The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 422: The overseer takes office, a small test of the knife

"The new governor?" Gongliang Junyi was stunned again.

It's not that Gongliang Junyi doesn't want to be the governor. The water flows down and people go up. Of course, he wants to rise step by step.

However, Shao Xingxiang's body was only found early in the morning yesterday, and the bones were not yet cold. It was too anxious to discuss the post of the new governor so quickly. He believed that he had the qualifications, but taking office in a hurry would easily hurt the feelings of the brothers in the East Factory.

"That's right, the emperor has already made the performance, and the token of the director of the official uniform of the official printing factory will be handed over to you tomorrow. We won't make much fanfare soon after the death of the director of Shao. You take office in a low-key manner, and Ren Ling will go out to the public early tomorrow morning. announced."

"My lord, you also know that Governor Shao has just passed away. Is it too hasty to take office in such a hurry?"

"I've been busy recently, and I have no skills, so there is always someone who can take care of it for me. Especially when the prince's wedding is approaching, the Dongji Office is so busy that everyone has been overwhelmed, and there is no supervisor to cut off the wedding date, but the Dongchang can afford it. responsibility?"

The emperor has only one son left, the prince, and he is not too young, so urging the prince to get married and have children must be a top priority. Even this is not a matter of the royal family, but of the whole country.

The two sides of the marriage are the union of the highest imperial power and the supreme power of the rivers and lakes, and they are all concerned.

If this matter is delayed due to the poor handling of the Dongji Office, it will definitely be nailed to the pillar of historical shame to make future generations laugh at it.

"That's what the emperor meant, otherwise, why would you agree to it immediately? The emperor and I will naturally handle the matter of the death of Governor Shao, but it will all be done after the prince's wedding. , knowing that he has been neglected is equivalent to neglecting the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, and the emperor will not cold the hearts of the ministers."

"The decision must be decisive and clear, and the importance of it should be distinguished. The emperor has done better than you at this point. The big marriage is the key now, and everything naturally takes the overall situation as the top priority." Wei Xingchao sipped his tea and said bitterly.

"My lord has taught me that the overall situation is the most important thing, and the complicated etiquette shouldn't be too entangled. It's my lack of consideration." Gongliang Junyi was persuaded by Wei Xingchao that they are Dongchang, and the emperor's needs are the most important thing. It should be the first priority. It is not too late for him to overturn the case of Governor Shao when he has time. "I will accept all the official duties of Governor Shao today, and I can investigate tomorrow. If there is something wrong, I am willing to take it easy. Official crime!"

The affairs of the director of the East Factory are unimaginable, but Gongliang Junyi patted his chest without hesitation, and only gave himself one day. This is his incomparable confidence in his ability.

"Good! You have courage! And I also believe that you have this strength!" Wei Xingchao said with great joy.

He said he could do it, and Wei Xingchao believed he could do it!

Gongliang Junyi is first-class in martial arts, and his talents are also first-class. He even has a seat in the literary and art circles. This person once made Li Mengyao, who was still the commander at the time, jealous for a long time, and lamented why their company was either a fool like Xiang Rilong or a fool like Jiang Hao, only Dong Shengrui could compare with him, but it was a pity that he joined the East Factory.

Her vision was right, Gongliang Junyi made them smashed in the East Factory several times. It's gold that always shines, even in the ghost place of the East Factory, it can't hide his talent... But Li Mengyao is very upset.

Later, Dong Shengrui, who was able to confront Maimang with the tip of the needle, was sent to guard the frontier and failed to stay at the Gongwei Division as a right-hand man. Later, he turned against it, which made Li Mengyao even more depressed.

Wei Xingchao seemed to have been prepared for a long time. He turned back to the desk and brought a lot of materials and handed them over to Gongliang Junyi.

"These are the main affairs related materials of the overseer. I have sorted them out, so you don't need to waste more time."

Gongliang Junyi got up and accepted the thanks.

"But these matters can be adapted slowly. The Dongji Office is on the right track. It won't affect you if you ignore it for a day or two. What you are worried about now is the prince's wedding, and you have to follow up tomorrow."

"Which ones?" Gongliang Junyi asked quickly.

Wei Xingchao opened his mouth and the prince shut up and got married, and Gongliang Junyi's ears were calloused. But Gongliang Junyi understands it very well. After all, the three companies are under a lot of pressure on this matter, and no one dares to make mistakes.

"Prince Princess Lin's eldest is a friend of Princess Li Mengyao. Although Li Mengyao has returned to her status as a princess, I don't need to say more about her relationship with Gongweisi? The emperor has already handed over the matter of Miss Lin's stay to Nanjing City to Gongweisi. So everything related to the princess's settlement has nothing to do with us. But the rest of the wedding is under our control. The supervisor is responsible for all the details of the wedding day, and must follow up from scratch, especially the supervision. Ingredients, this important task falls to us only if the emperor trusts it."

It looks like it's just managing chores, but it's not. Don't look at the supervision details and ingredients, these are all as Wei Xingchao said, and the people who are extremely trusted by the emperor must be entrusted with important tasks. All the work is done by the eunuchs and palace maids, but the source and process of all the raw materials cannot go wrong. For the safety and order of the day, strict supervision from the beginning is the most effective.

Although Gongliang Junyi doesn't like this kind of idle work without technical content, he knows that the responsibility is heavy, and he will never be sloppy.

"Don't worry, I will definitely live up to my mission." Gongliang Junyi saluted.

"I don't worry about you doing things." Wei Xingchao sat back in his took out a brocade box from his arms and placed it on the table, "Now I have an urgent task for you to do right away, it is urgent. It is also a test for you to sit on the position of overseer."

"What task?" Gongliang Junyi looked at the small brocade box carved with yellow wood and flowers, unable to guess what was inside.

"Now that the case of Governor Shao has been closed, our East Factory has closed the case, but the Gongwei Division and the Yingdu Palace have not given up and are still wasting time there. If we really want to find out, wouldn't there be another accident in the prince's wedding."

Gongliang Junyi frowned silently, what is "really found out"? He faintly felt that something was wrong with Wei Xingchao today, and he seemed to want to cut off Governor Shao as soon as possible.

Although Wei Xingchao has the ability and prestige, Gongliang Junyi can see clearly, and this boss is very ambitious. It seems that Wei Xingchao suffered a loss in the royal hunting grounds, and wanted to use the good performance of the prince's wedding to get back to the field.

"Li Mengyao of the guard division retired, Dong Shengrui died, and most of the rest of the division are martial artists. There are limited numbers here." Wei Xingchao nodded his head unceremoniously and laughed, "They are good at ordinary fighting and killing cases. , this kind of case where you haven't found any obvious clues, forget it. Tomorrow at the latest, that idiot will submit the result of closing the case, and the result is the same as ours. "

"But the guy sent by the Shadow Metropolitan Government to investigate the case this time is unusual. I always think he will ruin the emperor's Yaxing." Wei Xingchao pushed the golden box in front of Gongliang Junyi, "You go to the scene to find him later, give him to him. Eat this."

Gongliang Junyi opened the box, the red brocade was on the bottom, and a pill the size of a black finger was set off, exuding a good-smelling herbal fragrance.

"What is this." Gongliang Junyi had a bold inference in his heart, but he wasn't sure, but because of this bold inference, he stared at Wei Xingchao's gentle smile, and the more he looked, the more terrified he became.

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