The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1353: Crack generator

PS: There is an update later.


While Cai Ruichen was discussing the possible U.S. combat plan against Iran, the U.S. was also intensively deploying the THAAD anti-missile system in Turkey.

For this reason, the United States has also contacted Turkey many times, and after paying a lot of substantial benefits, Turkey also agreed.

The reason is very simple. Turkey has tens of billions of dollars in revenue each year, all from the Future Technology Group. The deployment of the THAAD anti-missile system in Turkey is equivalent to monitoring the entire territory of the Islamic Federation.

Turkey also needs to consider the attitude of the Islamic Federation. If there is no benefit, then Turkey will naturally not be willing.

As a member of NATO, Turkey has no reason to reject the United States. Other NATO countries in Europe also all agree with this decision of the United States, because Turkey is only pursuing some of the practical benefits, so it immediately agreed.

This news is still unclear to the outside world, and the US THAAD system is already on the way to Turkey.

This kind of thing is definitely early rather than late, the sooner the arrangement, the better.

The US deployment of the THAAD system in Turkey has two advantages. One is that it can stabilize the hearts of NATO members. After all, Iranian missiles can indeed attack central Europe. Most of the NATO countries in Europe are under the threat of Iran’s missiles. under.

With this system in Turkey, the missiles in Iran will be detected as soon as they are launched. Within ten seconds, the THAAD system can best prepare for interception.

At this time, Iran's missiles are also at the boost stage at most. When the missiles pass through Turkey, the interception firepower is ready.

Being able to carry out interception calmly, the probability of such an interception will undoubtedly get a lot of improvement.

Another advantage is that to monitor the Islamic Federation, only one THAAD system is needed, and the radius of its radar detection can cover all the territory of the Islamic Federation.

As long as the THAAD system is established, no turmoil in the Naysyrian Federation will be able to conceal this system.

This is also what the United States said to deploy the THAAD system on the Korean peninsula. Whether it is China or Russia, it will not sit still.

And when the United Nations imposed the most severe sanctions on North Korea, both China and Russia voted in favor.

Because North Korea continues to make trouble like this, the end result must be that the United States will really deploy the THAAD anti-missile system on the Korean Peninsula.

In this way, nearly one-third of China's territory in the entire Russian Far East will also be under the surveillance of the THAAD anti-missile system.

This is absolutely unacceptable for the national defense of any country.

All the missiles have lost their concealment, and the United States will know it for the first time if they change a little.

This is also the reason behind the Ukrainian crisis.

When Ukraine wanted to join NATO, one of the reasons why Russia could not sit still was that NATO’s anti-missile system would be stationed in Ukraine in an all-round way. By then, the entire western military region of Russia and even the capital, the North Sea Fleet, would be enveloped. Under the surveillance of NATO's anti-missile system.

Russia's most developed western industrial zone and economic city will all become dangerous.

This is absolutely not allowed by Russia. After all, in the Western Military Region, there are hundreds of thousands of troops, and they have always maintained a balance of power with NATO's hundreds of thousands of armored forces. Once this balance is broken, Russia will lose its confidence. Half of it.

Such a situation cannot be truly ignored in any country.

When Cai Ruichen learned of the news, the US THAAD system had already been shipped to the Mediterranean.

However, he did not say at all, and even the Islamic Federation did not express protests or severe warnings.

The attitudes of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation are all unexpectedly calm. Of course, it is naturally impossible for the outside world to know that the deployment of anti-missile systems in Turkey is carried out in secret by the United States and Turkey.

The outside world has not received the news, but how can a country with developed intelligence not know that everyone knows it well.

They all want to see the reaction of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation, and such an abnormal appearance seems to have nothing to do with them, and it also makes all countries confused.

Even the United States itself has made preparations to face the protests of the Islamic Federation. As a result, the Americans themselves are quite puzzled.

But Iran is different. The sensitive transfer of the US military has made Iran a little uneasy.

The Iranian intelligence agency also obtained this information, and learned that the United States is going to deploy the THAAD system in Turkey, and Iran is about to jump.

Iran immediately stood up to protest, but Iran’s current reputation and international public opinion are all negative, and even the United States, the party involved, showed a completely ignored appearance.

In the United States, Iran’s negative news is constantly being promoted every day. Whether it is real or fictitious, there is only one purpose, and that is to demonize Iran and worsen its ugliness.

The United States is preparing for military operations against Iran, and Cai Ruichen is not idle, and has activities arranged every day.

As the leader of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation, although he is a qualified hand-scraper, there are still some things that need him to come forward.

The main responsibility of the top leader of the Iraq-Syria Federation is not to be responsible for the domestic economy or infrastructure. These are all carried out by the local government itself. The top leader's office is to make arrangements for the overall direction.

World politics is Cai Ruichen's stage.

It's just been more than a year since Cai Ruichen became the supreme leader of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation, but apart from that time when he went to the United States, he never went abroad again, and he was completely unlike the heads of states, seeing the news every day.

Even the news media in the Syrian-Israel Federation did not see any reports related to Cai Ruichen for ten and a half months.

If it weren't for Cai Ruichen, he would occasionally come out to bubble up and brush up on his sense of existence. As a leader, he felt that he was not doing business.

Few people feel that Cai Ruichen is rarely reported.

In the impression of the outside world, Cai Ruichen is not only a national leader, but also a very great science and technology scholar. It is normal to enter the laboratory and not come out for ten and a half months.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen is also known as the world's least competent leader and the least like a scientist.

However, the stable and high-speed development of the Syrian-Israel federation also made the outside world unable to find any excuses to criticize him, not to mention that no one in the federation said anything, and there was no reason for the outside world to speak.

In fact, it is not that there is no news about Cai Ruichen, but Cai Ruichen feels that there is no need to report some insignificant things.

What's more, he does spend most of his time every day, training in the gravity room, and he does not spend too much time on official duties.

I will also accompany Hua Meixue when I have time to strengthen the relationship between the two.

As for how the outside world views herself, Cai Ruichen has never really cared about it.

And this time, Cai Ruichen has indeed been busy, busy with the next stage of base construction.

It has been almost two and a half years since I had the ultimate authority. Under the intermediate authority, many units have not been built.

In the first half of the year, Cai Ruichen has been intensively preparing for Israel, and all construction and production plans are tilted towards the war.

The war in Israel has ended, the construction of all super weapons has been completed, and Cai Ruichen has also begun the construction of some unbuilt units under intermediate authority.

When the United States began to deploy an anti-missile system in Turkey, Cai Ruichen was also working on the construction of the crack generator.

Crack generator: a hidden unit, a jamming device that uses radar to hide jamming and optical mode camouflage. It can not only send out jamming radio waves within a certain range, shield any kind of radar detection, but also use augmented reality projection technology to create a similar mirage The camouflage picture of the scam deceives air reconnaissance and spy satellite reconnaissance, and also has heat source shielding, which perfectly interferes with microwave detection, atomic detection, radio detection, and laser detection, which can make all the enemy's long-distance observation methods useless. But it cannot effectively prevent close observation. If the enemy enters its shielding range, all effects will disappear.

Construction price-10 million base funds, construction time is one week.

Description: A crack generator can cover an area with a radius of 150 kilometers, and can freely create any picture projected by augmented reality, with sound and movement, which can perfectly deceive the naked eye and all shooting equipment.

Recommendations for use: This device can not only prevent the enemy from detecting the actual situation, but also provide false information to the enemy as needed. It can completely shield the detection or disguise false information.


According to Cai Ruichen, the crack generator is a large augmented reality projection device.

Under this device, all scenes in the covered area can be concealed, and then a layer of false augmented reality images can be put on. As long as the person who does not touch the augmented reality images, it is almost impossible to see the images in front of them with the naked eye. Is false.

Within the scope of the crack generator, Cai Ruichen can disguise this area as any area at any time.

The city can immediately become a land of Zee, and the sea can become a desert. Of course, this change is just a visual deception.

Moreover, the crack generator has a powerful function, which is not written in the description, that is, the effect of augmented reality can be carried out for the crowd.

The image projected by the augmented reality function can be effective for a specific group of people. People outside this specific group of people cannot see this image.

In other words, Cai Ruichen can set that everyone in the Iraqi-Syria Federation can not see the augmented reality picture, and conduct visual deceptions against everyone outside the Iraq-Syria Federation.

Visual deception can completely deceive satellites and any detection equipment, but what really satisfies Cai Ruichen is that the crack generator can also completely deceive radar detection.

The United States installed the THAAD system in Turkey, and Cai Ruichen did not take any action, mainly because of the existence of crack generators.

With this thing in place, he can transmit false radar intelligence to the United States at any time.

The THAAD system is used for anti-missile, mainly to find missiles in launch, and Cai Ruichen can use the crack generator to hide the missile's signal, even if it is a satellite in the sky, it is completely invisible.

The radius of action of the crack generator is 150 kilometers. This radius not only refers to the area, but also contains the height.

In other words, the effect of the crack generator can reach a height of 150 kilometers, and this height has exceeded the atmosphere.

At this altitude, as long as the missile lifts into the air within the range of the crack generator, not only the radar signal of the missile can be hidden, but also the plume heat and optical effects of the missile boost phase.

Under this kind of concealment, even the nearby radar or the satellites of the Syrian Federation in the sky can not be found.

Under normal circumstances, the boost phase of a missile is within the atmosphere, but when the missile enters the atmosphere, the heat signal will be minimized.

At this time, even if it is an intercontinental missile, there is no air resistance, and there is no air in space, the tail flame will not burn, generating a strong fire signal, and it will become difficult to detect.

The missiles of the Red Police Corps generally have a short boost time. Now they have the camouflage of crack generators. Even the world's anti-missile satellites and radars cannot detect the missiles at the early stage of launch.

Such an attack is extremely deadly for any country that is an enemy of the Red Police Corps.

This means that when the Red Police Corps launches missiles, the opponent will lose the most precious stage of discovery. Such a result will inevitably be fatal.

Once the missile enters the atmosphere, the speed is extremely In addition, the missile also has the ability of stealth. There is no tracking at the beginning of the launch phase. The ground radar and defense system make it extremely difficult to lock the missile.

Even if it can be locked, top anti-missile weapons such as the THAAD anti-missile system will lose its mid-stage anti-missile capability.

Because after the missile breaks through the atmosphere, it is simply impossible for the ground to launch interceptor missiles and intercept missiles outside the lower atmosphere.

Even if there is a chance to intercept, when the missile is discovered, the best chance to intercept is often missed, and the only way to intercept it is terminal intercept.

Of course, regardless of whether the crack generator can cooperate with the missile unit, a large number of crack generators are also indispensable.

Cai Ruichen has only one goal, and that is to completely cover the crack generator in the territory of the Iraq-Syria Federation, and even build it on the border line to extend the effect.

What makes Cai Ruichen more regretful is that under the intermediate authority, the scope of construction is restricted to Iraq.

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