The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1384: The bane of escape

Bane gave up the war and all the mutants under his command.

When Cai Ruichen saw that all the invisible fifth-level mutants had revealed their bodies on the surrounding wall, he also understood the idea of ​​curse.

In the early morning of the next day, the battle was all over. On the fence and outside, there were corpses of mutants everywhere, as well as some corpses of the Red Police Corps.

After close combat, it is difficult to avoid casualties.

While cleaning the battlefield, Cai Ruichen also led all the high-level combat power of the base and flew directly to Tehran.

He has not forgotten that there are tens of thousands of survivors in the skyscrapers of Tehran.

But when he came here, he found that the skyscraper had collapsed, and the collapsed ruins buried a lot of nearby streets.

No traces of the mutants exist, nor any survivors.

All the mutants have disappeared, and all the descendants of the mutants and humans have disappeared without a trace, and the survivors, in Cai Ruichen's view, are probably too bad.

What makes Cai Ruichen puzzled is that the skyscraper did not just collapse. From the collapsed ruins, it is not difficult to see that the building has collapsed for at least one or two months.

In other words, this war hadn't started yet, the catastrophe moved here, and then the building was collapsed, and there was a sense of wanting to eliminate the evidence.

"It's weird!" Cai Ruichen looked at the collapsed ruins in front of him, with an indescribable feeling in his heart, very strange.

There is definitely a certainty of victory in the misfortune, so it is impossible to be afraid of losing and destroying this place.

And after having a certainty of victory, he is still preparing for war while destroying his base camp. The reasons for this are very worth considering.

Although Cai Ruichen could not understand the reason for this, he had a feeling that it must have something to do with the distant place that the overlord said last time. It may be because of the trouble here three months ago. Avoid having to move some things inside to a safer place.

It's just this far away place, what is it?

Is it related to the source of the mutant?

And what does the overlord have to do with these things?

Cai Ruichen, who has determined the identity of the overlord, is also very puzzled. The overlord is so powerful and there is another Red Police base car. Who can force him to the point where he has to abandon this world?

Where did the overlord transfer all the soldiers under his command?

My own base keeps saying that as long as there is a second base vehicle in this world, the base absolutely knows, but the overlord is the people of this world, has the base vehicle disappeared?

Is it true that as the survivors said, all the Red Police Corps under the overlord committed suicide? The base car also disappeared?

With countless questions in his mind, Cai Ruichen returned without success and returned to the base.

"Let Hamid come to see me." As soon as he returned to the base, Cai Ruichen ordered Hamid to see him.

Hamid, the president of Iraq before the catastrophe, was previously in a safe base in Baghdad. Cai Ruichen saved him from the mutiny of Vice President Basit.

Soon, Hamid appeared in Cai Ruichen's office, bowed deeply to Cai Ruichen respectfully, and asked, "The biggest leader, are you looking for me?"

"Hamid, over the years, have you thought of any new clues about the former supreme leader of the Central African Federation?" Cai Ruichen asked straightforwardly.

"I'm very sorry, Your Excellency, I still haven't even remembered my name." Hamid shook his head and said helplessly.

A once the greatest leader, but the whole world has not even left a word.

A head of state, a most powerful man in the world, did not even have the slightest memory or record. This matter sounds like a fantasy.

It's been almost seven years since it's been in the Wasteland World, and Cai Ruichen doesn't even know the name of the guy, and nothing can be found.

The world is still in a fog, and all kinds of bizarre events are even more numerous.

Even if Cai Ruichen's curiosity is dull, it is impossible not to think about this matter.

Cai Ruichen waved his hand and let Hamid leave.

Cai Ruichen came to Qianhe's room and looked at Qianhe's still calm, his face was a little more peaceful.

Although Qianhe brought this trouble, almost all of the base was destroyed, but Cai Ruichen did not regret it.

After spending several years with Qianhe, although Cai Ruichen was very alert from the beginning, she has unconsciously regarded Qianhe as a close person.

Shao Ji asked Qianhe, Cai Ruichen didn't even hesitate at all, so he refused. The brain didn't need to think, and the idea of ​​protecting Qianhe had been deep into instinct.

As for whether there will be trouble in the future, Cai Ruichen is also not good.

But he very much hopes that Qianhe will come back safely. As for whether he can be promoted successfully, in Cai Ruichen's view, it is completely unimportant.

As long as Chizuru is still Chizuru, the rest is not a problem.

What only worries Cai Ruichen is that in the following time, he will not have much time to stay in the wasteland world.

In three months, the current United States has almost beaten Iran.

Before he came to Qianhe's room, he had ordered the red police forces mobilized from the world to return to the world and maintain combat readiness.

And Qianhe's safety still cannot be paralyzed.

Although Cai Ruichen didn't know what the purpose of Bane's clinging to Qianhe was, he believed that Qianhe should not only be attractive to eight-level mutants like Bane, but also for other eighth-level mutants in Wasteland World. There should be seductive power.

In the Wasteland World, there should be a lot of eighth-level mutants, and the overlord killed one casually.

Cai Ruichen is more worried about whether there is another eighth-level mutant here in in the Middle East, and then he is attracted by Qianhe.

Or maybe this guy called for a helper and made a comeback.

As long as Qianhe stays in this state for a day, Cai Ruichen can't really relax.

Fortunately, the gene mutant has begun to gradually increase the top combat effectiveness of the Red Police Corps.

At this moment, the general who squatted outside Qianhe's room was yawning boredly. The general who had just been successfully promoted from the gene mutant became extremely terrifying.

After leaving Qianhe's room, Cai Ruichen touched the general who was wagging his tail frantically, and said: "She, I will leave it to you. We must protect her safety."

The general nodded very humanely.

When he left, Cai Ruichen did not forget to ask the general: "When nothing is wrong, don't turn into a mess."

(To be continued~^~)

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