The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 831: Underground Air Force Base

In the deserted Gobi, the tall walls, the barbed wire flickering occasionally with arcs, and the defensive circle lined with sentries, close to here, five kilometers away, are all filled with military bases and signs saying that approaching is strictly prohibited.

You can often see patrols patrolling this huge base in the surroundings, although there are no so-called idlers coming close, and very few people will come to this place deep in the desert.

Strict protection also puts an end to anyone who wants to get close here, and even the sky, no plane can approach it.

A tight radar system on the ground protects this area. Once an aircraft approaches, it will be expelled. Even American fighter planes will be asked to leave.

This is the third air base of the Red Police Corps in Iraq, and it is also an air base that is never made public.

Although many countries can see this military base, after all, the photos taken by satellites are also very clear, but none of the satellite photos have seen any aircraft appearing here.

Although the United States suspects that this is the test flight base of the Future Technology Group, based on the cooperation and basic trust between the two parties, the Americans have not found the bottom line.

In the eyes of the outside world, apart from a little bit of mystery, this base has no special features. So far, satellites have not captured any signs of fighter activities in this base.

Some take-off planes only stay here temporarily and will leave soon.

What the outside world does not know is that in this secret air base, a large number of underground hangars are all brand new Black Hawk fighters.

On the surface of the hangar, there is no fighter jet in it, but the elevators, which are arranged like an aircraft carrier, are connected to each hangar and take-off line.

In the underground hangar, every Black Hawk fighter will stay on the lift at all times. Some fighters even hang various weapons and ammunition at all times. Once urgently needed, all fighters can quickly rise to the ground through the lift and appear directly on the ground. In the take-off area, it only takes 30 seconds for the fighter to take off.

This is the most professional Air Force Base of the Red Police Corps. One such base has two hundred free-moving lifts.

It's like the most famous smart parking garage in Europe and Germany. Every fighter plane can go directly to every hangar on any elevator or ascend to the take-off line.

All the ground crews are in this underground hangar. The fuel depot and weapons depot are also here. Above the head is a reinforced concrete structure hundreds of meters high, which can withstand all conventional missiles and various penetration bombs in the world. .

In order to maintain the life and combat effectiveness of fighters as much as possible, the underground hangar is still a place with constant temperature and humidity to ensure that all fighters are in the best combat condition.

In the underground hangar, it is still the living area of ​​all ground crews and fighter divisions. Although it is usually difficult to see the sun, here, you will definitely not feel any discomfort.

The targeted ultraviolet rays, fresh air, and some underground flowers and plants will soon make the people inside forget that they are actually 100 meters underground.

And in order to ensure that the entire air force base can still have the ability to quickly take off and land fighter jets after being subjected to various attacks, there are two hidden runways under the lawns on both sides of the base runway, and the lawn above is just a layer of camouflage. It can be extended from both sides to expose the runway inside.

When this air force base was hit by an air strike, hitting the toy fighter models in the hangar on the surface and destroying all the artillery shells, it was also possible to ensure that the fighters below could have a place to take off and land.

Cai Ruichen spent 3 million to build this air base in order to ensure the survival of the main air force and the ability to directly counterattack once the air force is attacked on a land without any defense in depth.

The only people who know the secrets here are the members of the Red Police Corps. The outside world can only see the air base on the surface and cannot damage the fighters and personnel inside.

In order to win the next war, Cai Ruichen has also carefully prepared a lot. The base has many fully functional construction units, some construction units also have multiple construction modes, and some modes are combined to make a good underground base.

This air force base is not a combination, but a future science and technology airport. You could choose to build such a layout, but the price is more expensive.

Now Cai Ruichen is not always waiting for poverty alleviation before. The amount of funds recovered every day of 10 million is enough for him to build many high-priced construction models.

Although only this air base has been built at present, Cai Ruichen has already begun planning to build such an air base in key areas of Iraq to meet the needs of the Red Police Air Force.

However, operating fighter jets at such an airport requires a certain amount of time for even the Red Police Corps to adapt.

Because the two hundred lifts can move freely, it is a very precise and complicated process. The operator must be very skilled, otherwise it is very likely to cause accidents.

So far, there are only 24 Black Hawk fighters in this air base, occupying a very small part of this hangar.

However, the personnel inside are quite complete, and the ground crew and base operations control personnel to meet the needs of the two hundred fighters are already in place.

High-intensity training is carried out here every day. Maintaining fighters and operating elevators are all necessary training every day.

Those fighter pilots are not idle either. There are 500 sets of virtual reality training equipment in the air force base, and they can experience the most realistic air combat environment inside.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, and the training here has been very hard every day.

However, today all training work has ceased, and the peripheral security of the entire air base has also been upgraded to the highest level.

Outside the base, Cai Ruichen's convoy arrived slowly and entered the No. 3 Air Force Base.

Cai Ruichen, who got off the bus, did not stop. Accompanied by the Air Force Commander Jiang Weiguo, he arrived in the underground hangar for the first time.

Take the special elevator down, and at a depth of 100 meters, the elevator stopped after just a few breaths.

When the elevator door opened, you could see a huge underground hangar at a glance. In front of you was a neat row of Black Hawk fighters, on both sides were more than 2,000 staff and 400 pilots lined up.

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