Chapter 135 135. The Hungry Church Duo

“Do you want to attack the temple? Still steal the so-called match cash box? Forget it. It’s better to take a sword and perform on the street. This is international entertainment that is universal in any country.” Xenovia used another one. He patted his forehead, and then came up with a seemingly feasible idea.

“Good idea! Using the holy sword to perform cutting fruits should be able to earn tangles!”

“But there is no fruit. I have no choice but to cut the painting.” Xenovia said solemnly after hearing Irina’s speech.

“No! No way!” The two quarreled again. Compared to the appearance of speaking to everyone at the social office, they are nothing like two people.

In the end, Hyoudou Ise, who still couldn’t stand it, appeared, interrupting the quarrel between the two.

“It’s delicious! Japanese food is so delicious!”

“Hmm! That’s it! This is the taste of hometown!”

“Ah, where’s my favorite French fries and chocolate cake? Xenovia!”

“I didn’t take it.” Xenovia replied and continued to gorge herself.

“Huh.” Irina stopped arguing with her, seeing the food she was constantly destroying and immersing herself in the battlefield.

Xenovia and Irina gobbled up the food they had delivered in the family restaurant.

The two men’s heroic tastes make one wonder if they are really assassins sent by the Christian headquarters?

As for why a few people are here?

“I, we want to go to dinner, do you want to come together?” This is a sentence that Hyoto Iseki thought about for a long time after he walked up and saw the two people who were about to starve to death.

Upon hearing Hyoto’s invitation, they immediately agreed.

But before they arrived at the family restaurant, they kept chanting words like “We sell our souls to the devil.” and “This is also to realize our faith.” and so on.

‘This, this is also for the community, for the dependents. “This is the only reason Hyoto Ise, who feels that his wallet will be able to announce a successful weight loss after tonight, can use it to comfort him.

‘Damn Kiba—I’m running around for you now! After that, I must ask him to introduce a few regular customers who often ask him to make contracts with me! Ise was full of resentment thinking.

“Huh-it’s much more comfortable. You will be rescued by some of you demons. I think the end of the world is coming soon.” This is Xenovia’s speech.

“Hey, I would like to invite you to dinner and say this.” Hyoto Ise couldn’t help his mouth twitching.

‘No, you can’t speak too impulsively. The negotiation will fail. ’

“Huh-thanks for the hospitality. Oh, Lord. Please bless these kind-hearted demons.” Irina drew a cross on her chest.

“Ah, it hurts!” Following Irina’s prayer, the three demons on the opposite side held their heads at the same time, feeling a headache. It seems that it was because someone drew a cross in front of them, causing slight damage to them as demons.

“Ah, I’m sorry. I drew a cross accidentally.” Irina showed a playful smile, which made people unhappy.

After drinking and taking a break, Xenovia asked, “Okay, what can you do with us?” Xenovia cut directly into the core and asked.

“The purpose of your coming to this country is to take [Excalibur] back, right?” Hyoto Kazue said.

“Yeah. Didn’t I say that before?” Probably because Xenovia and Irina were not hostile after just eating.

“I want to help you destroy [Excalibur].” Hyoudou Issei said seriously.

Hearing what Ise said, the two eyes widened and looked quite surprised, and they couldn’t help but stare at each other.

“…Well. If you have a way to destroy it, you can be responsible for it. But you are not allowed to let others discover who you are. We don’t want the people above and the enemy to think that there is a link between us.” After the ring, Xenovia spoke.

“Wait a minute, Xenovia. Is this okay? Even though he is Ise, he is still a demon?” Irina objected.

“Irina, to be honest, it’s too difficult for us to take back the three holy swords and go to war with Cokabile. You know, the opponent is the famous fallen angel in the Bible, and his strength is easy. Can destroy a city.”

“I know this, but!”

“Our most basic task is to destroy three [Excalibur] and then escape back to the headquarters. Our holy sword is also, instead of being snatched, it is better to destroy it yourself. Moreover, even if we use the last resort, the chance of completing the task and returning safely is only 30%. This is still based on the fact that we are so lucky that we don’t encounter Cocabile, but is this probability possible?”

“Didn’t we have realized that the 30% chance is high before we came to this country?”

“Yes. The people above are also very straightforward to ask us to carry out tasks. This is tantamount to self-sacrifice.”

“For us believers, this is what we want, isn’t it?”

“I have changed my mind. I am very flexible in my beliefs and always act in the best form.”

“You! I have always felt that your beliefs are a bit wrong!”

“I don’t deny it. But I believe that the true faith is to successfully complete the mission and return safely. Only when you return alive can you continue to fight for the Lord in the future-isn’t it?”

“…That’s right, but…”

“So, I don’t intend to borrow the power of the devil. On the contrary, I have to rely on the power of the dragon. The people above are not allowed to borrow the power of the dragon.”

Xenovia looked at Ise.

“Unexpectedly, I would meet the Red Dragon Emperor in this Far East island country. Even though he became a demon, it seems that the power of the dragon is still intact. If the legend is true, his power will be able to match the demon king when it is raised to the limit? If there is a demon king level Strength, it should be easy to destroy [Excalibur]. I think this encounter must also be the Lord’s guide.” Xenovia said very happy.

“He, they did not say forbidden to borrow the power of the dragon… but this is too reluctant! There is a problem with your faith!” Irina said tangledly.

“If there is a problem, there will be a problem. But Irina, isn’t he your old acquaintance? We might as well trust him and the power of the dragon.”

Xenovia’s words made Irina stop speaking, and she seemed to have acquiesced.

“OK, it’s settled. I will lend you the power of the dragon. Then I can find my partner over here, right?” Hyoto Issei said happily.

Then Hyoto Ise took out his cell phone, contacted Kiba, and called him to the family restaurant.

“…I know what you are going to say.” Kiba sighed while taking a sip of coffee.

“To be honest, I feel sorry for the person holding the holy sword that he can destroy the holy sword.”

“You dare to say it. If you were a’outlier demon’, I would have chopped you off without saying a word.” Kiba and Xenovia stared at each other.

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