The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1395: People's War

As soon as the five-day trip to Russia ended, Cai Ruichen immediately returned to the Islamic Federation. ? W.suimeng.lā

The battle in Isfahan at this moment also lasted for five days.

In this battle, it was not as expected by the NATO coalition forces. The coalition forces quickly defeated the IS, Lange, and Life Guards in the city by virtue of their powerful air-ground combination advantages.

Although the combat power displayed by the IS, the Lange, and the Life Guards is not very strong, they rely on their tenacious fighting will to fight the NATO coalition forces in the city all the time.

The war lasted for five days, and the battlefields in Isfahan were everywhere, and almost everyone could become the center of the battlefield at any time.

The Isfahan, the Lange, and the Life Guard fully adhere to the tactics of hiding soldiers from the people, relying on the people of Isfahan, hiding among the civilians, and conducting guerrilla warfare with the invaders in the city.

In the city, the NATO coalition forces could not find the main force of the IS, the Lange, and the Life Guard to fight decisively, and they would only encounter black guns and sneak attacks from all over the city.

In the big city of Isfahan, there are tens of thousands of Isfahan, the Lange, and the Life Guard hidden in it. Any place with coalition forces is a battlefield.

Although the NATO coalition forces have successfully controlled all areas and intersections of the city, and also controlled the city’s broadcasting and media network institutions, it is difficult to distinguish the Iranian resistance forces, which are Tibetan soldiers and civilians.

The most important thing is that everyone here in Isfahan unconditionally supports the highest spiritual leader, hates the invaders, and all consciously hide the troops in the city, making this war, from It belonged to a people's war from the beginning.

For the soldiers of the NATO coalition forces, the ubiquitous guerrillas in the city are simply a nightmare.

NATO troops have always stood on the bright side, and the guerrillas have always been hidden in the dark, with a sniper rifle, just like the disasters of the US military in Iraq.

Sora has a powerful armored force, but in reality, even the enemy cannot be found.

When Cai Ruichen returned to the Iraq-Syria Federation, the NATO coalition forces had already paid thousands of casualties in these short five days.

For the NATO coalition forces, this number of casualties is terrifying. From the outbreak of the Iran War to the present, NATO's casualties in the previous two months have not been much more than the five days.

The main force of the disappeared enemy, ubiquitous sniping and assassination, made the NATO coalition forces be devastated.

However, the IS, the Lange, and the Life Guard also paid a lot of money. During the assassination process, few were able to escape from the NATO coalition's lock and pursuit.

During these five days, a large number of outstanding snipers in the IS, Lange, and Life Guard were all killed by the superior forces of the NATO coalition forces, and the price paid was not less than that of the NATO coalition forces.

However, this deal is completely cost-effective for Israel, the Lange, and the Life Guard.

If the tens of thousands of troops of Isfahan, the Lange, and the Life Guard in Isfahan can exchange for more than 10,000 casualties on NATO's face, it will be totally worth it.

The NATO coalition forces simply cannot withstand the deaths and injuries of tens of thousands of people, and the IS, the Lange, and the Life Guard still have a reserve force of hundreds of thousands, if it is not because once all the hundreds of thousands of troops enter the city, it is too obvious. The reserve forces do not need to wait for the battlefield in the rear.

However, such a wait is completely worth it. During these five days, the IS, Lange, and the Life Guard have received a large number of high-precision sniper and individual missile systems. They also took advantage of the time before they entered the battlefield. Training how to use these weapons.

Especially high-precision sniper. These are top sniper rifles purchased by IS, Lange, and the Life Guard. The price of each is over 100,000 US dollars, and a bullet is also as high as 10 US dollars.

These high-precision snipers, in order to enable all the snipers of Iss, Lange, and the Life Guard to further increase the hit rate.

At the same time, the IS, the Lange, and the Life Guard are constantly formulating a set of urban sniper tactics, bringing all the snipers and soldiers with sniper potential in the army together to conduct tactical drills together.

At the same time, all the firearms were also gathered to train how to hide the individual missiles carried in the city and how to attack NATO tanks and armored vehicles on the roadside.

In order to ensure that all soldiers can familiarize themselves with these advanced new costumes, the IS, Lange, and the Life Guard have also spent their money, and almost all use live ammunition for training.

The battle of Isfahan is the last chance for Isfahan, the Lange, and the Life Guard. If the enemy’s footsteps cannot be controlled in Isfahan, then the enemy’s vital forces can be effectively killed. If the war goes on, Israel, the Lange, and the Life Guard will no longer exist.

In the end, it can only be reduced to an organization like the Taliban, and then it will be the existence of everyone in the world.

But what is better than the Taliban for IS, Lange, and the Life Guard is that there are many international supporters. Although this kind of support is only verbal, it is better than nothing at all.

NATO coalition forces are naturally very tired of the current situation of guerrilla warfare, but there is no way.

In order to reduce the casualties of the NATO coalition forces and to control the situation in the city as soon as possible, the NATO coalition forces are beginning to let the regular Iranian troops take over the security and stability work in Isfahan.

The NATO coalition forces are also unable to withstand the casualties caused by such guerrilla The deaths and injuries of a thousand people are already very serious, and no matter how much, the coalition headquarters will not be able to explain to the people.

The most important thing is that the regular Iranian army is originally an Iranian, and it can be regarded as a local. Maybe it will not be too hostile by the locals of Isfahan.

In addition, on Isfahan’s TV and radio stations, the entire public opinion is controlled by NATO, and the entire Iranian network is also under control. All negative news is deleted, and all propaganda is in favor of NATO coalition forces.

Various crimes were placed on top of the heads of Iran, the Lange, and the Life Guard. As long as the Iranians turn on their computers, televisions, radios or mobile phone networks, all the news they receive is all reports propagated by the NATO coalition forces.

The NATO coalition forces tried to use such methods to gradually divide the relationship between the Iranian people and the Iranian people.

In fact, such a method does have a little effect. After all, not everyone in this world can think independently, and more people are basically everyone who thinks about it. Even if they are believers, they are bombarded by countless such news. Indiscriminately bombing, it will inevitably be a little shaken.

(To be continued.)

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