The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 211: 5 colorful flying feathers, 5 poisonous secrets

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"Tianshamen, as a cult sect in Jianghu, why do they want to assassinate the emperor for no reason? With just their few people, they think that if they kill the emperor, they can become king by themselves? Thinking about it, I know that they should collect money to eliminate disasters for others."

Mei Qian smiled when he saw that his face was getting more and more livid, and he sneered in his heart, which had the same meaning as answering his answer, and continued.

"You are close to Tianshamen, should you be hired by the same boss? According to the tone of the assassination of the emperor before, are you here to play this game again?"

"You knew in advance that there would be a three-division hunting competition, so you pretended to be a hunter and infiltrated the Dongji Factory. The goal was for the Dongji Factory to win this competition. At that time, you can enter the palace and face the saint, and you can get it at the hundred-year-old banquet with weak protection. Opportunity to do it..."

"Am I right?"

"Even if you're right, what does it have to do with you, the leader of the Demon Sect, when we assassinate the emperor?" the man said in a deep voice.

"It didn't matter in the first place, but now my brother eats royal rice, and the goal in life is to have five insurances and one housing fund in the public sect. After retirement, I can get a pension without worrying about breaking my legs. So I changed my mind. Or before you receive your pension until you die, it's not a good time for you to change your dynasty..."

Mei Qian smiled and said that the man was a little confused.

Half-squatting beside him, this man wearing a delusional mask, one of the three major guardians of the original demon sect, and the current leader of the largest demon sect Sun Moon God Sect, "Yue", actually said that his life goals are five risks and one gold?

They were indeed hired, and the glory and wealth given by the boss was enough for them to spend their entire lives. The famous "Yue" was actually bleakly pursuing five insurances and one housing fund? If "Yue" only has such a little demand, he can buy him out of his own pocket!

"I think it's easy for us to discuss the matter of money..."

"The matter of money is really easy to discuss, but I don't want to let the reputation of the Sun Moon God Cult smear anymore. Brother is fed up with the reputation of 'the devil's scum'. You don't understand." Mei Qianxiao sighed and raised her hand silently. , "You absolutely can't do this. The snakes you secretly moved to other hidden hills have been poisoned by me with poisonous rats. Without them, you are like broken arms, and your strength is greatly reduced. Even if you enter the hundred-year-old banquet Seeing the emperor, you can't beat that slightly thin defensive arrangement."

"Hehehe...I really don't understand what you want. However, you also don't understand what we want..."

Mei Qianxiao frowned, and he found that the man below suddenly calmed down, and the panic on his face was swept away.

Suddenly, Mei Qianxiao only felt a stinging pain in his thigh, and he looked down quickly, but he didn't know when, a palm-sized centipede with multicolored wings landed on his thigh and bit him fiercely!

The centipede has a purple body, strong legs, jaw teeth longer than fingers, and even wings. Mei Qianxiao knew at first sight that this was definitely not an ordinary poison, so she quickly divided some of her internal strength to force the toxin on her legs to retreat, her raised hand turned sharply, and she had to kill this disgusting thing first.

But at this moment, a strong wind came from under Mei Qianxiao, and it turned out that the man below suddenly raised his hand and waved at Mei Qianxiao. He hid a handful of tiny smoke-like powder in his hand, and this wave brought a strong wind to hit the powder on Mei Qianxiao's face.

This time, he was caught off guard, and his eyes, nose and mouth were filled with powder. Mei Qianxiao's eyes suddenly darkened, her eyes hurt as if they were burned directly on the fire, she quickly got up and planned to retreat.

But this person obviously didn't intend to miss this opportunity, rushed forward to catch up, raised his hand to gather strength, and slammed three palms one after another when Mei Qianxiao was poisoned, all of which hit Mei Qianxiao's chest. The heavy palm strength reveals the slightest wind pressure, and people who know the goods can understand at a glance that the internal strength of people who can hit this kind of palm strength is definitely among the first-class in the world!

The defenseless Mei Qianxiao took three palms and let out a muffled groan. The whole person flew out like a broken kite and hit a tree trunk. The reaction force made him fall forward, but he gritted his teeth and forced himself to barely stand. However, his breathing was already disordered, he was panting heavily, and he could only lean against the tree trunk to maintain his balance.

"These five poisonous palms... he's really strong enough!"

Mei Qianxiao covered his chest, and the place where his chest was hit by the palm force was not smooth, and a strange poison gradually penetrated into his body, causing him to itch for a while, and gradually eat away at his meridians. The five-poison sect's "Secret Biography of the Five Poisons" teaches the use of poison into martial arts. One-handed five-poison palms swept the martial arts in those days. Mei Qianxiao understood that it was these five poisonous palms that belonged to him.

"Hahaha..." The centipede that took a bite on Mei Qianxiao's thigh before flew back to the man's hand lightly, and disappeared into his sleeve in a blink of an eye, "It's no wonder you passed on the position of the leader to you, China Poisoned by my 'flying feather centipede', my five poison powder, and my three moves and five poison palms, you can still stand, your internal strength is really appalling!"

Centipede with colorful flying feathers?

Mei Qianxiao is knowledgeable and knowledgeable, but the Five Poison Sect disappeared earlier, so he didn't know the origin of the "Flying Feather Centipede".

In the Miaojiang area, the centipede is one of the five poisonous sacred objects.

According to legend, the Five Poison Religion has always had the ritual of fighting against each other among the five saints. In recent times, the five poisons that are the strongest of each are caught, and they are arranged in a large plate in the orientation of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and five elements to fight each other. The one who finally won the battle was considered the best, and was worthy of the disciples of the Five Poisons to conquer for their own use.

Among these best products, centipedes that have survived for more than 50 years were found. The longer the centipede grows, the harder the carapace on the body, and the centipede of the Five Poison Religion feeds the poison with strong poison, and the poison gradually spreads into the carapace, making the carapace gradually turn purple. Centipedes that are more than 50 years old are already very poisonous. If these centipedes are allowed to mate and lay eggs, the offspring will inherit some of the toxins from their previous parents, which is a hundred times stronger than ordinary centipedes.

After hundreds of years of cultivation for several generations, the accumulation of toxins has reached a qualitative change, and a very small amount of mutated centipedes have gradually appeared. They have two pairs of feather wings on their bodies, and they can even fly short distances with their feather wings when they are adults.

Among these mutant centipedes, it is possible to have a supreme centipede with five-colored wings among thousands of them. This kind of centipede has only appeared twice in the history of the Five Poison Religion, and every time it appears, it is worshipped by the Five Poison Religion For the sacred relic. To be regarded as a sacred object by the disciples of the Five Poison Sect, this colorful flying-feathered centipede is naturally unusual. It is more ferocious than ordinary centipedes, and it is brave and ruthless. When it encounters other poisons, it cannot help tearing each other up. The food they eat only eats their own kind, and doesn't care about other things.

Therefore, the person bitten by the five-colored flying feather centipede will die in a short time, and the poison is very violent, which belongs to the five poisons.

"Nima... actually dare to yin Laozi!"

Mei Qian smiled and couldn't see, so he could only turn his head, listen to the sound with his ears, and defend against the direction of the sound.

"It's just that you care too much. The mere three-way sealing Do you think you can seal the five poison disciples who practice the "Five Poison Secrets" internal skills? The internal strength of the force melts the Kaifeng point."

Mei Qianxiao let the other party brag about his skills, and quietly reached out to seal the blood in the area where the centipede had bitten his thigh.

I thought I was doing it quietly, but I didn't expect that the other party was waiting for this moment. When Mei Qianxiao's energy was scattered, he quickly bullied him, and another palm slammed heavily on Mei Qianxiao's chest. The powerful force actually passed through the body, smashing the towering tree behind Mei Qianxiao.

Mei Qian smiled and hummed, half kneeling on the ground, unable to get up again, the skin all over his body slowly became turquoise, his breath was ten to seven or eight, and he was dying.

This is the terrifying part of the Five Poison Religion that makes Jianghu feel the wind. The palm strength and poison are used together, and they use the sinister means. Even the famous masters who have cultivated several times are also killed in their hands, which is sad.

"I like to see a self-righteous person like you, who seems to be in control of everything, arrogant and arrogant. Do you really think what you are speculating is the truth? "..." That person really showed his gloomy face now, "Yes, today's matter is due to the Venomous Sect. However, strictly speaking, what you have guessed is only one-fifth of our strength. Lord Demon Sect Leader , I'm afraid you don't know, our five holy sects have been quietly unified several years ago, right?"

"I'm not a member of the Viper Sect, I'm the Sect Master of the Centipede Sect, Ma Zheng! The Five Poison Sects have been reunited. This operation was launched by the five sects together, and the elites of the five sects came, even if it was you. "Moth" to stop it, it's just a moth to the fire to kill itself! If it weren't for our internal struggles that caused us to be divided, your Sun and Moon Sect wouldn't even be worthy of us pulling up our shoes! Now our Five Sacred Sect is back, you Sun and Moon God The teacher can withdraw from the stage of history, hahaha..."

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