The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1312: Leaked virus

Just as the international community was shaking and speculating, under the Langley headquarters, the Reaper Force also photographed all the chemicals in the entire CIA chemical weapons warehouse.

Even Shen Lei took a bit of every potion in it, and planned to leave it to the combat laboratory for research.

These chemical reagents are placed in this place, and most of them have been mass-produced. They are obviously chemical weapons currently in use by the CIA.

It has high research value, and even if there is no research value, these photos and taken samples can be used as evidence to prove that the US intelligence agency, in violation of the United Nations Chemical Weapons Convention, is still developing chemical weapons and is still on a small scale. The secret use of chemical weapons.

Once this news is exposed, it will certainly cause considerable trouble to the United States. After all, as early as the last century, all countries banned the development and production of chemical weapons. All chemical weapons were either sealed or destroyed.

However, no country really abides by such a convention at all, and all countries are secretly carrying out relevant research in this area.

After all, the killing effect of chemical weapons is no less destructive than nuclear weapons.

Especially those advanced chemical weapons that target different genes are truly terrible white deaths. This kind of genetically targeted chemical weapons can target specific human populations.

In the beginning, this kind of chemical weapon could only be distinguished from whites, blacks, and yellow races, but now, this kind of chemical weapon can even calm a certain group of people in a country.

Humans have different genetic maps, but the same race still has many of the same genes, and the direction of modern chemical weapons research is aimed at this same genetic race.

This targeted virus only targets specific races and will not cause any harm to other races.

If this virus may be okay, it will not exterminate humans, but most of the chemical weapons viruses, especially those genetic viruses, bring catastrophic results.

Just like Vietnam, many Vietnamese in the northern mountainous areas, under the virus remaining from the American gas bomb, most of the descendants that continue to be deformed, and such viruses and bacteria still remain in the jungle, and even change many jungles. It has become a place of death, and for thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years, nothing will grow.

What is really terrible is the genetic virus. This virus can invade the human body silently, but does not harm human life, but it acts on the offspring. It is either deformed or infertile.

In fact, these chemical weapons are not far away from everyone, and they have always attracted the attention of the international community.

Even in the United States, it is only a small batch of secret research. Once exposed, it will be considered as the United States, which is not a small problem.

And if an ordinary small country is exposed to such information, it will surely become the enemy of the whole people, and even cause a war.

Wasn't Saddam destroyed because of the development and possession of weapons of mass destruction?

Although this news is ultimately only a false intelligence, an American lie, it can also be seen from it that chemical weapons and weapons of mass destruction have the weight in the minds of all countries.

And when Shen Lei began to collect the information inside, the large amount of flowing chemical potions in the warehouse was also rapidly evaporating.

In just a few minutes, the liquid on the ground had completely evaporated.

Seeing this scene, Shen Lei frowned instinctively, and looked back at the safe passage leading to the outside behind him. He seemed to have a feeling that he might be in trouble now.

From these rapidly evaporating liquids, Shen Lei seemed to have smelled the breath of death. The reason was very simple. Most of the chemical liquids that can quickly radiate into the air are not benign things.

The vibration of the collapsed building above caused the bottles containing chemicals to fall to the ground and shattered. Previously, because the air inside was not circulating, the emission was very slow. Now that there is circulating air coming in, these chemicals can be quickly emitted.

As for what kind of consequences it would bring, Shen Lei didn't know, and he couldn't predict it.

But he knows one thing, if this kind of virus needs air to be ingested in the human body to be effective, then they are still safe.

If it works directly through skin contact, they have all won the bid.

Fortunately, a few minutes passed, and there was no discomfort inside or outside the body, which also made Shen Lei relieved.

"Prepare to enter the enemy." After collecting the information in the chemical arsenal, Shen Lei glanced at the only exit of the warehouse.

This is their current entrance and the only exit for people inside.

Shen Lei knew very well that time was running out and could not continue to wait, otherwise even if they could complete the task, they would not be able to leave this place.

Just when the blaster was about to explode the warehouse door, the door opened slowly and suddenly.

Shen Lei waved his hand quickly, and the blaster immediately retreated. At this moment, the door was half open. On the opposite side was a group of agents who seemed to be gathering. Each agent was fully armed.

It's just that these agents didn't expect that they came to Warehouse No. 3 to gather and prepare to go out. When they opened the warehouse door, they saw a group of militants dressed in the Middle East.

At this moment, they didn't even have time to think, because the Reaper troops in the warehouse had all opened fire.

Intensive bullets and gunfire broke the calm of this underground research room again.

The scientific researchers and non-combatants who were being evacuated to the safe house suddenly slowed down when they heard the gunshots, and then everyone speeded up.

The sound of gunfire in such a place means it is very abnormal.

Outside Warehouse No. 3, most of the first group of agents who were about to leave the underground research room had no time to dodge, and were sent to see God by a sudden bullet.

Only a few agents who were not within the ballistic range managed to escape.

The battle also began immediately in the underground research room.

Fighting with the agents inside, every soldier of the Reaper's troops had already been prepared before they came here.

After all, the object to be attacked is the tightly defensive CIA headquarters. Don't think about secret infiltration, that is completely impossible.

However, to their expectations, when the battle lasted less than 30 seconds, the gunfire on the opposite side stopped one by one.

What followed was a painful wailing outside the warehouse. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search "" or enter the URL:

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