The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1500: Acura's ultimate resort

PS: I am extremely grateful to the book friend "xixiqp788" for the one-hundred-thousand-thousand starting currency rewarded yesterday, which made this book's hegemony hegemony, and today I will do ten changes for him.


Seawolf One, which had just left the seabed gap, had not had time to completely ascend. After hurriedly avoiding the two torpedoes, the two torpedoes hit and exploded on the seabed.

The huge explosive power caused Seawolf One’s originally somewhat distorted shell to directly split two holes.

Inside Seawolf One, the power system has also been affected a bit. The brightness of the light, which is the control system, has dropped significantly.

"Warning, the hull is damaged, the watertight tanks No.8, No.9 and No.12 are flooded..."

The intelligent system of Seawolf One also issued a warning sound immediately.

The water in the hull just enters the watertight compartment, but this is not good news for a submarine.

Because one side of the hull enters water, it will affect the submarine's horizontal control and overall balance.

This is a very bad thing for the operation of the submarine, let alone the Cheyenne nuclear submarine, which is eyeing at the side.

The watertight compartment flooded, and the hull of Sea Wolf One also tilted several degrees.

However, the Cheyenne nuclear submarine on the opposite side could not be seen, but from the location of the explosion and the distance from the opponent's submarine, Hades on the Cheyenne nuclear submarine immediately concluded that the opponent's submarine must have been damaged.

This is not difficult to estimate, because even if the Cheyenne nuclear submarine is placed in the opponent's position, it cannot be safe.

It's just that it is currently impossible to determine the damage of the opponent. What is certain is that the opponent has not lost the ability to act as a result, and can still float and move at a faster speed.

The attack did not end there. Two more torpedoes were launched from the Cheyenne nuclear submarine.

After finally adjusting, Sea Wolf One also launched two torpedoes at the same time. At this moment, Sea Wolf One can only do its best to kill the opponent.

"Keep the same horizontal depth and rush directly."

This was Chang Weixuan's order. Even if all the torpedoes were unable to kill the opponent, they would ensure that they would not be killed by the opponent. There was only one way in the end, and that was to hit him directly.

For this obvious collision course, everyone on the submarine could understand what Chang Weixuan meant, but no one stood up against it. Instead, everyone had the same determined expression on their faces.

When Chang Weixuan saw that everyone was silent and looked at death, he continued: "Get ready for the farewell communication and information recorder. We are worthy of being a member of the Red Police Corps. On the monument of history, Remember our deeds."


All the Red Police soldiers on the entire submarine roared out at the same time, and the huge voice echoed in the submarine and also echoed on the bottom of the sea.

The reverberating sound produced a lot of distractions in the sea, making the American soldiers aboard the Cheyenne nuclear submarine on the opposite side a little confused.

In the submarine, it is not allowed to speak for the time being, and even the sound of typing on the keyboard needs to be strictly controlled.

In such a tense battle, the strange voice of the opponent seemed a little unnatural.

However, the American soldiers had no time to consider what happened to the other side, and the two torpedoes had already reached the submarine.

For such a torpedo attack, the Cheyenne nuclear submarine did not easily avoid it this time. A torpedo exploded on a seabed reef near the submarine, which caused a lot of shock to the Cheyenne nuclear submarine. .

Fortunately, this reef is hundreds of meters away from the submarine, and the huge vibration did not cause the Cheyenne nuclear submarine to hurt like bones.

On the other side, Sea Wolf One avoided two torpedoes very dangerously.

"Prepare for the next attack. Four torpedoes will be launched at the same time." Hades no longer wants to see that the opponent can avoid his own attack next time.

Especially at this moment, he is also somewhat aware of the opponent's intentions. This kind of collision course is very dangerous and may be the opponent's last fight.

Therefore, for the next attack, he felt that it was very necessary to destroy this opponent in one go, otherwise it would be very dangerous to continue to entangle him.

Prior to the two torpedoes and two torpedo attacks, Hades was absolutely able to solve this opponent very quickly, but now, he thinks that only four torpedoes are considered safe.

At this moment, Seawolf One had already increased its speed to its limit. The huge Seawolf One was approaching the Cheyenne nuclear submarine on the opposite side, and the distance was only less than two kilometers.

And this time, Chang Weixuan also made the same choice as Hades, which was to launch all the remaining four torpedoes at once.

With two two torpedoes, at a distance of more than 2,000 meters, the opponent has plenty of space to dodge, but if it is four torpedoes, then maybe it is.

If this attack can work, then there is no need to die with the opponent.

In fact, as long as the Acura submarine is brought close to within a distance of 100 meters, then only the magnetic energy reactor in the submarine needs to be detonated. The explosive power produced is no less than a two-ton bomb, and it is still elevated underwater. With 800 times the power, even if Russia’s Typhoon-class ballistic missile nuclear submarine is within such a range, there is only one dead end.

This is also the killer of the Acura submarine, the ultimate means to die with the enemy.

Cai Ruichen also allows the Red Police Corps to use this method, because there is no radiation in the magnetic energy reactor self-detonation, and the nuclear reactor on the aircraft carrier is firmly not allowed to self-detonate.

Naturally, it is impossible for the outside world to know about this matter. Once the result of bringing the Iraqi-Syrian Federation close to your side, if you know it, if you think about it, it is inevitable that your scalp will tingle.

At this moment, the distance between the two sides has been reduced to a distance of one thousand meters. At the speed of both sides, the collision is only tens of seconds.

But before the submarines of both sides collided with each other ~ ~ the four torpedoes on both sides launched almost at the same time, they directly collided together.

Torpedo collisions, such cases are rare, and the probability of occurrence in actual combat is even smaller.

If the directions of the two sides were not facing each other, and the hull and height of the submarine and the position of the torpedo launching tube were almost the same, such an accident would have been impossible.

It only takes two torpedoes collided together to detonate other torpedoes on the side.

This attack by both sides directly offset the torpedo threat as a result of the collision.

But Chang Weixuan, who saw this scene, had a bit of bitterness on his face. He glanced at the soldiers in the submarine. They were all good men. He couldn't bear so many good soldiers, so he was buried in the bottom of the sea.

However, many things are unrestrained. If you don't make a choice, everyone will die in vain. Instead of doing this, it is better to die with the other party and pull a valuable back. It is also considered to die more well, and to die more meaningful.

"Preparing to detonate the reactor..." (To be continued.) New website launched

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