The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1443: Difficult choice

PS: Huaihua returned to Xiamen yesterday, and today I am back to my hometown. There are a lot of things. Please bear with me for the update. When the matter in my hometown is resolved, it will definitely break out when I return to Xiamen.

On the WeChat public account, Chapter 5 of the Somalia Extravaganza will also be updated immediately.


The caution of the United States is indeed Cai Ruichen's miscalculation.

In fact, the United States has never been so cautious in previous wars, according to Cai Ruichen's original idea.

As long as the first round of attacks makes the United States mistakenly believe that all important targets have been destroyed, the United States must be heavily pressured by the Air Force.

Regrettably, the carefulness of the US military has left the entire tactic with no chance to be implemented.

But now, it is the Red Police Corps that is at a disadvantage.

The second round of the US air strikes also cost a lot of money. More than 700 AGM-158 combined air-to-surface missiles are expensive to build. In addition to the previous more than 200, there are thousands of AGM- 158 joint air-to-surface missiles.

Even if the U.S. military has a big business, after such an attack, it is difficult to organize a large-scale missile attack capability again.

However, once such an attack works, let alone the Iraq-Syria Federation, even any superpower cannot bear it.

At this moment, Cai Ruichen is facing a very difficult choice, whether to intercept these missiles or allow them to continue to explode in the Syrian Federation.

The interception cannot avoid exposing the sound air defense capabilities of the Syrian Federation at the moment. This will prevent the United States from easily sending fighter jets into the territory of the Syrian Federation in the following time, thus changing its tactics. On the Iranian battlefield, fourth-generation fighter jets are used to ensure battlefield air superiority.

This is what Cai Ruichen doesn’t want to see. The reason is very simple. The Iranian-Syrian Federation cannot compare with the United States. The most important thing is that the Iranian-Syrian Federation does not have enough fourth-generation fighter jets to compete with the US military over Iran. Domination of the air.

Another way is to sacrifice a part of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation in exchange for the US military to send fighter jets into the Islamic-Syrian Federation with confidence, and then destroy these fighters at one time, greatly weakening the US military's air combat superiority in subsequent wars.

Neither choice is what Cai Ruichen wants to see. No matter which choice he makes, the first thing he must face is to bear the loss.

The US military’s missiles are already on the way, and Cai Ruichen is not much time left to decide.

The entire Supreme Command’s gaze was also focused on the central system, waiting for Cai Ruichen's upcoming order.

Is it intercepted or let it go.

Just a word from Cai Ruichen, the Red Police Corps will carry it out without hesitation.

"Order all anti-aircraft missile units to stand still, short-range firepower to intercept the incoming missiles and activate all strong electromagnetic interference..."

Faced with a choice, Cai Ruichen did not let the Red Police Corps wait long.

When faced with a choice, Cai Ruichen's mind is nothing more than the size.

The size of the loss, the final result of the decision, Cai Ruichen also completely gave up the gains and losses of one city and one pool, and directly considered the next war.

In this war, for the guarantee of victory, the US military must not be able to seize air supremacy on the battlefield.

At the same time, it must be ensured that the US military is not capable of opening up new battlefields in the Syrian Federation. Therefore, weakening the US air force is the only way.

In the face of a large number of missiles attacked by the US military, Cai Ruichen also had a whole new idea in his mind.

The ultimate goal of this idea is to lure US fighter jets into the territory of the Syrian Federation.

The target of the US military's attack is also very clear. Almost all the missiles are heading towards the main industrial area of ​​the Islamic Federation.

In the face of an incoming missile, the best means cannot be used, which is a great test for the Red Police Corps.

No matter how hard it is, no matter how difficult it is, we must pursue perfect completion. This is the constant belief of the Red Police Corps.

At this moment, not only the on-board Getter cannon system of the Red Police Corps, but all the air defense modules of the multifunctional infantry fighting vehicle and air defense tracked vehicle are all activated, and all the short-range air defense firepower of the base is also in a standby state.

The incoming missiles quickly entered the territory of the Syrian Federation.

Like the first attack, the entire Pentagon Command is all concerned about the results of the second round of air strikes.

The process of this air strike will serve as the fundamental basis for the next actions of the US military.

The Pentagon still feels that there is too little intelligence on the Syrian-Israel Federation. Many military facilities do not have clear coordinates. Most of the Supreme Staff Joint Conference prefers cautious actions.

As soon as the missile entered the territory of the Iran-Syria Federation, a very serious problem immediately appeared. The powerful electromagnetic pulse caused a huge interference to the missile.

Many missiles that are flying at ultra-low altitudes directly crash into the ground due to interference.

In this situation, not only did the Pentagon feel distressed, but all of them showed a relaxed smile.

The Syrian-Israel Federation is not an ordinary opponent. If the US Air Force is really allowed to do whatever it wants, the US military itself will not believe that the Syrian-Israel Federation is so vulnerable.

In the eyes of the Americans, the first round of attacks on the Iraqi-Syrian Federation did not respond because of the suddenness and concealment of the attacks.

In the second round of air strikes, the Iraqi-Syrian Federation, which has already undergone one round of air strikes, could not have done the same as in the first round of air strikes, without any countermeasures.

The occurrence of strong electromagnetic interference also happened to show that the Iraqi-Syrian Federation is ready.

However, the United States is also confident that so many missiles were dispatched in the second round, and they were still the most advanced missiles with strong resistance to electromagnetic interference. The Pentagon felt that even in the face of strong electromagnetic interference, at least half of the missiles could be guaranteed to accurately hit the target. .

However, everything that followed silenced the Pentagon.

Although the first round of air strikes destroyed the regional air defense capability of the Syrian-Israel Federation, the short-range air defense capability of the Syrian-Israel Federation did not have any impact.

In the fuzzy picture sent back from the missile warhead, it can be seen that when the missile is about to reach its target, it encounters very fierce short-range air defense firepower.

As a result of the entire second round of air strikes, few missiles could hit the target, and almost all missiles were intercepted by intensive air defense fire.

This is also the first time the U.S. Pentagon has seen the Iraqi-Syrian Federation’s local air defense capabilities, especially the air defense capabilities for key targets, which have reached an impeccable level.

"The success of the first round of air strikes was the result of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation unprepared. Although the second round of air strikes was only a ten-minute interval, the Iraqi-Syrian Federation responded in time. It is not surprising that the opponent has such an efficiency... …"

"Our missiles are subject to very severe strong electromagnetic interference, and the ballistics of many missiles have deviated significantly. The missile attack method may not be effective."


(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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