The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1162: Storms gather in South Asia

The disappearance of the Indian navy made many other ships who were watching the excitement near the Arabian Sea very disappointed.

As the Iraqi and home fleet left the Persian Gulf, the ships escorting in the Gulf of Aden all deliberately transferred their ships to the Arabian Sea, intending to finally get this huge fleet.

Even if you can't get close to the aircraft carrier, it's good to be able to photograph the opponent's peripheral warships.

In the sky, many large-scale reconnaissance aircraft hover around the fleet from time to time. There are even aircraft directly moving near the navigating warship, dropping sonar buoys to collect the water patterns and sounds of these new warships. The characteristics of the nano signal.

These data will be the largest basis for identifying these warships in the future, especially for submarines, which are lurking underwater, to distinguish the model and type of warships, and even determine which warship it is, relying on the database to compare before. Data collected.

If all the warship data can be collected, then the submarine can distinguish each ship.

Because the water ripples and sonar signals of each ship are almost all unique.

In the fleet, aboard an Aegis air defense cruiser, the commander-in-chief of the Iraqi Navy Zhang Kaixin stood with Wu Sheng indifferently.

The two stood on the bridge, looking at the two reconnaissance planes in the outer sky, their expressions were not at all nervous.

Such investigations are impossible to avoid, and when they set sail, they are already prepared.

"I heard that the Indian fleet has returned?" Wu Sheng said to Zhang Kaixin.

"Yes, I thought I could witness the demeanor of the Indian Navy up close. It seems that Brother A is also very knowledgeable about current affairs." Zhang Kaixin said with a smile.

"That's really a pity." Wu Sheng didn't feel any funny at all. He was the admiral of his hometown or the commander-in-chief of the navy in his hometown.

And Zhang Kaixin beside him is also an admiral and the commander-in-chief of the Iraqi navy. Both of them are qualified to stand together regardless of their status or status.

Of course, this is also not the same as the current Iraqi navy. Otherwise, if the Iraqi navy used to be a few small boats with machine guns and 45mm artillery, it would be of no value even if it were to create a navy marshal.

And the current Iraqi navy, even if it is a major general, it is full of weight, because a major general, let alone the commander of an aircraft carrier battle group, the fleet commander is at least a lieutenant general.

At present, Iraq has not established a fleet, only two aircraft carrier battle groups, and Zhang Kaixin, who is in charge of all aspects of the Iraqi navy, is not inferior to the naval commander of any country.

However, Wu Sheng, standing next to Zhang Kaixin, seemed a bit awkward. The admiral uniforms on the two looked similar in style, and they were both admirals.

But in fact, there is a huge difference in age between the two. Although Zhang Kaixin looks mature, in fact, he is a young man who has not yet arrived.

And Wu Sheng had known his fate early, and he even looked a bit like his grandchildren for two years.

This is also the biggest characteristic of the Iraqi military at present, that is, talent and youth. Zhao Long, the Minister of Defense of Iraq, is also quite young.

None of the officers and generals of the Iraqi Defense Forces are over 30 years old. This is also the youngest army among all the armed forces in the world.

However, Wu Sheng did not look down on the admiral because of his young age. In the past few days, he has really seen that the Iraqi generals who seem to be all young, in fact, can be called each one. For the battlefield veteran.

This caused Wu Sheng to sigh more than once, saying that he was shameless and was not strong enough to do things. This sentence was placed in the Iraqi army, which is exactly the opposite.

It's just that every time I see the vigorous look of the Iraqi generals, those generals in my hometown are all generals who have reached the age of no confusion or knowing their destiny, and they all feel a deep shame.

Even when Wu Sheng left Iraq, he wondered whether to send a young naval student to the Iraqi Naval Officer School for further training.

This can be regarded as an in-depth exchange between the two navies. It is necessary for the future successors of the navy to see the atmosphere in the Iraqi navy.

For this reason, Wu Sheng is now preparing this report, ready to submit it to the big boss, and let the big boss make a typesetting decision.

If possible, both the Army and Air Force academies can also send exchange students to Iraq to study and exchange.

"Do you want to drive those reconnaissance planes?" Zhang Kaixin suddenly turned around and said to Wu Sheng.

"For what reason do you drive? A routine warning, I am afraid that the drive will have no effect." Wu Sheng thought for a while and said.

"Then let them go. If I don't drive away, there is no need to warn." Zhang Kaixin shook his head, and then said: "Actually, the Indian Ocean is okay. What I am worried about is that when I reach the Far East, I will have more eyes around. ."

Zhang Kaixin's words are very reasonable. Near the Indian Ocean, the warships of other countries are all beyond their reach. Apart from India, there is no powerful naval state.

The two reconnaissance planes now are India's maritime anti-submarine reconnaissance planes.

Except for the two Indian reconnaissance planes, there are a few reconnaissance ships just outside the fleet, and there is nothing left.

Regarding Zhang Kaixin's words, Wu Sheng nodded solemnly and said: "That is inevitable. I am afraid that once the Malacca Strait is crossed, it will be surrounded by various warships and aircraft."

When Zhang Kaixin heard the words, he seemed to think of something, and the corner of his mouth curled up and said: "Then I really look forward to such a scene, whether it is the Raptors crossing the river, or the strong dragons that are difficult to crush the snakes."

Wu Sheng shook his head when he heard Zhang Kaixin's words, and did not continue to say anything.

His heart has long since drifted away. When he set out, he received a report from Several warships of the Japanese Navy had arrived in Southeast Asia.

Japan even has two P-8 anti-submarine aircraft temporarily applying for stationing in the Philippines, the meaning is very obvious, it is for the returning fleet group.

At the same time, the Vietnamese navy has also moved. The USS Ford, Washington, and Truman aircraft carrier battle groups have all deliberately assembled and departed from Hong Kong. They are active in the Western Pacific and can travel to Southeast Asia at any time.

After seeing these news, Wu Sheng had also thoroughly felt that even though the fleet had not returned to China, the wind and rain had already drifted to the Indian Ocean.

In the returning fleet, the two aircraft carriers have no carrier-based aircraft at all, and they have no combat effectiveness at all. Even if there is no combat, it is difficult to have a direct deterrent effect.

So this time, Zhang Kaixin will personally take the Baghdad aircraft carrier battle group, follow his home fleet, and return to China.

Not only for the purpose of strengthening the home fleet, but also to announce to the world that the Iraqi Navy has officially risen.

(To be continued.)

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