk nonsense, and directly handed the roasted meat to Li Pingting. Li Pingting didn't show any kindness to Hong Rakshasa, she smiled happily and started eating. After eating half of it, I stupidly handed it back and asked the Red Rakshasa if he would eat it...

Why is this virtue a bit like his stupid brother...

However, her temperament is more straightforward than Mei Qianxiao, her emotions and anger are mixed, she is straight, a little naughty, but not the slightest scheming.

"My name is Li Pingting, you don't know yet, do you?" Li Pingting suddenly introduced herself, her innocent temperament thought of where it came from.

Hong Rakshasa flicked his finger, and a gust of strong wind slammed the fire out.

he knows.

The emperor's third princess, Li Pingting, revealed her identity as a princess after the tea business meeting, and Mei Qianxiao immediately passed the news to him. But for him, whether this guy is a princess or a civilian has no special meaning, it's just a task object.

"You opened this orphanage?" Li Pingting couldn't help but ask curiously when she saw Hong Rakshasa lying quietly against the stone wall.

Hong Rakshasa didn't answer, and silently mobilized the internal force to turn around. Jiuyang Divine Art was very helpful in recovering from fatigue.

He was really tired during this time.

Not denying is admitting, Li Pingting acquiesced to being a Red Rakshasa, and continued to communicate with herself: "Why open an orphanage? Do you want to train them from a young age to become a killer organization? So they call you Red Teacher?"

"Because... I'm also an orphan. Teacher Hong, it's just a title." Hong Rakshasa replied lightly.

He is the number one killer in the Central Plains, the Red Rakshasa, and he is also the protector of the Sun Moon God Sect. For ordinary people, it is better not to stick to any name.

It was just a code name anyway, and later he asked the children to call him the red letter of the Red Rakshasa. A person who often goes in and out of an orphanage is better off wearing a teacher's name.

But he did not teach them martial arts.

Few people know that he Hong Rakshasa has funded dozens of such private orphanages in the Central Plains. There are too few orphanages established by the imperial court.

The reason for this is to start from the beginning.

In the early years, after he descended from Baimuya, he actually felt the same as Mei Qianxiao's. It was hard to find an opponent in the arena. The master only threw the cheats for them to practice, but didn't teach them what to do. When I got down the mountain, I was at a loss, not knowing where to go.

No, he was even more dazed than Mei Qianxiao, and he didn't even know what he wanted.

After a period of travel, he has seen all the sufferings in the world. Even if the governance of the world is wise, it still cannot make the whole world worry-free, poverty-free, and suffering. One day, he casually rescued a child from the robbers, but unfortunately he came a step late, and his family had already died at the hands of the robbers. Out of desperation, he sent the child to a nearby orphanage.

That was his first encounter with an orphanage.

The orphanages established by the imperial court were in good condition, but they were saturated and could no longer accommodate displaced orphans. Then he could only go to a nearby private orphanage. There, he saw the environment full of flies and insects like a pigsty, the unkempt and skinny orphans, the eyes of those little children did not have the brilliance that belonged to their age, as if they could not see the living dead, they were dead silent.

It was more distressing despair than the desire to survive.

That was the first time he had been angry at the injustice of the world.

He found the few staff in the yard, grabbed him by the collar, and asked them why they abused these fatherless orphans...

After the other party was so frightened that he almost wet his pants and tremblingly explained, he realized that it was not the orphanage that abused children. These staff have also done their best.

Most of the private orphanages are made a living by donations from local wealthy gentry and wealthy owners. This kind of gratuitous organization operated by looking at other people's faces naturally has very unstable economic income. One day the wealthy and gentry are unwilling to donate money, and the orphanage will be cut off.

The staff who are still willing to stay in such orphanages to take care of orphans for free are as good as bodhisattvas.

After Hong Rakshasa figured out what was right and wrong, he quickly put the staff down, apologized, and handed over all the money he had collected from the dead robber and the rescued child to him.

He turned around and wanted to leave, hesitantly turned back, and met countless dead and silent young eyes again, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"The country is protected by force, and the country is governed by culture. Today, the country is prosperous and the people are safe, but the military prevails over the decline of the civilization. The warriors like us should protect the prosperity of the civilization more, so that the state can be prosperous..."

Hong Rakshasa's memories of being picked up by the master before Baimuya are only the words left by this suffocating voice.

Perhaps this voice came from his biological father, the expectation of his life, that made him remember these words deeply in his mind when he was young and ignorant.

"From now on, I will prepare money for you, and you will be entrusted by me to manage your business well, and you will be given a generous amount of money." Hong Luosha stopped at the door and turned back to the staff.

From that day on, he found what he wanted to do in his life.

In the following year, he went to many places and took over many orphanages that were struggling to operate. He had already required a lot of money for food, medical care, etc. He also decided to invite a teacher to the orphanage to teach and write. They are the future of the motherland. If they can master the policies of culture and security, and then feed back to the court and the country in the future, they should reduce the suffering of the people and reduce the number of orphans. This is the way to solve the root cause of the number of orphans.

No one knows that Yijie Wufu actually has a big plan for peace, and he has no intention to show it to others, just concentrate on achieving it.

Soon he will face the most daunting problem... not enough money.

He can't do anything except fight, but he doesn't want to be a thief or a bandit. Otherwise, wouldn't it mean that he will continue to create a large number of orphans and run counter to his own beliefs... If he wants to earn a lot of money, he is unwilling to kill innocent people indiscriminately. He thought and thought, and decided to be a loner killer.

A free killer, he can choose his own tasks, kill those who deserve to be killed, and take the money he deserves.

With his strength, he soon made a name for himself in the killer world, and the money he earned became increasingly rich. If he hadn't used it to run so many orphanages under his command, he would have been a rich man long ago.

Originally, such a business model could go on forever, until the **** prince rebelled, everything changed...

That wicked party has thoroughly studied their Sun and Moon Divine Sect, and he wants to help his stupid younger brother fight against it. Hiding the identity of the sun is actually like stealing the bell. Fierce battle.

He thought this little thing was innocuous, but he didn't expect it to break the way he has always made Red Rakshasa is the day of the guardian of the demons. All the people dare not hire him to kill!

Later, after thinking about it, he understood the reason.

He is the protector of the magic sect. It is a particularly shameful thing for a righteous person to buy a murderer to kill. If you find a pure killer to kill someone, you will naturally keep it a secret for them. But to find him, doesn't it mean that he will be handed over to the Demon Sect, and there will be endless troubles in the future.

In this way, who would dare to look for decent people and serious businessmen?

On the contrary, the number of demons who hired him to kill is increasing, and the number has doubled...

But the vast majority of people in the Demon Sect are poor ghosts! I can't afford to pay the price, and I start to kill the friendship price in the tone of the same person before the three sentences are finished... I also kill the friendship price of killing the head, I just want to screw their heads off!

Without the list of decent people, his dignified Red Rakshasa has almost zero income in the last month, and he suddenly feels a lot of pressure.

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