The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1436: The king of land warfare-apocalypse

Cai Ruichen gave Jiang Yunfei six hours to fully capture Kuwait. From the outbreak of the war to the process of the Marin Division controlling all US military bases in Kuwait, it only took four hours.

Most of the time, the troops were on their way, and the actual combat time was less than two hours.

In fact, after the joint task force of the Doha Barracks surrendered, the U.S. military in Kuwait couldn't make any waves.

In that year, Iraq occupied Kuwait in one day.

This time, the Iraqi-Syrian Federation took four hours to fully capture all the US military bases in Kuwait, which was far more efficient than the Iraqi army back then. Of course, its strength is not on the same level.

And this news is not the Kuwaiti government, but the United States.

When the CIA surrendered at the Doha Barracks, it had already sent a message to the United States that Kuwait was finished.

At this time, the battle did not completely end.

The United States also set the time for the Islamic Federation to completely occupy Kuwait at two and a half hours.

Two and a half hours, this is just an extended movie time, and a war is over.

This made the Pentagon in the United States fall into a deadly calm.

It is difficult for everyone to accept such news. In their impression, this is an unprecedented failure for the United States.

If we talk about the previous military bases in the Arabian Peninsula, it was because of the sneak attack by the Iraqi-Syrian Federation, which acted too quickly, causing the US soldiers to surrender helplessly.

The war in Kuwait had been defeated on the frontal battlefield after the sneak attack. The war that started at 7:30 ended at 10 o'clock.

The time to go to Bainaohui to watch a stage play is only one or two hours longer.

More than 10,000 American soldiers were unable to resist even for three hours, and the Iraqi-Syrian Federation was only dispatched by an armored division, and it was still unable to support the air force. How could this make it always confident and proud? Acceptable to Americans.

What if it is unacceptable.

After receiving this news, Secretary of Defense Carter could only issue orders to face up to his opponent.

But in fact, this order is just superfluous.

At this time, how can the US military not fully pay attention to this opponent? It has even listed the Syrian and Islamic Federation as the most difficult enemy to deal with.

In order to win this war, the Pentagon is also speeding up preparations for the war.

Because the next move of the Iraq-Syria Federation is very likely to send troops to Iran.

After all, on the Arabian Peninsula, the United States has really lost everything. The US military's strength in the Middle East is left with Iran.

If Iran’s Eighth Army also fails, then this war will be really difficult for the United States to fight.

Fortunately, the United States still has allies in Iran, and Iran's regular army can also help the United States to withstand the attacks of the Islamic Federation.

The U.S. forces that have lost the Arabian Peninsula have also begun to prepare calmly.

There is no way, what is lost is irretrievable. In order to ensure the final victory of this war, the careful preparation must be made, and there must be no negligence.

In modern warfare, defeating a country does not necessarily mean the elimination of all its troops. The way to defeat a country is sometimes very simple.

And now the U.S. military has thoroughly seen that if it wants to fight the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Guard, even if it is the best result, the U.S. has won a tragic victory.

The powerful combat effectiveness of the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Guard does not require any additional proof.

Therefore, the United States can only choose another way to win this war.

When the United States was intensively preparing, the Future Media Company under the Future Technology Group, seven hours after the start of the war, officially carried out the first statistics of the war since the outbreak.

The content is actually very simple. It is to tell the world that seven hours after the start of the war, the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Guard has completed the first round of combat objectives.

All U.S. military forces on the Arabian Peninsula in the Middle East were completely wiped out by the Islamic Federal Guard.

After seven hours of fighting, the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Guard captured more than 10,000 US soldiers and destroyed more than a dozen US military bases on the Arabian Peninsula.

Blew up hundreds of various aircraft of the US Air Force, destroyed thousands of US ground combat weapons and equipment, and eliminated thousands of US soldiers.

In particular, Future Media Corporation also reported in detail about the results of the Marin Division’s attack on Kuwait.

Not only did a large number of war scenes be disclosed, but also various details of the war process were disclosed for the first time.

Especially for the confrontation between the Apocalypse tank and the latest U.S. Abrams main battle tank, a lot of pen and ink was used to describe it.

Apocalyptic tanks, which were once completely unpopular, were completely announced to the world. All the slanderous comments are ridiculous. Those so-called experts are more like bricks.

The power of the Apocalypse tank is also an undoubted fact, this time it really made countless people shut up.

The double-barreled tank belongs to its powerful side, and it has also appeared in human vision for the first time.

Of course, what really catches the eye is the powerful attack and super defensive power of the Apocalypse Tank.

It can completely block the defense of the Abrams main gun, high-speed maneuvering, fast attack, and it is perfect.

Especially in the face of the same number of Abrams in the U.S. Army, they actually achieved a 42-to-zero record, which made many people even more unbelievable.

After all, the US Abrams main battle tank is on the global tank ranking list. It is not the first or the second, and it has never fallen to the third position.

But such a powerful main battle tank, in front of the Apocalypse tank, actually seems to be paper.

It is as if the American Sherman tank met the German Tiger tank on the battlefield of World War II. The powerlessness of the frontal confrontation seemed to have traveled through time and space and landed on the American army again.

The throne that the victor is on, the loser can only be kicked down the abyss.

The Apocalypse Tank proved itself with Abrams, and at the same time proved that Abrams is definitely not as invulnerable as in the American media's propaganda, and even a little vulnerable.

In this regard, the United States rarely shut up, because at this moment, the United States is also urgently digesting this unacceptable fact.

Also shut up were the international military media that had been vocal about the failure of the Apocalypse tank before, and of course the so-called experts who were probably looking for a hole to get in. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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