The regent is a yandere who needs to be pampered

Chapter 862: Your Majesty is not old

It was the twelfth lunar month in a blink of an eye. On the birthday of Her Majesty the Queen, a grand banquet was held in the palace. The ministers presented gifts one by one to wish Her Majesty a long life, to wish Her Majesty the Queen and the Regent a long and happy marriage, and to wish Dongling a long and prosperous country.

The female relatives and noble ladies of the royal family sat around the Queen. Whether they were married or not, their bright and beautiful faces showed relaxed and happy smiles, as if showing the beauty of the prosperous times.

Prince Haoer and his younger brother Zhaner came forward to pay their respects: "Haoer wishes the Queen Mother good fortune and good health."

Little Zhaner stood beside his brother and imitated his brother's tone: "Zhaner wishes the Queen Mother good fortune and good health."

Nan Xi smiled and rubbed Zhaner's head: "Good boy."

Haoer presented his hand-copied "Book of Filial Piety" to his mother. Zhaner was still young, so he copied a few calligraphy works as a gift. Nan Xi was particularly pleased to see her two outstanding sons.

Zhaner painted a long-lived pine and presented it to Her Majesty the Queen, "I wish Her Majesty a long life like the pine trees in the south mountain, long live long live long live long live long."

Other companions also came forward to bless and present gifts one by one. Seven or eight children copied poems, some made small gifts with auspicious meanings by themselves, and Cen En embroidered "Peace and Prosperity". Everyone was very thoughtful and it can be seen that they put in a lot of effort.

Nan Xi smiled at the group of children in front of her and sighed softly: "Looking at these children, I feel that I am getting older year by year."

It is said that time makes people grow old.

The children grow up day by day, how can they not grow old?

Eternal youth is always just a beautiful wish.

"Your Majesty is not old at all." Yin Yue retorted with a smile, "Although time has passed quickly, Your Majesty is the same as when you first came to Dongling, without any change... No, except that you have more imperial demeanor, your temperament has become gentler, and you like to grant marriages to people, there is really no change in other aspects."

"Yin Yue is right. Compared with the past in the Great Zhou, Your Majesty has not changed much in the past two years." Lin Jia sat not far from Nan Xi and smiled gently, "He just looks more gentle and has a more peaceful demeanor."

In the past, in the Great Zhou, the noble ladies of the aristocratic families loved to find faults, and they would sneer and humiliate from time to time. Even the gentlest and tolerant people could hardly have no temper at all. After returning to Dongling, Nan Xi's status was noble, and most people did not dare to make trouble for her. She was protected by the regent and soon had her first child.

With a husband who doted on his wife like a treasure and a lovely son, Nan Xi has been completely immersed in a happy and fulfilling living environment in recent years. The mentality determines the complexion, and people naturally look young and beautiful like flowers.

Others echoed, praising her with words.

"You really don't look old." Rong Yu turned his head to look at her, staring at her bright face, his eyes gentle, "Except for the different hair, you still look the same as before you got married, like a young girl in her twenties."

Nan Xi was slightly stunned, not expecting him to praise her so much in front of so many women, and immediately smiled: "It's fine if they praise you, why are you joining in the fun?"

"Although the regent is annoying in every way, this sentence is indeed true, your majesty is really not old at all." A man walked up to the palace, standing under the throne with a slight smile Bowing, "Little King Zhanruo, on behalf of Yu State, presents the royal seal and announces his allegiance to Dongling. I wish Her Majesty eternal youth and longevity, and prosperity to Dongling for thousands of years."

Nan Xi raised her eyebrows slightly, ordered someone to take the royal seal, and said with a faint smile: "Please take a seat."

Zhanruo bowed: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

The submission of Yu State was expected. After the destruction of Nanyue, the territory of Yu State had been forced to be incorporated into the territory of Dongling. It was unlikely that it would be independent, but Nan Xi took the opportunity to appoint Zhanruo as the new Yu King to guard the nine cities of Yu State for the king.

The ministers toasted each other, and the hall was noisy.

The music started, and the dancers came on stage, dancing a song of prosperity in the hall.

The ministers on both sides of the hall toasted each other, and celebrated the birthday of Her Majesty the Queen, the prosperity of Dongling, and the peace and prosperity of the country.

The noble ladies smiled.

The children's eyes were as bright as the morning sun. They were the future pillars of the Dongling court, the guardians of the country and the world, and the flame of national protection that would never go out.

After the emperor's birthday, the world was temporarily stable.

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