The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1502: Celebrate the whole country

The fiasco of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force was like a hurricane sweeping the world.

The Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force, known as the world’s strongest anti-potential force, ended up like this. Only one Akizuki-class destroyer remained in the two **** groups, and the two most powerful warships in Japan since World War II. The Japanese Izumo-class quasi-aircraft carrier has just launched into service The two new-style warships, plus the two most powerful Atago-class ships of Japan’s Aegis, were all sunk.

Such news caused an uproar all over the world, no less than the failure of the NATO Indian Ocean Ship, and even worse.

The strength of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force was broken by the waist, and the Eighty Eight Fleet had just taken shape, and it immediately became the Four Fourth Fleet, which is simply terrible.

This has been the heaviest loss since Japan began to focus on the development of the Maritime Self-Defense Force, which was responsible for the US Navy’s assistance in anti-submarine work during the Cold War.

Subsequently, the Japanese Maritime Defense Ministry also announced that the four Canglong-class submarines in the Indian Ocean had also lost contact with them, and they may have been destroyed by the submarines of the Islamic Federation.

Such news immediately immersed the whole of Japan in a huge blow. The Japanese media even called it comparable to the defeat of the Japanese Imperial Navy in World War II.

The Japanese nationals are also immersed in great grief, and the fleet that has been built with a lot of money is so vulnerable that Mitsubishi and Kawasaki Heavy Industries have also been under tremendous pressure.

All Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force warships were built by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Kawasaki Heavy Industries. The powerful media propaganda directly became a joke. How can this make the Japanese people pay.

The whole Japan is full of pain, but it is the current ruling party in Japan that is really under pressure.

There are even quite a few extreme right-wingers imitating Bushido to cut their stomachs and use such extreme emotions to vent their inner grief and anger.

But such people are only a minority after all, and the spirit of Bushido only exists in a minority.

However, all the leftists and all the opposition parties in Japan cannot sit still.

The actions of the ruling party are now ruining Japan's future. Under this pretext, they are constantly launching political and public opinion offensives against the ruling party. The entire Japanese media and online public opinion are all messed up.

But in my hometown, everyone seemed to be celebrating the festival. On the night of Nanjing, in the fireworks display area, the sky was full of fireworks, and many people cheered and encouraged them.

On the Internet, all kinds of news are almost all celebrations, constantly refreshing the entire online world. Today, everywhere in my hometown, it is really like a holiday.

Even the government agencies in my hometown have organized a lot of related activities. Taking advantage of the high enthusiasm of the citizens, they also used this opportunity to conduct various propaganda and education to attract more citizens and pay attention to national defense construction.

Moreover, in the Central News in the evening of the same day, it was very rare to use the latest news materials obtained from the Isy-Syrian Federation in 15 minutes to give the most detailed information on the destruction of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force. The report.

At the same time, almost all news and programs that were originally military commentaries and political programs in my hometown have also analyzed various aspects of Japan's fiasco.

This submarine ambush against surface ships has achieved such a huge victory, which is enough to call it a model of modern submarine operations.

Although the Japanese media announced such news in a low-key and painful manner, and deleted all previous news that devalued the Syrian-Israel Federation, some things have already been done. How can it be deleted so easily?

In the country, almost all of them took advantage of the confidence and pride of a large number of Japanese media before and made targeted satire.

After all, from the beginning, almost only the hometown media in the world has always supported the Iraqi-Syrian Federation. Up to now, the hometown media’s support, as if the prophecy came true, has naturally begun to prevail.

At the same time, a big discussion on the submarine of the Islamic Federation is also unfolding around the world.

The Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force failed disastrously, achieving the world's top status of the Iran-Syria Federal submarine force, but there was no news about such a submarine in the world before.

Even before this, none of the media in the world had any detailed reports on the submarine forces of the Islamic and Syrian Federation.

At that time, it was only when the Iraq-Syrian Federation dual aircraft carrier battle group came out. There was speculation about the submarine of the Iraq-Syria Federation for a while, but at that time it was limited to what kind of submarine the Iraq-Syria Federation would choose to use as the water for the aircraft carrier battle group. Under the submarine anti-submarine net.

At that time, no one knew whether the Islamic Federation had submarines and what kind of submarines they belonged to.

And now, after this battle, the world has only known for the first time that the Iraqi-Syrian Federation not only has a submarine force, but also has very advanced submarines.

Although the power of this submarine is not yet clear, it has the ability to stay in the water for a long time. Many submarine experts predict that if you want to accurately ambush the submarine force of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force, it is basically not a nuclear submarine, because nuclear submarines cannot stay in the water. Stop completely and sit on the bottom of the sea.

Moreover, if you analyze the news released by the Japanese Maritime Defense Ministry, you can also draw a conclusion that this submarine has the ability to simultaneously launch a large number of torpedoes and submarine-launched missiles.

The explosive attack launched in one breath, and the number of missiles and torpedoes is If torpedo tubes and torpedoes and missiles are to be fired, it is impossible to achieve such a level.

It can also be judged that this is an advanced submarine with a vertical launch tube and capable of launching missiles and torpedoes at the same time.

Modern attack submarines are not equipped with vertical launchers like ballistic missile nuclear submarines. The first is the tonnage issue, and the other is the streamlined layout of the submarine.

In the comments and analysis of experts from various countries, such as this completely integrated attack submarine, the term waste is used to explain the effectiveness of this submarine.

But what I have to say is that people’s shooting and submarine weapon layouts are indeed extremely powerful. Especially when ambushing surface ships, the powerful attack explosive power will ruin more than a dozen Japanese capital ships, and two more. An important reason for the absolute main maritime power of a quasi-aircraft carrier.

Otherwise, if you use other submarines in the world, you can only say that even if you can form such an underwater ambush, you cannot achieve a similar attack effect, because the attack efficiency of other submarines is completely incomparable with the submarines of the Syrian Federation. . (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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