The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1344: From iran

In the joyful Marin city, Cai Ruichen also ushered in a very important guest, Ayatollah from Iran's Oleima Priest Group.

Ayatollah is not a person's name, but a rank held by scholars with extremely high knowledge among the Iranian faith class.

There are many levels down, and up there is the level of the Great Ayatollah, and there is only one Great Ayatollah in Iran. That is Iran’s current supreme spiritual leader, Khamenei, and Iran Khomeini. Great Ayatollah.

This level does not only exist in Iran, it is universal in the beliefs of the Middle East world.

Whether it is Mohammed in Iraq or Ahmed in Syria, these two elders are also Ayatollahs. There are only 13 people at this level in the entire Arab world.

There are four in Iraq, four in Iran, and of course, there is a more advanced Khamenei.

This time it is Iran’s elder Akadullah on behalf of Iran’s Olemar Group’s official visit to the Islamic Federation.

Akadullah is known as God’s closest servant, and the inheritance has never been broken. There are tens of thousands of students in Iran, whether it is in the private sector or in the Iranian government, they have extremely high prestige.

He is also known as the most likely to become the new supreme spiritual leader after Khamenei, and he is currently the most powerful person in the Oulema Group.

Oulema is the general term for priests with knowledge in the Middle East, and it has existed for nearly one thousand two hundred years.

The Olemar class enjoys an important position in the social life of the Middle East countries. They spread knowledge to believers through preaching, accepting disciples, teaching, writing, etc., through law enforcement, interpretation, resolution of civil disputes, presided over daily church life, and care Activities such as community welfare and maintenance of public morals are the authoritative interpreters, advocates, and defenders of beliefs and doctrines, and are the backbone of Chinese belief and civilization.

In the Yi-Syrian Federation, there are many people who are Oleima, and there are six Ayatollahs (elders), and Cai Ruichen has always dealt with such groups.

In this place in the Middle East, as long as you want to make a difference, you must come into contact with the class of Olemar, which cannot be changed.

In my hometown, we want to engage in economic construction along the way, and through the Middle East, Iran is the key.

But if my hometown wants Iran to agree, it must be approved by the entire Oulema Group. As long as Iran’s Oulema Group agrees, it is equal to half of the success.

If Cai Ruichen wants to get something from Iran, or if he wants to cooperate with Iran, he must also fix the Olemar class in Iran.

The reason is very simple. In today's Iran, senior Oleima has mastered the state power and has become the backbone and spiritual mentor of the modern political system.

In modern times, O'Laema in other Middle Eastern countries has generally paid attention to and intervened in social and political life, and has established many political parties or organizations to protect their rights and interests.

Its basic ideological tendency is to oppose the secularization and westernization of the country and social life, resist the theories and policies of nationalism and the separation of state and religion, advocate the full implementation of the church rule of law, and strictly follow the spirit of doctrine to govern the country.

However, this momentum was stopped by Cai Ruichen from the beginning, because he was not Oulima, nor was he a religious class, and would not allow any doctrinal spirit to serve as a national legal system and system.

And this is also the main reason why the United States has always had no opinion on the peaceful reunification of Iraq and Syria.

Because Cai Ruichen will help the Western world again to solve these troublesome believers, and then kill these opportunities for Olemar to take power.

That's why the United States only supported Idris on stage and Cai Ruichen's plan to unify Syria by force.

From the perspective of culture and beliefs, Cai Ruichen is indeed making the United States speechless, and doing so makes the United States unable to express any excuses for dissatisfaction.

And this is the reason why neither Iraq nor the Syrian-Israel federation has any intersection with Iran.

Because in terms of the national political system, the two sides are completely different. Cai Ruichen follows a completely democratic line, pays attention to science and technology to govern the country, and advocates scientific development and technological economy. This is a far cry from Iran.

But this does not mean that Iran and the Syrian-Israel Federation cannot come together.

In the Yi-Syrian Federation, although Cai Ruichen did not belong to Olemar, he was supported by all the Olemar classes in the Yi-Syrian Federation. All six elders stood firmly behind Cai Ruichen.

This is also the basis for the development of the two sides, but the two sides have not had any effective contacts or formal high-level exchanges.

This is also because Israel has always existed before, so the two sides have a tacit understanding on many things.

Now, the situation has undergone a fundamental change, and the Middle East world is also full of fierce competition inside.

Before Cai Ruichen appeared, the three Arab countries of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Iran had been competing for the position of the leader in the Middle East.

Now there is no need to fight for everything. The strong rise of the Islamic Federation has made it clear to Iran that Iran has basically lost the opportunity to compete with the Islamic Federation for hegemony in the Middle East.

The most important thing is that the strong rise of the Iran-Syria Federation is on the side of Iran, which makes Iran always feel a little uneasy.

If it were not for the external relationship with the United States, Iran would not be able to maintain the so-called friendly relationship with its powerful neighbor, the Islamic Federation.

This is also the principle that will never change under the national political interests.

Without a common external threat, two neighboring powerful countries will never become friends.

The opportunity for the Islamic Federation and Iran to come together is given by the United States.

At the same time, Iran is naturally very wary of the Iran-Syria Federation, a powerful neighbor with excellent relations with Saudi Arabia.

The biggest purpose of Akadura's trip is to determine the unclear relationship between the two parties so far.

The current relationship between the Iran-Syria Federation and Iran is a headache for Iranians. Although Iran can obtain many key products under international sanctions from Future Technology Group, most of them are directly related to military industry, such as sophisticated electronic chips. Special metals, and many civilian products.

However, politically, the Iran-Syria Federation has never expressed its position, and has never had a very clear attitude towards Iran.

Under the obedience of the UN sanctions resolution on Iran, it is relatively tight on the outside and loose on the inside.

Iran is no longer willing to continue to speculate on this unclear relationship, so this time, the most important thing is to determine the political relationship between the two sides.

The residence of the Supreme Leader of the Isy-Syrian Federation is next to the Future Building, near the concept park.

This blank area close to the Marin City Academy Park, after the establishment of the Islamic Federation, began to construct the residence of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Federation, and other federal government agencies also broke ground.

Now, Cai Ruichen has also moved his office directly to the residence of the supreme leader, which also symbolizes the supreme power center of the Yixu Federation.

The hinterland is unnamed, and it looks very simple, it looks completely irrelevant to luxury.

Because the outside is covered with golden tiles, and there are some pavilions around the mansion, although it has not been officially named, the outside world has generally called it the imperial court, which is a metaphor for the royal courtyard.

This name was first called out by the Western world, and it also hinted at the Yi-Syrian Federation and the world. Cai Ruichen, the obvious dictator, is more like the emperor of the Yi-Syrian Federation.

It's just that such purposeful naming from the West has been happily accepted within the Iraq-Syrian Federation.

Also began to call the residence of the Supreme Leader the Imperial Court, which is also equivalent to the White House of the United States.

At the beginning of the Hua Deng, in the beaming Marin City, Akadura's motorcade also stopped in front of the imperial court, and Akadura was led into the imperial court under the personal guidance of Xu Jie.

This is the first foreign guest to visit since the imperial court was completed.

It's just that the outside world doesn't know. Cai Ruichen did not show any enthusiasm for the arrival of Akadura, and of course he did not lose even a cent of courtesy.

All the etiquettes that should have been fulfilled, otherwise, if the news of Akadullah's obvious cold reception here, spread back to Iran, then the entire Iranian society will not immediately become restless.

Although the apparent effort hasn't fallen at all, a discerning person can still see Cai Ruichen's deserted attitude.

It has been almost six hours since Akadura came to Marin City, Cai Ruichen arranged to meet him, and in the process, Akadura has been staying in the hotel of the future without anyone interested.

So don't expect Akadura to have any good looks. If the purpose of this trip is not very important, I am afraid that Akadura will leave this country, which in his opinion is very rude.

For these elders, sometimes small things are enough to make them hate them for a lifetime.

Just like Khomeini, who was expelled back then, was kept under surveillance by Saddam during his stay in Iraq. At the request of King Pahlavi, Khomeini was also driven to Paris, France.

It was also from that time that Khomeini remembered Saddam, and he did not even have a good impression of Saddam. After the Iran-Iraq War, the two were also enemies.

Although the current relationship between Iraq and Iran is completely different from before, there are some things that are not so easy to forget.

However, when Akadura approached Cai Ruichen's office in the imperial court, Cai Ruichen, who was very deserted to him, waited in it with great enthusiasm.

"Elder Akadura, are you angry?" Two steps forward, Cai Ruichen said with a smile, and stretched out his right hand towards Akado.

Facing the kind-looking Cai Ruichen, Akadura was stunned for a moment, but he reacted immediately and stretched out his right hand, saying, "Mr. Cai, what is the meaning of this?"

Akadura is not a fool either. Seeing Cai Ruichen's attitude at the moment and the coldness he showed are completely two extremes.

This made him very puzzled. If Cai Ruichen really wanted to neglect himself, there is no need to do so now.

Is it to save it?

Thinking of this possibility, Akadura immediately dispelled the possibility.

Cai Ruichen did not rush to explain, but asked Akadura to invite him to sit on the sofa in his reception room, and then asked, "Is it possible to think of Elder Akadura's idea?"

Akadura's achievements today are mainly based on his own wisdom and knowledge. Upon hearing Cai Ruichen's rhetorical question, he immediately thought of the answer and said: "America."

"This is natural. The current U.S. policy in the Middle East has reached a situation that must be completely changed. Although the United States is very stable on the surface, it is secretly anxious. I believe the Iranian government can feel it!" Cai Ruichen said. .

Akadura nodded. The United States has always been the most concerned Western country in the Middle East. Nothing else, the United States has the greatest interest in this area.

Especially for Iran, the United States has been influencing Iranian politics since World War II, and in history, the United States is the third country to intervene in Iran’s internal politics.

The first country was Britain from the eighteenth century, the other was the Soviet Union, and now the United States.

The influence of the United States in Iran was expelled by Khomeini. The Iranian hostage crisis that shocked the world back then is also the best interpretation of the relationship between Iran and the United States.

And now, the Iranian nuclear issue, from which the United States is moving from left to right.

What Iran wants most is to quickly resolve the current international sanctions, because only by contacting sanctions will Iran have a better development environment and opportunities.

This is also the place where Iran is most anxious. Seeing that the Iran-Syria Federation on the side is getting stronger and stronger, and Iran has been stagnating, the Iranians are even more unable to sit still.

However, the nuclear negotiations have not made thorough progress, and negotiations in many places have always been dragged by the United States.

Even if the Iranians feel anxious, they are also anxious. Even after the natural gas project has been negotiated with Europe, European countries cannot help Iran at this point. If they succeed in influencing the United States, then Iran itself has no other way. .

As the world's second largest natural gas reserve country, Iran can obtain huge economic benefits in a short time by exporting natural, and these benefits are an excellent driving force for Iran's rapid development.

Now, Iran’s construction of natural gas pipelines to the Far East and Europe has been completed, and the international sanctions are almost lifted.

Once the international sanctions are lifted, Iran’s natural gas can quickly earn Iran a huge amount of foreign exchange, and these foreign exchanges can also allow Iran to immediately import a large amount of continuous equipment.

Iran will also usher in a golden period of development, but what makes Iranians uncomfortable is that the United States was also very active at the beginning, but it has been stigmatizing it all the time.

The reason is that the Iranians themselves understand that on the one hand it is the relationship between Saudi Arabia and the relationship between the Iran and Syria.

In the beginning, the United States needed to limit Iran to maintain the balance of power in the Middle East, but now the United States has to start again on the nuclear issue in order to ease relations with Saudi Arabia and continue to drag on.

Although there is no direct relationship with the Iraq-Syria Federation, there is a key indirect relationship.

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