The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Chapter 211: Israel on the cusp

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In fact, Cai Ruichen has already had many speculations about the targeted actions that Israel may take.

But he did not expect that after he had just held a press conference, Israel actually chose to use its own air force to launch missiles.

Originally, he thought that Israel had to take into account its own identity no matter what it said, and it was impossible to make things so obvious.

But he was obviously wrong, and the Israelis really did it.

This seems to be no big deal for Israel at all.

Since the end of several Middle East wars, Israel has been in full hostility with the Middle East countries. The Israeli Air Force is the busiest of all countries in the world.

Air strikes this country today, and the sky strikes that country.

Almost all the Syrian government’s air force, radar, and anti-aircraft missile positions were destroyed by the Israeli air force.

The Iraqi government forces are often hit by Israeli air force fighters. Even if they are against Iran, the Israelis are clamoring for air strikes on nuclear facilities.

Therefore, for Israel, air strikes on a future technology group are not a big deal at all.

Even if there are some follow-up negative effects, they are nothing compared to future national strategies.

Israel’s national strategy, the Middle East absolutely does not allow anyone to threaten Israel’s national status.

That group of Jews finally established a nation and fulfilled the wishes of countless Jewish ancestors. The madness in this regard is beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Therefore, for Israel, Cai Ruichen's identity may be a bit of trouble, but if the Future Technology Group becomes stronger than in the future, then this trouble is nothing at all.

Because they have already seen that if the future technology group develops, it will become an important force in the Middle East.

Before this, Mossad had already assassinated Cai Ruichen. After that, there was no better opportunity.

Israeli senior officials saw the content of the press conference. Coupled with the development potential revealed by future technology, they can no longer sit still.

It's just that they didn't expect that this kind of problem would arise as a result of an air strike that was supposed to be a ten-point security.

To know. This air strike was a route and method of attack developed by hundreds of Israeli Air Force staff.

Calculating the explosive power of missiles and explosives is not bad, with 300 kilograms of charge plus the remaining solid fuel. Enough to completely destroy the No. 1 warehouse where Cai Ruichen is located.

When the Israeli Air Force headquarters received reports from fighter pilots that the operation might have failed, it was a little hard to believe.

But soon, they saw the complete video published on the official website of Future Technology Group.

Fighters from Israel are under cover of the night sky. It approached Marin Town at supersonic speed, and then fired a missile to leave immediately. Until the missile was destroyed by anti-aircraft artillery, the picture was displayed in great detail before the whole world.

In particular, the Israeli air strike F-16, whether it is the Israeli Air Force flag or the aircraft number. All are clearly displayed in front of the world.

Below the video, there is an angry statement.

"For such barbarous acts of violence by the Israeli government. If the Israeli side does not give a reasonable explanation to guarantee that such things will not happen, and if the Israeli side ignores or perfunctory matters, it will be regarded as Israel's treatment of the Future Technology Group. Up-and-down warfare. The Future Technology Group reserves the right to use methods including launching cyber warfare, mercenary operations, and direct military counterattacks to respond to the barbaric behavior of Israel, a barbaric country.

Future Technology Group solemnly declares once again: We do not like war, but we are absolutely not afraid of war. "

There is no rhetoric with gorgeous rhetoric and no trimming of the margins of any words. What Cai Ruichen wants is this most direct method.

This is his attitude, telling the world the attitude of Future Technology Group towards this kind of air strike.

If Israel really does not intend to give an explanation for this matter, then he will not remain silent.

At this time, the official website of the Future Technology Group was originally due to the emergence of the artificial intelligence panda, which led to a rapid increase in traffic.

As soon as this video appeared in the most eye-catching part of the homepage, Nature First World spread all over the world.

"Israel launched an air strike against the Future Technology Group for no reason. What is it about?"

"The Jews who saw the money opened their eyes were jealous, jealous of the Dongfang Doctor and the Future Technology Group."

"Do the Israelis really think that they have no scruples in the Middle East and actually launched an air attack on a technology company?"

"The barbarism is really barbaric. It's hard to imagine a country making such a decision?"

"Did the Israelis have their heads amused, and the Future Technology Group did not offend them. Could it be that saving a few Iraqis will make them unable to sit still?"


Numerous reprints, combined with various comments, took the headlines of the world's Internet in just half an hour.

Even the attention of the Future Technology Group's press conference has been squeezed.

At this moment, all netizens all over the world became excited. Some netizens who had already fallen in love with pandas, a system of only system, were also swearing at Israel.

Many netizens who don't like Jews in the first place are adding fuel to the fire.

In the Middle East, all the young people who can access the Internet are also boiling, and almost all have joined the wave of cursing Israelis.

In particular, many Iraqis have the most ferocious scolding, and those Slavs who have always disliked Jews are not behind at all.

Even a large number of netizens in the United States have begun to scold Jewish vampires, and the same is true in Europe.

This matter, in just half an hour, has evolved to the point where it is almost unmanageable.

The Iranian government’s response was the fastest, not only vigorously criticizing Israel, but also expressing to the Future Technology Group that if the Future Technology Group is willing, Iran is willing to send troops to protect the interests of the Future Technology Group Government and Iraq The government did not lag behind at all, and immediately made a series of accusations against Israel, which was not quite right.

Even Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Lebanon have all stepped forward, and their heads are all directed at Israel.

For a time, the entire Middle East and the Internet were full of upside-down voices, and all kinds of posts cursing Israel and Jews were everywhere.

This matter shook the whole of Israel. Many Israeli citizens were also downloading pandas, but they were all reminded that the download failed.

Some Israelis who ordered the machine housekeeper discovered that 300,000 US dollars had been returned to their accounts and the purchase of the machine housekeeper had been cancelled.

Things got worse and the Israeli government had no choice but to stand up and officially announce: This air strike was just a misunderstanding. Israeli fighters did not perform the attack mission, and also claimed that it was just a pure mechanical failure. It was launched as close as 20 kilometers. The missile is the evidence.

There was no apology, just a dry explanation, and the evidence might not hold up for even a second. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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