The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 552: Can't bear it, the final arrangement

They were not without a chance to win. They were only one step away from victory, but they were beaten back to their original shape by the young master of the Lu Family Fort. This feeling was even more embarrassing. It is better to find the comfort of being invincible from the beginning.

"I lost this battle. I don't blame you. You have done a good job. Keep sending people. It's not that we can't afford to lose."

Mei Qianxiao didn't know how to comfort him, but Li Mengyao quickly cheered up, grabbed a smiling face but comforted him, and let Mei Qianxiao continue to arrange personnel to fight.

That forced smile made Mei Qianxiao feel a little distressed.

However, he still sighed... It is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. No matter how hard he tries, he can't create something out of nothing.

Next, if Koesi wants to win, he can only play him.

There are many masters present, and he will definitely not be able to hide their keen eyes once he makes a move, and his days in the Gongwei Division will definitely come to an end. And he wanted to hunt down Bo Hu's party to recover "The Great Shift of Heaven and Earth", but the intelligence resources of the Gongwei Division were indispensable. It was definitely not worth giving up such good resources for a little battle of momentum.

After a while, he calmed down, yes, it's not that they can't afford to lose. This reputation, Li Mengyao will definitely earn it back with her strength, if not, he should help!

"Next time, Han Ning will fight." Mei Qian laughed loudly.

It is not surprising that Han Ning can play against everyone. At a young age, she has long been envious of the world with her ingenious swordsmanship in the Hall of Preserving Harmony.

But the current situation of the Kung Guard Division is not optimistic. Shouldn't the main force of the remaining people be reserved for the last person to fight against the opponent?

Others were in doubt, but Gongliang Junyi had already figured it out. As soon as Lu Fu's golden sword came out, Gongliang Junyi was already helping Gongweisi to think about what to do in the next battle, and he thought of this at that time.

Thinking about it is a dead end.

No matter whether Han Ning is dispatched first or dispatched later, it is already a fact that he will definitely occupy the first battle. It is even more reassuring not to send her to the opponent. If she was not sent in the first round, Lu Jiabao also knew that the last round would be Han Ning, so he could also make arrangements.

On the contrary, if the first round of dispatching people will appear in Hanning, who will be dispatched in the last round of dispatching people will become the secret of the guard.

As long as there are secrets, Lujiabao has to guard against them. Who knows what kind of off-court generals the Gong Guard Division will have in the end, so...

"We sent a guest Tang Honghui." Lu Fujin said after a brief thought.

Therefore, Lu Jiabao should put the most secure member, the old steward, in the last round of the first dispatch, to prevent any more mischief from the Gongwei Division... Lu Fujin's announcement really responded to Gongliang Junyi's decision. think.

Although the other party did not send the strongest one, this does not mean that Han Ning can win. Mei Qianxiao is putting the treasure on the last level. The manager looks bottomless, but his hands are thick and thick, and his arms are as thick as his arms, and at a glance, he knows that he is a master of palm skills.

The same thickness of both arms is a very important observation point, indicating that this person is likely to use no weapons. Whether practicing swords or swords, everyone has a good hand. Even if the strength of both hands is deliberately averaged, concentrated practice will still make the dominant hand appear stronger. A master with even hands, or a double weapon, such as double swords and double swords, must be an expert in boxing and kung fu.

Anyway, a dead horse is a living horse doctor, Mei Qianxiao is deliberately forcing the other party to use the old steward to guarantee the bottom line, so that the little monks in the formation will definitely be able to face each other and fight for a small chance of losing nine and winning one. Otherwise, there is not even this slim chance, because Gong Weisi now has no masters in the formation who can challenge the opponent, and he can only fight for a chance to make the highest water point in his formation.

Gongliang Junyi nodded silently, Mei Qianxiao's lineup coincided with the lineup he had just thought about. Although Mei Qianxiao is a vulgar person, his strategy is not below him at all. At most, he can only play cards like this... No, if it is compared to conspiracy, Mei Qianxiao is even above him. To change him to line up, I can't think of being able to drag myself into the water as cheeky as he is.

Unexpectedly, Li Mengyao lost Dong Shengrui and Xiang Rilong, but picked up Jiang Hao, who had accumulated a lot of money, and Mei Qianxiao, who was scheming.

"Tang Honghui from the Diancang faction..." Li Mengyao's exhaustion after the fierce battle just now gradually eased, and she couldn't help but sigh when she saw the simple but neat swordsman Ruya appeared.

According to their formation, she had a high probability of facing this master.

There are two people in the Lujiabao formation that make people the most vigilant, one is the unfathomable old steward, and the other is Tang Honghui, a great master of the Cang faction. After Gongliang Junyi and Jiang Hao played the first two rounds, Lu Jiabao should send the two strongest players on the books for the remaining two rounds. The level of the old steward is unpredictable, but the master of Dian Cang Li Mengyao is sure of a fight.

Tang Honghui's background is very fierce. He has long been a famous person in the arena. Even now, his name is still very loud, and he often represents the Diancang faction in the rivers and lakes. When the two sides met each other for the first time, the first thing the Gong Guards noticed was Tang Honghui, who was standing in the Lujiabao formation.

Diancang School is located in Cangshan Mountain, Dali, Yunnan Province. Diancang Mountain is beautiful and the water is beautiful. The four seasons are like spring. The disciples have been apprentices since childhood and grew up in this environment. Most of them are gentlemen like jade. In terms of temperament, Diancang and Huashan are very similar. It's just that their sect was built in a relatively remote area, and it was not a hidden sect that was forced to live like a hidden sect. They walked less on the rivers and lakes and were not as famous as Huashan.

The Diancang sect is a sect that focuses on swordsmanship. There is a set of sword formations in Zhenshan and Wudang's seven-star formation. For this set of sword formations, each generation of Diancang will train seven disciples with excellent swordsmanship to practice this sword formation, which is called "Diancang Seven Swords".

Tang Honghui is one of the "Dian Cang Seven Swords".

Many people would wonder why one of the Diancang Seven Swords of the Diancang Sect went to Lujiabao.

This is what makes Lujiabao special.

Entering Lujiabao, being a door-to-door customer does not mean that you have quit your own sect. No matter whether these disciples are attracted by money or martial arts, being a client is a kind of good relationship. When Lujiabao is in trouble, these disciples are the sword and shield of Lujiabao. If they have problems with their own sect, they can make Lujiabao better. Do yourself a favor.

Of course, because of the falling out between their own sect and Lujiabao, there are not a few disciples who can only choose one of the two and quit the sect to join Lujiabao. But this part of the disciples will no longer report their origins.

Seeing that the master was dispatched, Jiang Hao handed over the sword of Hanning that he carried with him without a word.

The swords of Diancang Qijian have been passed down from generation to generation. They are all extraordinary soldiers. If Han Ning took the wooden sword up, he might not be able to hold it for even one round.

As soon as the sword was in hand, Han Ning's hand immediately sent out a cheerful honk. Han Ning's previous sword was interrupted by the Red Rakshasa. This is a new sword. The first contact with it was immediately touched by Han Ning's sword intent, brilliance!

Han Ning, who stood in the circle, still seemed to be jumping up and down as always, but her eyes were covered with a layer of white mist, and the nine-headed and twelve-armed fairy sword-shaped figure gradually solidified, intimidating everyone.

"Xiaojianxian's sword intent... When did he become so violent?"

Everyone was amazed that Han Ning's sword intent was astonishing at a young age, Mei Qian smiled and squinted, feeling that something was wrong.

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