The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1487: Hometown Voice: Kill the Japanese Pig

PS: Thanks to the book friend "12345qap" in a few days, the total amount of rewards reached 100,000 starting coins, and the hegemony of the hegemony of the book leader. Today, he added more.

The ten change is completed. I am really tired recently. It is really not easy to be able to make the ten change. I am really grateful to 12345qap. If it were not for him, Gorgeous would not be able to complete this ten change. With your support, gorgeous will have the motivation and perseverance to explode.


On the Red Police Navy Command Ship, Sha Yiqi stared solemnly at the nautical chart in front of him. On the nautical chart, the enemy and friend situations of the two navies were clearly displayed on it.

Zhang Kaixin walked over and said in his ear: "Digo Garcia Island Colonel Bai Jiayu has sent a message that the control of the island has been completed, and the first step is planned."

Having said that, Zhang Kaixin glanced at the chart and continued: “The two guard groups of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force are less than 180 kilometers away from Diego Garcia Island. Once they learn about the island Under the circumstances, we will rush to Diego Garcia Island at full speed, and in order to get to Diego Garcia Island quickly, we will also choose the nearest route."

Sha Yiqi heard the words, nodded and said: "Notify the sea wolves that the Japanese guard group will be handed over to the wolves."


As Zhang Kaixin said, Lieutenant General Okubo couldn't sit still after receiving the help message sent by Shinji Ato.

The news asked him to cooperate with the friendly forces and promote the powerful combat effectiveness of the Japanese Self-Defense Force, but it was not for him to send his troops to the gate of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation to die.

He immediately sent the news to the Pentagon, and the atmosphere at the Pentagon at this time was particularly solemn.

The news from Okubo came earlier than the air battle on Diego Garcia Island. The returning fighter jets from the U.S. military had been repulsed. There was no air force to support them except the Indian Ocean Fleet 2,000 kilometers away.

Although all the Air Force carrier-based aircraft of the Syrian Federal Navy have also withdrawn to the carrier, the US military has also lost its support to the island forces.

The news from Okubo has slightly improved the faces of the US military in the Pentagon, and the US military on the island is still insisting, which proves that there is still combat effectiveness.

Moreover, it was basically confirmed through the news that the fighting position on the island was on the side of the arsenal, that is to say, the US military on the island had retreated to the side of the arsenal to take control.

This is good news for the US military.

Because it only takes another twelve hours for the NATO Indian Ocean Fleet to provide air support to Diego Garcia Island, a large number of fighter jets will be over the island of Diego Garcia and defeat the carrier-based aircraft of the ISSA Navy. , To solve the trouble on Diego Garcia Island, the Indian Ocean Fleet goes south, which is the end of the Islamic Federation Navy.

For the Pentagon at this moment, if it can take this opportunity to eliminate the navy of the Syrian Federation, the loss on Diego Garcia Island is acceptable.

And this is obviously the other party’s mistake, miscalculating the tenacious combat spirit of the US military on the island.

But the prerequisite for all this is that the US military on the island must be simple until the arrival of the Indian Ocean Fleet.

According to the Japanese news, the intelligence is relatively vague. In order to ensure that the troops on the island can continue to insist on the arrival of the Indian Ocean Fleet, the Pentagon immediately requested the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force to immediately support it.

In fact, even if the Pentagon does not have this requirement, the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force also has such plans, but the starting points of the two sides are different.

From the perspective of the US military, the Japanese fleet's arrival not only guarantees that the US military on the island can continue to persevere, but also can better attract the attention of the Islamic Federation Navy to Diego Garcia Island.

Perhaps the carrier-based aircraft of the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Navy will target the Japanese fleet, and the most powerful part of the Japanese fleet is air defense and anti-submarine. Loss, I also face a lot of casualties.

In this way, when the Indian Ocean Fleet arrives at the air combat radius of Diego Garcia Island, it will be easier to deal with the carrier aircraft of the Islamic Federation.

The Japanese side has a different idea, that is, to rescue the Japanese Self-Defense Force soldiers on the island as much as possible, which is the hope of the Japanese Marine Corps in the future.

However, if Okubo knows how the Marine Corps that Japan spent heavily to build failed, I am afraid it will only be furious.

But no matter what, the two groups of Japanese guards have also advanced towards Diego Garcia at full speed.

Just as the two sides began to prepare for a modern sea-air battle around an island, far away in the imperial court of Marin, the capital of the Federal Republic of Iraq and Syria, Cai Ruichen was very leisurely with his legs up and watching the global news in his hands.

In addition to the intelligence obtained by the intelligence department, news reports are also a good way to understand the opponent.

The series of failures of the U.S. military have been downplayed by Western media as much as possible. This is quite normal. If even the Western media report on the U.S. military's defeat, it is truly abnormal.

This is the same all over the world. The power of the media is always in the hands of national power, and public opinion is fierce as a tiger.

Just when Cai Ruichen broke the news, a new piece of news appeared in the news center.

This is the news just released by Future Media. The core of the news is Diego Garcia Island in the Indian Ocean.

However, there is not much content in the news. It just tells the world that the navy of the Islamic Federal Guard has successfully landed on Diego Garcia Island and is preparing to remove the nail in the Indian Ocean.

Moreover, it was also pointed out in the news that the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force's First Amphibious Wing, supporting American soldiers on the island, was also surrounded on the island and was carrying out a final defeat.

The news of Japan's participation in the war immediately caused a great shock throughout the world.

In fact, since Japan amended the peace constitution, it has participated in many US military operations overseas.

However, Japan has always been a messenger, and there is no such thing as the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force in direct combat.

But now it's completely different. Japan's First Amphibious Wing is equivalent to the Marine Corps of a normal country. It is a clear manifestation of Japan's militarist ambitions.

Such a force suddenly participated in this war. How can we not shock the outside world? This also directly indicates that Japan has truly participated in this war, and it is no longer a rim drum, but directly involved in the core of the war. project.

This news immediately caused an uproar on the Internet, especially on the Internet in my hometown. In just a few minutes, there were more than a million messages, and the content of the messages was inseparable from Japan and Cai Ruichen.

The meaning of domestic netizens is quite simple. They cannot do anything in their hometown. Then I hope that Cai Ruichen, who is a Chinese, can teach the arrogant little Japan a hard lesson.

A large number of angry youths almost broke through all the message boards, all of them supporting Cai Ruichen. Killing the Japanese pig became the hottest vocabulary in the home network for a while.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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