The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1464: Battle fortress debut

Artillery has assumed tasks and positions in the evolution of war history. With the development of war modernization and informatization, artillery has become increasingly weakened.

But it is undeniable that in today’s information warfare, artillery still has its own unique position, which cannot be replaced by any missiles and weapons. With cheap firepower output and cost-effective destructive power, information warfare is inseparable. Traditional artillery.

Even if it is as strong as the US Army and Marine Corps, they also have a complete artillery system.

Although there are no more than hundreds of artillery pieces at every turn, and it is impossible to reproduce the magnificent scene of the Soviet Union's all-round artillery during World War II, the power of modern artillery remains unchanged.

At this moment, on both sides of the Tarawa Highlands, whether it is the Red Police Corps or the US Army, they are actually very aware of the need for artillery support.

Despite the difficulty, the US artillery also tried to destroy the artillery positions of the Red Police Corps. However, this time the opponent the US military encountered was too powerful in a local war.

The advanced equipment of the Red Police Corps can almost completely defeat the US military in local wars and under traditional confrontations.

The development of artillery lasted for hundreds of years, from the ancient siege artillery to the modern self-propelled artillery, a long journey.

If the level is used to represent every revolution and life progress in the development of traditional charge artillery, then in the modern self-propelled artillery, the artillery technology has reached the level that is about to reach its full level.

The calmer can be said to be the pinnacle of the development technology of charge artillery, representing the limit of the development of charge artillery, and can almost be described by the word perfect.

When modern self-propelled artillery meets the calmer, the gap is immediately apparent.

The ground battle has not yet begun, two rounds of fire coverage, a self-propelled howitzer battalion of the Eleventh Mechanized Infantry Brigade of the United States has been wiped out.

Most of the eighteen artillery pieces were directly destroyed, and all the others lost their combat capability.

With such a result, the 11th Mechanized Infantry Brigade was unwilling, and could only choose to accept it, and then prepare for the next battle.

However, the ground battle came much faster than the US military expected. The second round of fire coverage on the Tarawa Highlands has not yet ended. The assault even seven battle fortresses has rushed to the periphery of the Tarawa Highlands.

The firepower coverage of the Calenders in the second round is much weaker. The dual-barreled Calenders, one can top two, but the actual firepower density is only seven Calenders, but it is not inferior to a reinforced artillery. camp.

Even if compared with the sound of more than 300 shells landing at the same time in the first round of shelling, it was countless times smaller, but the sound and power of one shell exploding were not reduced in the slightest.

The vibration of a 155mm high explosive grenade explosion can be easily felt even if it is one or two kilometers away from the explosion center.

At this moment, almost all of the American soldiers were lying in their foxholes, looking forward to God and not letting the shells fall by their side.

Some U.S. soldiers even huddled together in fear. After all, U.S. soldiers have always been fighting smoothly. There has never been a case of huddling in individual pits and enduring shelling.

The tremendous shock of the artillery hit, like a war drum, struck every American soldier’s heart, and soon another sound came to the ears of the American soldier. It was the sound of the crawler crushing stones and the transmission of the crawler. Squeak.

At the same time, almost all of the American soldiers heard the combat command from the master sergeant, and the enemy came up, ready to fight.

But when every American soldier popped his head and saw the so-called enemy, all his expressions changed. What appeared to them was not the armored vehicles or tanks they imagined, nor did they follow tanks and infantry fighting vehicles. Soldiers on the edge.

There is only one huge iron block, which is climbing up the high ground quickly along the **** of Tarawa Highland.

The American soldiers who had never seen such a large piece of iron were all a little confused.

"Oh God, what the **** is this?"

"God must be joking with us, this **** guy, is it the secret equipment of the Yixu Federation?"

"It's so huge, what kind of power it uses and how its defense is, it won't be killed in one shot!"

"It's like a living coffin that can move on the ground. I don't want to fight in such a big man. It's too dangerous."


A group of American soldiers regained their senses, and they talked a lot. After the initial shock disappeared, there was only an instinctive mockery.

After all, for infantry, especially infantry in a modern war environment, such a large man is simply a moving target. In their view, various powerful individual firepower is enough to transform the large iron block in front of them. Survival coffin.

However, the moment the Battle Fortress launched its combat stance, all the American soldiers' faces changed.

On the track, the two long barrels on the left and right that are like mechanical arms are deployed, and the 120 mm muzzle emits a faint light.

In the middle of the two barrels that are the same as the mechanical arms, each of the armed modules also showed the stern, chilly muzzle, so that all the US soldiers couldn't help tearing their saliva, and they all felt shuddering.

The voice of instinctive discussion stopped abruptly. At this moment, all fools could see the appearance. This big iron block flying the battle flag of the Syrian Federation was not a fuel-efficient lamp.

And all the American soldiers suddenly discovered that this big guy was accelerating evenly while climbing the Tarawa Highlands.

When the war fortress launched its combat stance, the artillery bombardment of the Calamities stopped.

Just as the frontal American soldiers were about to attack, the battle fortress suddenly resembled a wild horse running out of hold. The original seemingly slow speed, amid the roar of the engine, the speed suddenly rushed. stand up.

The speed is relatively slow compared to the previous one, and it has been increased several times at once. It was originally only about 20 kilometers per hour, but now it is almost 70 kilometers per hour.

For a large man with a total combat weight of nearly two hundred tons, it is still a crawler walking method, which is simply a miracle.

The previous battle fortress was not unable to run, but to avoid getting into the firepower coverage of the calmer.

As for mobility, although the battle fortress is very large, it also has strong mobility.

Mobility, firepower, and protection are the main equipment for ground operations, all of which must be met.

The battle fortress is no exception. Compared with the apocalypse tank, the battle fortress is even more powerful.

(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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