The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 1006: Dead still 1 corner, clean up your hands

At least the children of high officials are detained here.

For example, when there is a suspicion that they will be interrogated by Dali Temple, but there is no clear evidence yet, in order to prevent these senior officials from being wronged, or to let people see that they are imprisoned like Dali Temple, they will be temporarily imprisoned here. The conditions here are naturally much better than the Dali Temple... There is a separate living room inside, and the rooms are arranged according to the specifications of the imperial VIPs, which makes these high-ranking officials who have not yet been convicted living here feel better.

If the arraigned person dies and has not been arraigned by Dali Temple, they will also be temporarily placed here.

Usually corpses do not stay in the palace for long.

But this time there is an exception...

A figure opened a room in the dark and walked in.

In the middle of the living room is a good coffin, which is obviously a dead person... Since it is a dead person, there is no need to light a lamp.

The visitor didn't mind the darkness, so he came to the coffin and patted it with one hand at will, and the heavy coffin lid was thrown aside immediately.

Inside is Lu Ge Er, who was beaten to death by Qiu Haoyu in the Concubine Contest.

Lu Ge Er's body is placed here today, which is a special case.

First, it happened to happen to the princess' wedding, and the emperor, the emperor, and the officials were all busy, and the affairs of Lu Ge Er were placed after the princess' wedding; second, Lu Ge Er's crime involved Lujiazhuang's reputation. These secrets are not It is suitable for public disclosure, and the emperor supervises the secret investigation of the three companies, and it is easy to attract attention if it is released before the case is closed.

This made Lu Ge'er's body lay here for three days.

The person who came did not say a word, and clasped the jaws of the corpse with three fingers, forced to pry open the stiff mouth, slapped a small pill into it, and entered it with an internal force.

After a while, the corpse became soft to the naked eye, and even the face that had lost its blood turned rosy.

Suddenly, the corpse spit out a black liquid from the nose and mouth, and slowly opened his eyes!

As his eyes became cloudy and clear, Lu Ge'er began to gasp for breath!

There was a heavy breathing sound in the place where the dead body was parked, and it was very infiltrating!

"Huh... It's finally here, Senior Brother really didn't let me down." Lu Geer took some time to catch his breath, looked around and slowly adjusted to the pitch-dark environment.

The haze in his eyes dissipated, and Lu Geer sat up stiffly and looked at the figure in front of him in a robe and gently swaying a folding fan: "'s's actually you!"

"Why, it can't be me." The person who came to despised Lu Ge's second fuss and laughed lightly.

"Hahahaha...Senior brother is worthy of being a senior brother! Even if I think about it, I can't think that the supervisor arranged by the senior brother is actually you! Gong Bujue!" You, a six-diligence king, help you in secret, you are generous, and your brother's arrangement can be said to be flawless!"

"Isn't it leaking or losing the test?"

Gong Bujue snorted coldly, and vigorously fanned the folding fan a few times. The breath that Lu Geer spewed out of his mouth as a corpse for too long was stuffy.

Lu Ge'er was sneered by Gong Bujue for a while, and immediately collapsed.

Gong Bujue is also helpless... As Lu Geer said, he is an important chess piece placed in the Fengling Palace. This time to deal with the concubine competition, it can be said that Lu Geer's competition for concubine has an extra layer of insurance.

Ming has Lujiazhuang, secretly has Nighthawk Castle and his Fengling Palace to help, this position of consort should be a certainty.

As a chess piece to assist and supervise in the dark, he has no purpose of competing for the concubine, so he brought his junior sister as a helper in the first try. Just send points.

In the second round, it was also a plan to let Tang Tong fall behind on purpose with Lu Jianer. As a condition of the transaction, they had to assist Yu Chenfei, a party member of Nighthawk Castle, to make an alibi to make a trip to the palace. If Tang Tong rushed too far, it would be easy for Chenfei to cheat exposed. I just didn't expect Tang Tong's martial arts to be unexpectedly high, and he could actually grab Lu Jian'er's brand at the door.

This little accident does not affect the overall situation, Lu Jianyi's points have come to the lead.

In the last round, he thought he would definitely win, because in the end he, Lu Jianyi and Xuelang were left, and he could help Lu Jianyi reach the top as long as he went up and tricked Xuelang into shooting a water gun at himself. In front of him, he acted as ambitious as even Lu Ge and the others had deceived. King Liuqin would not see his strangeness and could complete the task perfectly... So he was surprised when Lu Jianyi shot the water gun from behind. Deeper astonishment from the heart.

Who would have thought that Lu Jiazhuang, who had been under the control of Lu Geer for many years, would make a mess at such a critical time!

One mistake, and the whole game is lost... Perhaps from the very beginning of Seopo, when he took control of Lujiazhuang with drugs, he fell into the hidden danger of this outbreak. The forces that have been operating in the Central Plains for many years can be said to have been uprooted and lost in a mess.

Although he swallowed his failure bitterly, he still had to carry out the post-breakup plan laid out for him by the dream soul, and he could not let this shameful **** away.

"You won't be discovered by coming in like this, right?" Lu Ge Er suppressed the anger of being ridiculed and whispered.

"Today's concubine's wedding, I showed enough sense of existence to leave by urinating, and it took me a while to go back and no one would care. The concubine is now killing the Quartet at the wine table, but it's eye-catching, hehe." Gong Bu Let Lu Geer rest assured.

"It turned out to be such a good opportunity!" Lu Ge Er said with great joy, "Who would have thought that you, who were attending the wedding banquet of the concubine, would come and take me away!"

"Hmph, why should you worry about my work?" Gong Bujue said disdainfully.

A flash of murderous intent flashed in Lu Ge's eyes... This guy is just a subordinate of his senior brother, and he actually made a mark for him! You are a junior brother who is on an equal footing with Menghun!

But at this time, when I ask someone to do something, I can only swallow my anger first: "Okay, I don't care how you arrange it, in short, you can send me out! The medicine you used to dissolve my 'Congealing Corpse' has already worked, and the lower limbs have been removed. Rigid, help me get up quickly! If I don't leave again, I'm afraid there will be more dreams at night!"

"I've worked so hard to see you, how can I still send you out? Do you think we can come and go in this dignified palace as we please?" Gong Bujue said lightly.

"What do you mean?" Lu Ge'er said coldly, but in reality he began to panic, "Senior brother ordered you to keep me from retreating, do you dare not?!"

"Did you make a mistake, Menghun didn't give me this order." Gong Bujue sneered, a laughter more infiltrating than Lu Geer's resurrection, "The order he gave me was, if you Even if this fails, I will finish the 'finishing' work well... After all, the 'Congealing Corpse Powder' will be released even after five days without the antidote. If your temperament is tortured at that time, I am afraid that you will have to explain to the master. Come out... anger the master, and you won't be the only one who will die."

"You, dare! Dream soul dare! I'm looking for a master! You kill my master and won't let you go!" Lu Geer dragged his newly recovered body and struggled, but it will take a long time to return to normal. , "Don't mess around! If you do anything, you will definitely leave clues on me, and the emperor will definitely investigate to the end! If you find a way to save me out, I can double what the dream soul gave you!"

"It's all said, you don't need to bother me..." Gong Bujue stretched out his hands and grabbed it lightly, making Lu Ge'er unable to move, as if an orderly messenger whispered in his ear, "Leave a clue? What do you think? Besides giving you the antidote of 'Condensation Powder', what else did I add?"

"What, what? What did you feed me!" Lu Ge'er was pale again. When he really faced death and had no way out, his voice was trembling.

"Of course it's poison... Dream Soul said that you have been following the master for a long time, and you have eaten a lot of elixir and wonderful herbs. Maximize the efficacy of the medicine to ensure safety..." Gong Bujue coldly stretched out his hand to cover Lu Ge Er's mouth, the other hand pressed against Lu Ge Er's abdomen, revealing an internal force, activating Lu Ge Er's gastrointestinal peristalsis.


After a while, Gong Bujue left the room and nodded to the person sitting in the hall drinking tea safely: "Master Menghun asked me to thank you on his behalf."

"No thanks, it's just to complete the transaction... I will handle the end of the hand here, go back quickly and don't make people suspicious."

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