The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1346: The red police soldier who was ordered to pick up girls

PS: Recently, I worked overtime every day until nearly 9:30 in the evening. I was also very tired at work. In addition, Gorgeous has always been unable to lift the energy. There are fewer updates. I hope to forgive me. When Gorgeous comes over, there will definitely be an outbreak.

There is one more chapter late.


"How are you preparing for the event?" Cai Ruichen looked at the lively concept park below and asked Xu Jie next to him.

"Everything is ready, do you want the commander to participate?" Xu Jie nodded slightly and asked.

"I won't go, it's not appropriate." Cai Ruichen shook his head.

Today is the Qixi Festival of the lunar calendar, and it coincides with the Red Police Corps being quiet, because he specially organized an unprecedented blind date event.

There are a group of bachelors in the Red Police Corps, ranging in age from eighteen to under 30. As the commander of the Red Police Corps, he also needs to help his soldiers to solve personal problems.

The soldiers of the Red Police Corps are not war machines. They are also flesh-and-blood people. They also have emotions and emotions, as well as joy, anger, sorrow and joy. The days to come will be long. These soldiers also need a family and a spiritual home outside the military.

But staying in the barracks every day, there is no chance of contacting the outside world, let alone being a target.

Some members of the Red Police Corps can combine themselves. After all, there are some women in the army, but the ratio of men to women in the Red Police Corps is seriously out of balance. Cai Ruichen has also been recruiting genders at random.

As a result, in the army, female soldiers have always been in a situation where there are too many monks.

Although Cai Ruichen can also set that all the recruits are female soldiers, he does not want to do this and develops naturally.

At present, hundreds of thousands of the Red Police Corps, more than 90% of the soldiers, are untargeted bachelors.

In the Iraq-Syria Federation, the ratio of men to women is also very imbalanced. Because of the war, there are many more women than men.

Although the current Federal Constitution of Iraq and Syria does not mandate monogamy, there are many more constitutional regulations in respect of women, and some unfair customs to women have been abolished.

Within a reasonable range, traditions naturally need to be followed, but some unreasonable traditions also need to be corrected slowly.

If it were not for the mind controller, Cai Ruichen would definitely not have such an idea, otherwise it would blow up the entire society of Iraq and Syria, and even with the mind controller, he would choose a very gentle method and slowly change.

And this grand blind date meeting was also facilitated by Cai Ruichen. The Red Police Corps needs to integrate into this society, get married and have children. The best way is to get married and have children.

At the same time, it won't let the outside world doubt anything, otherwise, if there are all bachelors in the Yixu Federal Guard and there is not even a family outside, it is too unreasonable.

The external reason for this blind date meeting is that too many people have lost their families due to the war. The soldiers in the army have been busy studying and training, and have never had time to contact women.

In the Islamic Federation, there are far more married women of the right age than men. In order to solve the problem of singleness in the army, the Islamic federal government specially organized this blind date meeting.

Encourage women in society to actively participate and become glorious military members. After they get married, they will also enjoy the special benefits of government military families.

With welfare rewards and Cai Ruichen's encouragement, hundreds of thousands of women have signed up in the Yixu Federation.

The location of the event is in Marin City, in the Future Concept Technology Park. Today, it is also statutory as Valentine’s Day by the Iraqi-Syria Federation, and one day is a legal holiday.

In order to better carry out this activity, all the future technology group industries in the Iraq-Syria Federation have offered a 50% discount to couples, attracting countless businesses in the Iraq-Syria Federation to follow suit.

The real highlight of the Iraqi-Syria Federation Love. People's Day is naturally the blind date meeting. The Red Police Corps has nearly 100,000 officers and soldiers participating.

Everyone is dressed up in vigor, wearing the latest style of uniforms, with their own military medals and military ranks.

The women who came to participate were all gorgeously dressed and equipped with their most beautiful accessories, but the biggest problem faced at the beginning of the venue was that there were too many monks and porridge.

More than 300,000 women came to participate, while the number of Red Police Corps soldiers who participated was only 100,000.

Fortunately, the social atmosphere is still very conservative, and the cultural erosion in the Western world has some influence, but some conservative customs still exist.

In order to achieve better results, Cai Ruichen also gave the 100,000 worried Red Police Corps soldiers an official order to pick up girls. As long as they can embrace the beautiful, Cai Ruichen will personally host the wedding ceremony for each couple. .

At the same time, all male soldiers who come to the target will have a vacation of more than three months in the next six months, so get to know their target well.

Cai Ruichen's move also took great pains. In order to get more of the Red Police Corps soldiers off their orders, he even paid an extra sum of money for these soldiers as the cost of picking up girls.

This is the first time that the Red Police Corps has been appointed to pick up girls, but it is definitely not the last. As long as this year is successful, there will be a grand blind date meeting next year.

At the same time, Cai Ruichen also encourages all soldiers to actively participate in society. They do not need a blind date to be able to find someone. Unless they have a mission, they have at least three months of vacation, and they can also get an allowance for picking up girls. .

Cai Ruichen didn't worry that the soldiers of the Red Police Corps would come to chaos, he was afraid that they would be shy and dare not start.

Cai Ruichen also plans to organize such activities once a year. Each time the Red Police Corps participates in at least 100,000 people, because the base can recruit almost 100,000 soldiers each year.

Strive to solve one batch a year, and at the same time solve the problem of domestic gender imbalance.

Cai Ruichen's move can also be regarded as good intentions. After all, the soldiers are not pure in their six roots. They really have no desire or hope.

The problem of men and women is solved, and the Red Police Corps will not be too energetic.

And this move has a deeper chill.

Cai Ruichen hopes to use the family relationships formed by the Red Police Corps to better govern the country. The size of the Red Police Corps in the future will become larger and larger. Now it is hundreds of thousands, and in the future it will be millions or even millions. .

When the soldiers of the Red Police Corps begin to integrate into society, the impact that will bring will be a very large force.

And in the Arab world where men are inferior to women, being a male red police soldier will inevitably become the ideological dominance of the family.

It can affect everyone around it, and it can also affect the next generation.

Although this effect is minimal under the premise of a mind controller, it can also play a role in promoting.


Nearly three months have passed since the Washington attack in the temporary government office in Washington, USA.

Future Technology Group also delivered the second batch of antibody medicaments to the U.S. government, and is preparing to inject the poisoned people.

And in three months, because there were more than 8 million poisoned persons, this matter is still a highly regarded matter in the United States and the world.

The main focus is on two points. One point is when the eight million poisoned people can be completely rescued.

The Future Technology Group, which has high hopes, has never had a clear message, but simply stated that it will do its best to develop a way to save everyone.

Another concern is what will the US government do next? The maker of this attack, is anyone instigating it?

In fact, most of the people involved in the second point are Americans, and this trend is also secretly agitated by the US government itself.

The US government needs an external contradiction to shift the direction of public opinion in the country at this moment.

After three months have passed, more than 70,000 square kilometers of land around Langley has become a dead city.

Only when you wear a gas mask can you move around in this area, you can't live a normal life in such a place.

In these three months, all the corpses, hidden dangers, and wealth assets in this area were also transferred.

The US government has also completely designated this area as a forbidden zone, and no one is allowed to approach it except the government's permission.

The US government is also thinking of ways to eliminate the virus in this region, hoping to become a place where humans are allowed to live again.

This is the largest incident in the history of the United States, and the US government is therefore homeless.

It's just that there is no other way. The viruses in the air seem to be fixed in this area.

However, what really cares about the US government is the investigation results of this attack.

Like most people’s guesses, the U.S. government does not believe that an attack of this magnitude can be carried out only by a waning ISIS and a Baghdadi who has lost its momentum.

Behind this incident, there must be the support of state institutions, otherwise it would be impossible to organize such an efficient attack.

The real headache for the United States is the attack on the West Point Military Academy before the Washington attack and the attack on the North American Air Defense Command that was cracked in advance. These three things have never been able to find strong evidence that can be linked together.

From the point of view of time, these three events all occurred within 24 hours. This alone indicates that the three events are related to a certain degree.

However, the identity of the attacker could not find any common ground, which is also one of the difficulties in the investigation of these three incidents.

Three months have passed, and the United States has not gained nothing at all, but there is no firm and convincing evidence.

This makes the top Americans very dissatisfied. Compared with the previous 9/11 incidents and the three attacks until now, even the identities of the attackers cannot be determined.

And three months is also the longest realization that Austria and Bama have given the intelligence agencies, because he also needs to give the people an explanation.

With such a major attack, the number of direct deaths reached twelve million. It is not easy for the United States to tolerate it.

Brenty, the trusted top head of the CIA, was originally the head of the CIA's intelligence department. After successfully cracking the attack on the North American Air Defense Command, Brenty was appreciated by Obama and Bama and became the current helm of the CIA. people.

When he was in danger, he was carrying a heavy mission and mission since Brenti took office.

But three months later, the CIA launched all means, but even the identity of the attacker could not be completely determined.

Even the identities of these guys in the United States and the time when they entered the United States are still unclear.

This makes Brentty a headache. The CIA is now the time for Wang Xiaoer to celebrate the New Year. If he can no longer explain to the whole United States, Brentty feels that he is really going to be grilled on the fire.

In the three months that he became the head of the CIA, he never slept peacefully, or even returned home, every day he followed up the progress of the investigation.

After hearing the safety report routinely every day, Obama and Bama would also ask him about the new progress of the investigation work. Brenty felt that his pressure was increasing day by day.

There is no new progress in intelligence work. Three months have passed, and everyone is losing the last patience.

In the alternate office of the CIA, Brenti returned to his office haggardly. He had just reported to Austria and Bama on the security situation today, and the words of Austria and Bama also began to be severe, although they did not explicitly give him How much is the deadline, but he can clearly feel that his position as the director of the CIA will be unable to sit still.

In the CIA, countless people are staring at his position. If he hadn't been the chief of the intelligence department and an old man of the CIA, I am afraid that he would have been ousted by senior Americans who gradually distrusted his ability.

As soon as Brenty came back, the door of his office was pushed in. Seeing the people coming, the depression on Brenty's face disappeared a lot, showing a slight smile.

The person who entered is the person Brenty is most grateful for. It is the young man in front of him. Not only did he not be pushed to the gallows after the attack, but Yang Ruidu who got him promoted, A senior intelligence officer of Chinese descent.

After Brenti was promoted, he also entrusted this Chinese intelligence agent who had given him considerable help.

Among the four major departments of the CIA, the Intelligence Department has the greatest authority and responsibility, and it is also the department under Brunty's deepest control. After his promotion, Yang Ruidu was also promoted to the position of the second head of the Intelligence Department.

This is not only an affirmation of Yang Ruidu's achievements, but also to promote this honorable young man.

After Yang Ruidu took office, he performed very well. He gave full play to the ability of an excellent intelligence analyst. This is also a point that Brenty feels very relieved. The people he promoted are talented, and he also has face and achievements.

"Director, the investigation work has made new progress." As soon as Yang Ruidu came in, Brenty brought great news.

When Brenty saw the content of the intelligence, his face suddenly became excited and said, "Prepare the car."

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