The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1365: Space Teleportation

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From yesterday's assassination to the assassination before entering the city, the large-scale actions of the mutants suffice to explain that the person in front of him, called the catastrophe, had the purpose of killing from the very beginning.

After the overlord showed his strength, the other party immediately showed up to invite, and only then did the current meeting begin.

At this time, Cai Ruichen's goal was also fully achieved, to determine the identity and appearance of the enemy, which was completely enough for Cai Ruichen.

"Although it sounds very heartwarming, unfortunately, I don't have the slightest plan to deal with you." Cai Ruichen shook his head and refused directly.

No matter how superior the conditions the man said in front of him, to Cai Ruichen, there is no attraction at all.

The most important thing is that even if Cai Ruichen had a bit of thought to know everything in it, it was completely gone at this time.

"That's really a pity." Miu Ji didn't seem to be angry at all. Perhaps he had known Cai Ruichen's answer a long time ago, but he just tried extra to see if he had a chance to safely achieve the final goal.

"Those of you can leave at any time." Wu Ji directly issued the eviction order, and his eyes were all placed on the overlord's body.

Shao Ji allowed them to leave, which made Cai Ruichen very surprised. Wouldn't it be a fight?

However, at this time, the overlord stepped forward, looked at the mutant called Bane, and asked: "A few months ago, I met a monster-like mutant, you should know him!"

"So, you killed Shion?" Suddenly his eyes became deep, as if he had solved any doubts, he asked.

"Holding a long gun, it looks awe-inspiring, but in fact it is a fool. How does it compare to you?" The overlord said with a curled mouth.

"It seems that today is destined to be unable to be good." Shaojie said with a regretful look, shook his head.

"My friend said something wrong. He underestimated you from the beginning. Your ability is not to block the facial features, but to manipulate space. I'm right!" The overlord didn't care about this violent atmosphere. Instead, he asked with interest.

Cai Ruichen on the side was also taken aback when he heard the words, and when he saw the horrified look on his face, it was almost certain that what the overlord said was true.

This kind of ability to manipulate space actually has it.

Cai Ruichen's whole person is a bit bad, the base can manipulate the space, so that he can travel between two worlds, teleport over time, and can also teleport the army to any place.

He didn't expect that mutants still possess such abilities, and the results of Qin Chen and Wu Jie's analysis this morning were so different from the truth.

And Cai Ruichen never thought about this, and from the bottom of his heart, he fully approved the results of the two people's analysis.

After all, things like space are too high-end, as if they really belong to the realm of gods.

"Are you a human being, can you actually sense the space?" Suo Ji finally had a panic and horrified expression on his face, looking at the overlord as if he had seen a ghost.

"I know all the plans in the distant place, and the little secret about you is even more a joke in my opinion." The overlord said with a leisurely appearance.

This time, Suo Ji was really frightened, his face was full of horror, his eyes trembled when he saw the overlord, his legs could not help but back up for several steps, raised his finger and pointed at the overlord. , Tremblingly said: "Who are you on earth?"

Seeing the eighth-level mutant of Mischief in front of him, he was so scared by the overlord's words, Cai Ruichen was also quite speechless.

In fact, he didn't understand a word, but the overlord's temperament that seemed to be in control of everything made him extremely familiar, because he himself sometimes looked like this.

Looking at the overlord at this moment, Cai Ruichen felt as if he had seen another self.

"It seems that you are indeed in the same group with that ladyboy." The overlord nodded with certainty at this time, and said: "His expression at the time is exactly the same as you are now."

"Who on earth are you?" The horror and fear on Bouji's face did not fade, and he asked very nervously.

"I'm not sure I can kill you in an instant..." The overlord shrugged and said.

What it means beyond words is that I am not sure about leaving you, how could I tell you my identity.

This made Cai Ruichen next to him suddenly feel that he is simply superfluous.

The overlord, in just a few words, not only completely controlled the situation, but also controlled the opponent's rhythm.

But Cai Ruichen didn't envy him at all, because such performance was based on this guy's strong strength.

"If this is the case, then you go to die!" The horror and fear on Bouji's face disappeared instantly, as if all his expressions were just covering up.

And as soon as the voice of Bane Ji fell, Cai Ruichen suddenly felt a lot of dangerous aura in the room, and he was an invisible mutant.

This feeling is a sudden appearance, that is to say, this mutant called Bane can not only make his subordinates stealthily attack, but also send his subordinates.

No wonder this guy is alone on the top floor of the entire building, not even a low-level mutant.

The warning of the sixth sense, when Cai Ruichen was about to take a shot, he immediately stopped.

The mutant being hidden in the space, the target of the attack is only the overlord.

What only makes Cai Ruichen speechless is that the overlord is a bit too big, he seems to have seen the attack of five or six mutants, and it is about to fall on the overlord's head.

At this time, the overlord didn't even move his finger.

At this moment, Cai Ruichen regrets a little. If he had just shot directly, he might be able to save the overlord, but now, it seems that everything is too late.

However, just when Cai Ruichen thought that the overlord was about to be successfully attacked by these mutants, the fiery red woman who had been staying beside her did not know when she had already put her long box on her back against her shoulders.

As if it was the kung fu between electric light and flint, the long box on Lie Yan's shoulder disappeared and turned into something similar to a rocket launcher on his shoulder, and a device similar to a hand cannon appeared in his right hand.

Several rays of light were emitted from Lie Yan's shoulder, and the five mutants who were about to attack the overlord, the invisible heads were instantly penetrated by the laser.

Laser girl, seeing those laser beams, Cai Ruichen suddenly appeared these four words in his mind.

At this moment, Cai Ruichen is almost 100% sure that this woman has something to do with the superhero Lie Yan of the base.

In the world, there is no such a coincidence, let alone such a high degree of similarity.

In the scene, the situation seemed to have not changed, except that there were five more mutant bodies on the ground.

Moreover, there are five sixth-level mutants, which makes Cai Ruichen a little grateful. If these sixth-level mutants do damage in the base, it will be an unstoppable disaster.

When I think of these high-level mutants, with the ability to hide in the scourge space, destroying them inside the base, and there are hundreds of millions of mutants attacking outside, the base may not be able to hold on for even a day.

Thinking of this, Cai Ruichen once again set his eyes on the overlord. He is indeed very grateful to this man now.

At least they really helped themselves.

As if he felt Cai Ruichen's gaze, the overlord turned his head and smiled at him, then refocused his attention on the misfortune, and asked, "Is there any other means? Use it all!"

"You guy." Beggar clenched his teeth and looked at the overlord. He was completely itchy with hatred. Obviously, all the previous fears and horrors were all pretends to make the overlord proud. Loss of vigilance.

Then use space teleportation and invisibility, teleport your subordinates, come over and attack, perfectly kill the terrible human in front of you.

But now, Shao Ji has begun to think about how to leave this place, leaving the green hills without worrying about firewood.

"I've said it. I've already seen your expression on that ladyboy. He tried to attack me like you. Unfortunately, his long spear hasn't been extended. I killed it."

The overlord said very easily: "As for you, there are some differences. Although you don't have much fighting capacity, if you want to escape, I can't keep you."

Speaking of this, the overlord paused and continued: "Send all your powerful subordinates over and stop me, otherwise you really can't run away."

Hearing the words of the overlord, Wo Ji only had more intense anger on his face, and thoughts flashed in his heart, but none of them could satisfy him.

The only way to get out of this place is to really be as the terrifying human in front of you said.

It takes time to prepare to escape, and this time is enough for this terrible human being to twist his head off and kick the ball.

Thinking of the horror of this man, I deeply felt the lack of strength, and immediately thought of the target in Iraq, my heart suddenly became hot.

There was a decision in his hesitating heart, and Wu Ji directly roared with a strong penetrating power, which instantly shattered all the glass in the top room, and the whistling air flow suddenly swept in.

This roar also spread throughout the city in an instant.

The calm Tehran was completely awakened by this howl. Countless third- and fourth-level mutants sprang out from all over the city and came towards the skyscraper.

In the building, those groans stopped instantly, and many fifth-level mutants ran out of the rooms in the building, dressed in disorder, men and women, all rushing toward the top floor.

The fifth-level mutant who brought Cai Ruichen and the others up before pushed the door of the room open for the first time, but what was waiting for it was the black star muzzle in Natasha's hand. Although Natasha had not performed a gene mutation The further improvement, but with Black Star's lethality, as long as it hits, it is completely no problem to kill the fifth-level mutant.

Even the head of a sixth-level mutant can't stop Black Star's extremely lethal bullet.

The moment the door was opened, the black star on Natasha's shoulder flicked, and the fifth-level mutant who had not yet stepped forward, with a gunshot, his entire body flew out, and his head disappeared instantly.

A large amount of blood was sprayed on the two room doors, and the dense footsteps below also came along.

At the same time, Cai Ruichen also felt that a lot of dangerous aura suddenly appeared in the room.

What made him very upset was that the mutants who had been transferred were all rushing towards the overlord.

He was simply ignored, that is to say, the eighth-level mutant, Wo Ji, did not take himself seriously from the beginning.

In the eyes of misfortune, everything seems to be the overlord alone.

Cai Ruichen, who was a little unhappy, rushed towards the bane of less than ten meters away from him very simply.

What made him depressed was that Bane had already seen him, but he was still motionless, and there was no other mutant to stop him.

In response to this, Cai Ruichen showed a smile, and all his strength was concentrated on his right leg, and his feet vacated and kicked into the head of misfortune.

Bane is indeed a little underestimating Cai Ruichen's power, just raising one hand, trying to catch the kick that came over.

However, Cai Ruichen's kick seems to be faster than he thought, and the power is even greater.

The palm that seemed to want to grasp this foot hadn't grasped firmly yet, the power of this foot had already kicked his whole body away.

However, the overlord on the side curled his mouth and looked at the curse flying out with a smile, easily crushing the neck of a seventh-level mutant in front of him.

Cai Ruichen hasn't figured out what's going on yet. He looked at the bane of being kicked out by himself with a bit of astonishment. He flew directly out of the skyscraper, and then disappeared instantly without a trace. Instead of falling, he disappeared in the air. Up.

However, this kick was obviously uncomfortable. The moment he was kicked, a lot of blood was splashed along the way.

And Cai Ruichen can also clearly feel that his foot has also kicked the opponent's wrist.

But Cai Ruichen also noticed that it was his own foot that made this guy Fu Ji escape his life.

The overlord has been staring at This makes Bane never dared to move, and his own kick seems to have really helped Bane.

Thinking of this, Cai Ruichen also understood that he seemed to be used by this cunning mutant.

"In fact, this is also good. That guy was hurt by your foot. Otherwise, I can only watch his space move and leave here." The overlord's voice came faintly. In fact, this is also the overlord. Feel the best result.

"By the way, that guy actually has the ability to teleport others, so just teleport us away, isn't it all right?" Cai Ruichen shrugged and said with some confusion.

"Because he can only be a puppet teleporting his control." The overlord killed the last mutant around him and said, "I'll leave now."

After speaking, Cai Ruichen was not given any chance to speak, and Lie Yan jumped directly out of the high-rise building.

Seeing this, Cai Ruichen could only put aside his doubts in his stomach, and said to Natasha: "Two fists are hard to beat four hands. Let's go."

(To be continued.)

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