The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 513: Distinguish blood and strange prescriptions, can't fake

"How long does it take?" Yang Shiqi asked with narrowed eyes.

He ate dinner at sunset, and immediately went to the palace after eating, and it was already late at night. When he was old, he should have gone to bed at this time, and he couldn't wait for the seeds to germinate for several days and nights.

"It grows very fast with blood, just wait a while." Imperial Doctor Xue said confidently.

The emperor and others had to add another cup of tea, and waited slowly while tasting the tea. At this time, they each had their own minds, and when they pondered, there were many things to think about, but time passed quickly.

About half an hour later, the outer skin of the bean suddenly burst open, and a tender sprout emerged. At this time, the growth of the buds can be seen to the naked eye, until two small young leaves emerge symmetrically, which slows down.

"Yes, there is a reaction!" Everyone saw that this was just a spectacle that was not a spectacle when the seeds sprouted, and their spirits were lifted.

"Well, that's right, that's it." Imperial Doctor Xue nodded with satisfaction, as if the demonstration was very successful.

"What is this? So what?" Tiancuo asked.

Everyone can't see the surprise. It is the same as the germination of ordinary plants. The difference is that the vitality of the seed is not bad. It can germinate when it is cut deep, and the germination speed is quite fast. The problem is that I haven't seen the legendary Scarlet Blossom.

"It's flowers are not important. You don't have to wait until they bloom. The conclusion has already been reached here." Imperial Doctor Xue said solemnly to the sky, "Sir Prime Minister is really not your father!"

Tiancuo almost slapped her past!

Isn't this nonsense!

"What we want to ask is, how do we come to the conclusion?" Yang Shiqi covered his head, wondering if he should be happy that Imperial Doctor Xue had successfully determined that he and Tiancuo were not directly related.

"Look, it is a dicotyledonous plant. The seeds are soaked in your blood, and the leaves that grow out are symmetrical, which proves that you have different blood sources."

The problem is that all dicotyledonous plants in the world are like this! Just looking for a plant can prove it!

"Manzhu Shahua is different. If the two sides are close relatives or the same, its pair of leaves will be entangled and will not unfold." Xue Taiyi suddenly got into the medical field and began to explain the principle with relish, "At the beginning, me and the descendants of the Hu family were born. I have discussed its properties, but the descendants of the Hu family did not find out the reason, so they handed it over to me, who is good at pharmacology, to study it. I think it has something to do with its seed veins and its own habit of being sensitive to blood. You see, The veins of this kind of seeds are intertwined on the left and right, and the middle is the most. Only by cutting the seeds vertically in this way can most of these connected veins be cut open and most of the connections on both sides of the seeds are broken. Separately absorb different nutrients, and they only have A few veins are connected, so the seeds germinate from the side where the seeds are connected, and the stems that grow are mixed with the nutrients they absorb. And because they are sensitive to blood, the leaves that grow are based on the size of the blood that blends at the stems. Reject the situation of opposites or homologous dependencies..."

"This discovery is absolutely impossible to succeed without the Hu family, who has a deep research on blood, discovering and researching certain results. Without me who is good at pharmacology, I will continue to study the principle! It can be said that the characteristics of Manzhu Shahua are the joint efforts of both of us. Great crystallization of cooperation!"

Of course Yang Shiqi and the others couldn't understand what Imperial Doctor Xue was talking about, so they interrupted him quickly and became more excited: "The question is, is this thing reliable?"

"Of course, I have done thousands of studies. Including livestock, as long as it is blood, it can be identified!" Imperial Physician Xue patted his chest and said, all the medicinal materials he used with confidence, "You Look, I can't accurately judge that the two of you are not related by blood. Is it wrong?"

That's right, that's right... But taking them as an example is not convincing enough, it feels a little unreliable!

"Want to try again?" Tiancuo turned around and asked the emperor softly, he must not believe it very much.

"Try it!" The emperor is smart, and he won't be fooled so easily.

"You have tried it. If you don't believe it, why don't we both try it?" Imperial Doctor Xue was dissatisfied that his medical achievements were being questioned, so he picked up a knife to cut his fingers and said to the emperor.

The emperor was stunned for a moment, and quickly waved his hand to refuse.

They didn't have much convincing to try. When Imperial Physician Xue said, "Look, it's proven that I'm not your father!" So, will he chop his head off or not? If the two leaves intersect, it will be even more terrifying, how can you explain it clearly!

"I wonder if dead blood is proof?" The emperor suddenly said lightly.

"Yes, as long as it's blood." Imperial Physician Xue affirmed that he likes to study pharmacology the most. He has tried all the tricks he could think of in Manzhushahua. This thing is very bizarrely sensitive to blood.

"Heaven's house."

The emperor called Tiancuo softly, his eyes were firm, and Tiancuo nodded slightly with a heavy face, already understanding what the emperor meant.

He went out again, this time for a longer time, and came back with a small glass of water with some black lumps inside.

"Can this be used?" Tiancuo showed it to Imperial Doctor Xue.

"That's not enough, the dead blood has coagulated for too long. I can get some medicine and melt it."

"There is Imperial Physician Lao Xue." The emperor nodded.

Tiancuo took Imperial Physician Xue to get the medicine again, but this kind of common medicine is available in the warehouse of the Imperial Hospital.

When Tiancuo brought Imperial Physician Xue back, there were already two cups of blood on their table. After Imperial Doctor Xue melted the dead blood, the emperor asked him to dissolve two cups of blood and test them separately.

It was another half hour of waiting. This time, the atmosphere of the emperor, Tiancuo Yang Shiqi and others was particularly depressing. Imperial Doctor Xue entertained himself with the medical book, every second was like a year, and the time finally passed.

One of the seeds is the same as the scene just now, but the other one is different. Its buds grew, and slowly, the stems of the newly raised two small tender leaves were twisted twice at the ends, and a pair of leaves did not cover each other and snuggled up and down tightly. There is no need for Taiyi Xue to explain more, the emperor and others can understand it, and take a breath.

The blood clot that Tiancuo brought back was dug up by Li Tianhan, who was stored in the morgue of the Taiyuan Hospital, since the emperor was procrastinating and unwilling to finalize the case, and did not want to accept the fact that his emperor was buried in the ground. The two cups of blood on the table were taken by the emperor while Imperial Doctor Xue was, and Yang Shiqi dropped a cup. The cup that raised the entanglement of Futaba was naturally the cup from which the emperor's blood was dripping.

Xue Taiyi did not know the origin of the three bloods, especially the two cups prepared by the emperor here, even Tiancuo did not know which cup belonged to the emperor, and Xue Taiyi could not cheat.

Seeing this astonishing sight, Yang Shiqi and Tiancuo couldn't help but believe Imperial Doctor Xue.

"Okay, okay! I want to try the three guardians of the Sun Moon God Sect..." The emperor's eyes flickered, his thoughts could not wait, and his eagerness made his tired body half sleepy. I am afraid that before the result comes out Uneasy day and night.

When Yang Shiqi and Tiancuo saw this, they were worried that the emperor would get sicker and sicker. The Sun and Moon Divine Sect are all difficult people, and they don't have much contact with the imperial court, so they can't be obedient, and their whereabouts are hard to find. Even if other people from the four martial arts of Zhenguo were immediately transferred to help arrest the people, it would not be possible to do it in a day or two.

On that day, Tiancuo met the emperor the latest, and knew the most. His mind flashed, and he suddenly said: "The emperor... Princess Changrong said that after he was rescued, the blood on his body was not her blood..."

"That's right, Yuelai was injured by a sword when he rescued people. It was his blood. But it has been so many days, and the clothes have long been discarded and hard to find." The emperor said helplessly.

He guessed the meaning of Tiancuo, and he was anxious to try it. Even if he tried it incorrectly, it would reduce the suspicion of the Sun Moon God Cult. It is always right to try one.

"Chen now go to the scene to look for other traces."

"It's work...cough..." The emperor said gratefully.

"Your Majesty will wait a moment, the minister will come when he goes!" Tian Cuo quickly set off.


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