The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1475: Underwater spear submarine

Under the golden waters of Diego Garcia Island in the morning sun, twenty-four long-gun mini submarines approached quietly below this quiet sea area.

Near the shallows with a water depth of only three meters, on the long mini submarine, the crew compartments slowly opened, and from the inside came out one after another well-equipped elite special forces.

Hundreds of kilometers away, four Acura-class submarines are slowly diving into a trench that is 700 meters deep.

Sha Yiqi formulated a landing operation plan on Diego Garcia Island. The dual aircraft carrier formation and two amphibious formations were immediately mobilized.

The submarine force immediately took action, especially those Acura submarines carrying long gun mini submarines, which was a key link in this landing operation.

It is not the first time that the Long Gun mini submarine has performed this kind of secret underwater transportation mission. During the Washington attack before, the Long Gun mini submarine took on the task of transporting Bin Laden and Gaddafi.

And this time it is only playing the normal role of the long gun mini submarine. This non-offensive submarine has a combat mission to transport elite special teams to key hotspots and make them play a key role.

Spear mini submarine: small offshore submarine, auxiliary vessel, no attack capability, no ocean-going capability, built-in crew cabin and autopilot function, responsible for transporting special forces underwater in and out of operations, capable of navigating in a depth of three meters, special The troops are transported to the shore, and the special forces can also be picked up on the shore.

Construction price-5 million capital, construction to service time-half a month.

Simple data: underwater displacement of 80 tons, normal underwater speed of 15 knots, underwater diving distance of 150 kilometers, using ultra-low silent liquid metal battery power system, can carry 30 fully armed special forces and It needs ammunition supplies and can also carry six heavy infantry.

Hull data: With a shuttle appearance, it can be close to other submarines and surface ships for long voyages to meet the needs of special forces for ocean delivery.


The ability to transport thirty fully armed special forces at a time and sneak in secretly is enough to lay the huge value of this small underwater transport submarine.

At this moment, a long gun mini submarine can approach Diego Garcia silently, relying on its good underwater stealth ability, which can not only hide its sonar signal well under the ocean background sonar. , Even the change to the earth’s magnetic field is minimal.

This is not available in any kind of large submarine. After all, the size of the large submarine is placed there. Even if it can avoid sonar detection, it will inevitably interfere with the earth’s magnetic field. In modern naval battles, sonar detection has been It is not a key anti-submarine means. Almost all naval powers have the ability to detect the earth's magnetic field environment, so that they can find hidden and underwater submarines, even if there is no sonar signal leaking, it is difficult to avoid them.

Of course, the earth's magnetic field environment detection technology has a necessary prerequisite, that is, it is necessary to thoroughly grasp the complete earth's magnetic field data of the sea area, otherwise the so-called discovery and detection will not be possible.

In fact, even the United States has not grasped all the earth's magnetic field data in every sea area in the world, even if it has traversed the global seas for hundreds of years.

At present, the United States is only able to grasp the environmental data of the earth's magnetic field in key waters, straits, and bays around the world.

Therefore, in the depths of the ocean, the earth's magnetic field environment detection technology can actually exert very limited effects.

Unless someone can completely collect the earth's magnetic field environment in all sea areas around the world, and then use detection technology to compare, so as to compare whether the magnetic field has been changed, there is no way to detect a submarine.

For important naval and air military bases like Diego Garcia Island, the US military has naturally collected all the magnetic field environmental data of the surrounding sea area, and the underwater is bound to be covered with various sonar and magnetic field induction detection equipment.

It is actually quite dangerous for a submarine to be close to such a place. Under normal circumstances, a submarine of any country will not approach the coastline of a country, and it is even more important to avoid approaching the coastal city of a certain country.

As for the navy or air force base on the seashore, let alone a large submarine approaching, even if it has a good mute effect, it will not escape the fate of being discovered after changing the magnetic field.

Otherwise, where does the trouble need to be.

On the twenty-four long gun mini submarines, all the special forces left the mini submarines and approached carefully toward the shallows on the shore.

The underwater snipers have silently killed all the patrols and sentries near the landing point.

After all, this is not a barracks on land. There are no so-called guard towers installed. There are only simple patrols. You must know that the surrounding area of ​​Diego Garcia was originally a tightly defensed place. As for the island, normally it is already Once the innermost defense is in danger, it will only start from the periphery.

On the edge of the golden sandy beach, the calm sea water was swaying slightly, and the black figures in wetsuits slowly walked out of the water, the rifle **** against their shoulders, and the special soldiers with wetsuits biting their oxygen mouths, walking one by one. On the beach.

The sniper quickly guarded the surroundings, the 30-square-kilometer island, said it was not big, but it was not small, especially for the size of humans, it was already a fairly large island.

The east-west length is more than ten kilometers, the narrowest part of the curved coral reef is more than 500 meters, and the widest part is nearly four kilometers.

There are 5,000 American soldiers stationed on and 30 British soldiers. In fact, on average, each person occupies thousands of square meters.

The most important thing is that this place belongs to a recreational beach far away from the camp area and far from the port pier. It is usually when the US soldiers are resting, and the warships and ships are all docked in the inner circle of Coral Bay.

Twenty-four long gun mini submarines transported a battalion of special forces, including the Haifeng Special Commando, the most elite of the Red Police Marine Corps.

Among the hundreds of heavily armed special forces, 20 heavy infantry and magnetic storm infantry will quickly gather the ammunition and weapon boxes floating out of the long gun mini submarine and hide them in the mangroves on the beach. stand up.

At the same time, everyone quickly released their diving gear, revealing a single soldier combat equipment full of weapons and ammunition.

Integrated helmet display system, bulletproof tactical vest, neck guard, waist guard, knee guard, wrist guard, gloves, dagger, pistol, grenade...

The elite of the SEAL units, the elite of the sniper units, the archer girl, the heavy infantry, the magnetic storm infantry, the crazy Ivan, the air defense infantry... (to be continued.) New website will be launched

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